xoves, 29 de abril de 2021
ACERGA invita aos nenos e nenas de Galicia a participar en : «O Cerco, un xeito de vida» #OCerco #Pesca #Mar #Galicia #Aprendendo #OMarédetodos
Durante este 2021, ACERGA ha decidido dar continuidad a esta campaña por lo que la «Sardiña Albertiña», junto a su compañero el «xurelo Manolo», han emprendido su viaje por toda Galicia visitando los centros educativos de Camariñas, Malpica, Ribeira y Vigo, enseñando a los/as niños/as cómo se realiza la pesca de cerco, las principales especies capturadas y su importancia nutricional, así como un poco sobre la historia y tradición del cerco en Galicia.
Platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists : Launch of the 2021 Platform Annual Report #MediaFreedom #Journalism
mércores, 28 de abril de 2021
EU- UK : a new partnership - Euro Parliament #Brexit #Europa #ReinoUnido #UK #EU
Where are we with the EU-UK relationship? The European Parliament has given its backing to the Trade and Cooperation Agreement – the deal which, along with the 2020 Withdrawal Agreement, sets out the future partnership between the UK and the EU. The deal aims for the EU to continue trading with the UK with minimal disruption and to cooperate in areas where it is mutually beneficial. What does the Trade and Cooperation agreement cover? It covers basic issues such as trade in goods and services and sets out a level playing field for environmental protection, state aid and workers' rights. It also has provisions on policing and judicial cooperation, a framework for sharing fishing quotas, research and transport. Will things be like they were before? Not quite. The agreement provides a basis for cooperation between the EU and the UK, but it won't replace the advantages of being an EU member. For example UK citizens no longer enjoy the right to live and work where they like in the EU. What about citizens' rights? They were covered in the Withdrawal Agreement. Parliament insists that the UK stands by this deal signed in 2020. It protects the rights of EU citizens in the UK and those of British citizens living in the EU. It also has special provisions to avoid a hard border on the island of Ireland and maintain peace in Northern Ireland. And how have the rules changed on trade? The deal removes the need for quotas or tariffs, but as with trade with any non-EU country there is a need for checks. That means there will be more paperwork and additional customs costs.
martes, 27 de abril de 2021
domingo, 25 de abril de 2021
Scottish Independence Podcast - YesCowal and IndyLive Radio #Indyref2021 #Indyref2 #Scotland #Polls
As the all important Holyrood 2021 election enters its final fortnight, Daytime show hosts Valerie Gauld and Marlene Halliday's guests this week included two of our leading pollsters, Scotland goes Pop blogger James Kelly and political scientist Prof. Sir John Curtice from the University of Strathclyde.
Both guests bring valuable insight to help us assess what exactly the polls are telling us and what the chances are that those polls are correct. What will it all mean for Holyrood and ultimately for the independence movement.
You won't want to miss this one!
Some serious questions to you all about #MSM #Bias #Scotland #Manipulation #Indyref2 #Holyrood2021
This is a banner from 2014
sábado, 24 de abril de 2021
venres, 23 de abril de 2021
Interview with Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh, Alba Party Candidate - Entrevista con Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh, candidate do Alba Party #Scotland #Holyrood2021 #Women #Indyref2
Encargada da Área de Igualdade e Muller durante moitísimos anos no SNP, preséntase agora como candidata do recén nacido Alba Party por Escocia Centro coa clara intención de acelerar o proceso dun segundo referendo de independencia e pelexar polos dereitos das mulleres e da comunidade LGTB.
Con ela falei, entre moitos temas, do sesgo e censura da prensa escocesa, especialmente da BBC, que dende a campaña do referendo en 2014 botaron por terra toda a fama de obxectividade que lles acompañaba. A canle non é máis que propaganda do Goberno británico para desprestixiar calquera opción política que pelexe pola soberanía de Escocia.
xoves, 22 de abril de 2021
OFCOM Committee to examine BBC role in campaign #Holyrood2021 #BBCbias #Manipulation #FairCoverage
Queremos galego convoca concentración na praza do Obradoiro para o 17 de maio #QueremosvivirenGalego #Lingua #17Maio2021
⚡️ #QueremosVivirEnGalego
— Queremos Galego! (@QueremosGalego) April 21, 2021
Será o cancelo que empregaremos este 17 de maio para difundir toda a información sobre este día. pic.twitter.com/8p5vkmM2mL
mércores, 21 de abril de 2021
Entrevista con Moreida Lord sobre la actualidad escocesa #Escocia #Indyref2 #AlbaParty #SNP #Holyrood2021
Alex Salmond Launches ALBA Party Manifesto : “SHAKE THINGS UP” #Scotland #Holyrood2021 #AlbaParty
- ALBA are one month old as a political party.
- The manifesto is the product of three ALBA policy conferences held with the assistance of independent experts including Professor Harry Burns, Professor Lindsay Paterson, former Governor of Corton Vale Rhona Hotchkiss, Dr Nighet Riaz and Gareth Wardell.
- ALBA has 32 candidates standing across Scotland on the regional list ballot - 18 women and 14 men.
- ALBA now has 5000 members, 2 MPs and some 20 elected Councillors across Scotland.
- ALBA is an independence supporting social democratic political party standing for economic prosperity, social equality and environmental responsibility.
- ALBA stands for much more urgency in the pursuit of independence and will table a motion in three weeks time instructing the Scottish Government to immediately begin independence negotiations with Westminster.
- ALBA believe that they can contribute to an independence #supermajority noting that if even half of previous SNP voters switch to ALBA on the regional list then an additional 20 plus independence supporting MSPs will be elected.
- ALBA advocate that the election of the independence #supermajority will change the power balance between Scotland and Westminster in Scotland’s favour with up to 90 MSPs supporting independence elected in a parliament of 129.
- Three quarters of all voters, including nearly 90 per cent of SNP supporters, reject the idea that it is “cheating” for ALBA to stand only on the regional list and instead believe it is for voters to decide who to vote for - (Panelbase Polling)
- The ALBA direct route to independence including an Independence Commission reporting to a Special Committee of the Scottish Parliament and a Convention of all Scottish Parliamentarians meeting in the Royal High School Chamber.
- The ALBA economic reconstruction plan is fundamentally more ambitious than anything else on offer by mobilising capital through the Scottish National Investment Bank to finance socially rented housing and other key infrastructure projects.
- The creation of a Scottish National Renewables Corporation to finance the transition from a carbon based economy. The SNRC will receive an automatic shareholding of all licensed energy projects of 30 MW and above.
- The introduction of a development land value tax to disincentivise the hoarding of land resources.
- A proposal for a written Constitution for an independent Scotland.
- Free school breakfasts and lunches for nursery, primary and secondary pupils using high quality Scottish produce centrally purchased with menus devised by leading Scottish chefs and nutritionists - every week of the year.
- A proposal for Scotland to join the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and through EFTA admission to the European Economic Area while maintaining the Common Travel Area and potentially a customs union with the rest of the U.K. This would serve as either an interim position from which to negotiate EU membership or a long term proposal depending on the view of the Scottish people.
- The strongest defence of women’s rights and single-sex spaces proposing a Citizens Assembly to reconcile the search for equality with the hard won rights of women.
- A new Scottish currency to be introduced at an early date following independence with sterling still used as a dual currency over a period of time.
- The introduction of a second revising chamber for Holyrood based on a proposal from the Citizens Assembly
- Doubling of the Educational Maintenance Allowance
- Recognition for role of black taxis and private hire by matching Northern Irish Covid support payments
- Campaigning for WASPI women
- The Scottish Parliament to immediately apply for observer status in the parliamentary wing of the Nordic Council and the parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe.
- Reframing public sector purchasing and procurement to favour Scottish and locally based business.
- Build a new generation of world-class modern care homes which are better and safer for residents and more efficient in running costs.
- A major expansion of available capital from the Scottish National Investment Bank to offer finance from start up companies emerging from universities and colleges.
- Hold a Festival of Scotland in 2023 to promote our arts, our cultural heritage and the opportunities beckoning for the arts to flourish in a newly independent country.
- Sports and gym facilities to be provided free to the under 18s
- A Disability National Support Centre to be established to provide guidance on accessibility products and disability mentoring.
martes, 20 de abril de 2021
domingo, 18 de abril de 2021
sábado, 17 de abril de 2021
venres, 16 de abril de 2021
Conversation with Gareth Wardell - Grouse Beater #Scotland #Spain #History #Politics #Art #Cine
xoves, 15 de abril de 2021
ACTIVIDADE RECOMENDADA : Museo do Pobo Galego : Décima edición de "A voltas co baile" #Baile #Galicia #Cultura #Danza
Gratuíto para socios e socias.
"Trátase da décima edición de "A voltas co baile" que celebraremos no auditorio do Museo, o venres 30 de abril en horario de tarde. Este ano centrarase nos usos actuais do baile tradicional e para isto contaremos coa experiencia de diferentes profesionais que utilizan esta parte do noso Patrimonio Cultural en ámbitos como a educación regrada, a terapia ou a danza contemporánea.
O programa das xornadas é o seguinte:
· De 18h30 a 19h. Relatorio - O baile tradicional na educación regrada. Uxío Leira.
· De 19h a 19h30. Relatorio - O baile tradicional na terapia: danzando a vida. Bea Díaz.
· De 19h30 a 20h. Espazo de diálogo entre o público, Uxío Leira e Bea Díaz.
· De 20h a 21h. Diálogo - O baile tradicional na danza contemporánea. Janet Novás e Jaime Pablo Díaz."
mércores, 14 de abril de 2021
Briefing with Mr. Alex Salmond - Foreign Press Asociation in London (FPA) #InternationalPressConference #Scotland #AlbaParty
Answering to an Italian journalist, @AlexSalmond says the best quality of @NicolaSturgeon is her high communication level & praises her for the way she has handled the pandemic especially compared to Boris Johnson. But he thinks she is too timid in the independence issue
— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) April 14, 2021
Great questions from Foreign Media in event organized by @FPALondon.🤓
— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) April 14, 2021
More than 100 journalist from all over the World are participating in this chat with @AlexSalmond #AlbaParty #Holyrood2021
Thank you to @AlexSalmond @AlbaParty for a very useful press briefing with International journalists working for media across the world. There was a huge crowd and it was very informative, ahead of the upcoming elections in Scotland 🏴🏴🏴 pic.twitter.com/eQ81pX6jSv
— Foreign Press Association in London (@FPALondon) April 14, 2021
martes, 13 de abril de 2021
John Buchan, of the Peterhead boat FAIRLINE, has declared in support of the new ALBA Party // Importante apoio ao Alba Party do patrón de Pesca, John Buchan #FishingSector #
Excepcional e importantísimo apoio explícito dun dos patróns de Pesca con máis experiencia de Escocia ao Alba Party e á independencia de Escocia
John Buchan, patrón e armador de Aberdeen:
"Se aparecera en Peterhead mañán, entón tería que aprender a nadar moi rápido porque probablemente sería tirado ao peirao porque utilizou a industria pesquera escocesa como fútbol político"...." #FishingSector #Brexitluns, 12 de abril de 2021
Mobilización o día 21 de abril, da Plataforma SOS Sanidade Pública de Galicia #Sergas #SanidadePública #SOSSanidadePública #Privatizacións #Galicia #GZ
sábado, 10 de abril de 2021
Rosalia TV - Interview with Eva Comrie, Alba Party Candidate for Mid Scotland and Fife - #WomensConference #WomenSpeak #AlbaWomen
Un pequeno resumo da Conferencia de Mulleres do #AlbaParty
— RosaliaTV (@rosalia_tv) April 10, 2021
Dende Rosalia TV ofreceremos nestes días unhas entrevistas sobre o que está acontecendo no mundo da muller en #Escocia 😊 pic.twitter.com/np5JHLUGeX