xoves, 25 de novembro de 2021

Actualización: Que pasa coa Mina de Touro? #MinaTouroOPinoNON #Ecoloxía #Medioambiente #Galicia #Mineria

Hai cousa dun ano, a Xunta de Galicia anunciaba que rexeitaba a apertura da Mina de Touro. Para os colectivos que durante máis de dous anos se mobilizaron contra este proxecto, foi unha vitoria que xa me anunciaban temporal.

As súas desconfianzas viñeron a ser certas. Agora un novo proxecto obriga a poñer o ollo de novo nas ameazas medioambientais que afectarían a grandes áreas e sectores sociais e económicos galegos. Falamos con Julia Barbosa, da Plataforma Mina Touro-O Pino NON, quen nos deu información actualizada de como está este tema agora mesmo.

mércores, 3 de novembro de 2021

Kenny MacAskill calls for a Public Inquiry into the decisions about Ferguson Marine shipyard #Scotland #Shipyard #FergusonMarine

Alba Depute Leader and MP for East Lothian Kenny MacAskill calls for a Public Inquiry into the decisions leading up to the administration and eventual nationalisation of Ferguson Marine shipyard at Port Glasgow as well as the ongoing issues involved in the procurement of vessels. 

The last remaining shipyard on the lower Clyde was taken over by the entrepreneur Jim McColl in 2014 but delays and cost pressures  with regard to ferries 801 and 802 led to Ferguson Marine Engineering Limited  (FMEL) being put into administration in 2019 and eventually nationalised by the Scottish Government in December 2019.  The Scottish Parliament’s Rural Economy and Connectivity committee inquiry concluded in December 2020 that the management of the procurement of the vessels at the yard was a “catastrophic failure”.