mércores, 31 de marzo de 2021

The Alba Party candidates // A candidatura de Alba Party #Holyrood2021 #Scotland #Escocia #MaxtheYes #Supermajority #AlbaParty

Por que moitas mulleres de Escocia se unen ao Alba Party #Women #Scotland #WomensRights #AlbaParty #SNP


Unha das grandes desafeccións coas políticas do SNP ven da aprobación de leis como a GRA ou a Hate Crime  Bill que moitas persoas coas que falo me explican que son políticas que fallan na protección dos dereitos das mulleres. Denise ve ao Alba Party de xeito positivo nesta àrea. Outra grande cuestión é cómo é posible que haxa mulleres que queiran estar nun partido liderado por Alex Salmond e Denise Findlay o explica moi ben neste artigo: primeiro porque é un home que foi absolto de todos os cargos por unha xuiza muller e un xurado popular formado maioritariamente por mulleres  e segundo, porque teñen a esperanza de que os dereitos das mulleres de Escocia sexan defendidos polo Alba Party. A Asamblea de mulleres do Partido de Escocia terá lugar en poucos días. As eleccións a Holyrood celebraránse o 6 de maio. 

luns, 29 de marzo de 2021

The AFI and the ISP withdraw their candidates from Holyrood 2021 // Partidos independentistas retiran candidaturas para Holyrood 2021 #MaxtheYes #Holyrood21 #Scotland #Escocia #Eleccions



Eleccións ao Parlamento Escocés 2021 en Rosalía TV // Holyrood 2021 Elections in Rosalia TV #Scotland #Escocia #Eleccións #ScottishParliament #independence

Video en Galego

English video


venres, 26 de marzo de 2021

Alex Salmond retorna a política cunha nova formación e coas vistas postas na independencia #Escocia #SuperYesMajority #Holyrood2021

Había rumores, sospeitas, pero ninguén sabía a ciencia certa que era o que se traía entre mans Alex Salmond. 

Os últimos acontecementos e o cruce de acusacións das dúas comisións de investigación sobre o expediente contra a súa persoa remataron cunha comunicación na que o ex primeiro ministro escocés anunciaba accións legais contra a Secretaria Permanente do Goberno escocés e tamén a denuncia formal na Police Scotland para que se investigue a filtración ao Daily Record (aparentemente feita por algún traballador do Goberno escocés). Non fará máis declaracións sobre este tema; agora deixará ao curso da xustiza e a policía facer o seu traballo.

O seu comunicado era, tal e como así o indicaba no último parágrafo, punto e aparte para centrarse no importante: o futuro de Escocia. 

Hoxe , na presentación dunha nova formación "ALBA PARTY" e en declaración oficial para a prensa, presentou aos catro primeiros candidatos e en días vindeiros, se presentarán máis, ao calor da asamblea que terán en breve e onde explicarán con todo luxo de detalles  o seu plan para a reactivación económica de Escocia despois da pandemia e por suposto, a súa visión de como o seu país pode acadar a independencia. 

Nunhas eleccións onde o SNP parte como organización maioritaria de cara as eleccións de maio ao Parlamento de Holyrood, e con outras novas organizacións independentistas como ISP ou AFI, vai ser moi interesante a repercusión que teña a partires de agora a presenza dun peso pesado que sempre se reinventa a si mesmo e que sorprende a propios e extranos. 

A súa pelexa non é contra o SNP, o seu obxectivo non é dividir o voto independentista senón acadar unha SUPERMAIORÍA nas eleccíons de maio para reforzar as decisións cara a independencia, presentando candidatos ás listas e non ás circunscripcións onde é previsible gañe o SNP.

Neste blog comparto con vós o material presentado hoxe polo propio Alex Salmond. 

O impacto que pode ter este anuncio na sociedade escocesa e mesmo na europea vai ser grande e provoca moitas incógnitas que se irán respondendo ao longo da campaña e cando se coñeza se o obxectivo final puido ou non ser acadado. 


mércores, 24 de marzo de 2021


“This is my third and final public statement on the subject of the parliamentary and Hamilton investigations and the Dunlop Review.
The Inquiries are over and despite their manifest limitations, the findings are in and must be accepted, just like the verdicts of juries and the judgements of courts.
A year ago, outside the High Court, I said that there was evidence which I wished to see the light of day. Some of that key material, including the government legal advice, eventually emerged through the Parliamentary Committee. Much of it did not.
A month ago, I gave public evidence to the Parliamentary Inquiry itself. I called for some in leadership positions to consider their position. It is in the public interest that such action be taken to prevent a damaging erosion of trust in the institutions of government. As the record shows I did not call for the resignation of the First Minister.
I have waited to see the response from those individuals to the publication of the Inquiry reports. Unfortunately, it appears that the clear intention is to carry on regardless.
Thus I intend to take two specific actions which emerge directly from the findings of these reports.
First, the Parliamentary Committee has made clear that the catastrophic failures in this matter are not just systemic, but can properly be laid at the door of individuals, and in particular, the Permanent Secretary.

(para 599 Committee Report)
I was previously forced to take the Permanent Secretary to the Court of Session over the illegality of her actions and was successful. Despite being found responsible for that unlawful and unfair process and incurring a vast and avoidable cost to the taxpayer of over £600,000 in legal expenses, the Permanent Secretary did not offer her resignation on January 8th 2019.
Now, more than two years later, and despite the most damning condemnation from a Committee in the history of the modern Scottish Parliament, the Permanent Secretary still refuses to accept real responsibility.
Instead, the waste of public resources has continued to grow as has the impact on all the people concerned.
This cannot stand. I have therefore taken legal advice and will shortly be instructing my lawyers to bring proceedings in the Court of Session arising as a direct result of the conduct of the Permanent Secretary.  I hope it is the only legal action that I am required to take.
I have complete faith in the outcome of that Court process, coming as it does with all the proper powers of recovery of documents and thus the ability to properly interrogate those individuals responsible, the absence of which so restricted the Parliamentary Committee.  
Secondly, the report of Mr James Hamilton makes clear that the question of the leak of the story of the original complaints in August 2018 was not part of his remit but should instead be referred to the Police.
The Parliamentary Committee Report was fully condemnatory of that same leak noting the extreme level of damage to all concerned. I agree.

(para 17 of Hamilton Report , paras 408-414 of Committee report) 
I will accordingly now make that complaint to the Police and allow them to discover who within the Scottish Government was responsible for passing these details to the Daily Record newspaper. I have every confidence that Police Scotland will pursue that matter with rigour.
I intend to make no further public comment on these issues and will leave the police and the courts to do their job.

Instead I intend to move on, just as Scotland should now move on to debate the key election issues before us all, principally economic recovery from the pandemic and the future independence of our country.”

From alex@alexsalmond.scot

Nicola Sturgeon survives the Tory Motion of No Confidence vía Scottish Parliament #Scotland #ScottishParliament #NoConfidenceVote

martes, 16 de marzo de 2021

David Davis MP uses parliamentary privilege in the House of Commons to give details about the conspiracy against Alex Salmond

OMG. I'm in shock. How did it come to this?

David Davis MP uses parliamentary privilege in the House of Commons to give details about the conspiracy against Alex Salmond... (and of course to smear the SNP just before elections)

Adjournment: Scottish Civil Service and the operation of the Scotland Act 1998

luns, 15 de marzo de 2021

Cambia o "mood", activa o modo bosque - #1foto1arbore #Compostela

luns, 8 de marzo de 2021

venres, 5 de marzo de 2021

Nota de Prensa da Plataforma contra a Mina Touro-O Pino #MinaTouroOPinoNON #Ecoloxía #Sentidiño #Activismo

Iluminados contra un proxecto sin garantías

No mes de febreiro de 2020,  soupemos das conclusións dunha DIA negativa que anulaba o proxecto da mina a ceo aberto nos concellos de Touro e O Pino e que concluía:

“A reactivación da actividade mineira prevista vai supoñer unha nova presión sobre os sistemas fluviais e as augas subterráneas, sen que se garanta que non se vaia a producir un novo impacto negativo sobre o cliclo hídrico e sen que conste na formulación actual da avaliación practicada a necesaria conformidade da unidade competente en materia de planificación hidrolóxica do Organismo de Bacia.

 Na situación actual, o proxecto non dá resposta completa ás medidas de xestión a adoptar en caso de escenario accidental e, incluso, as medidas de prevención e xestión da continxencia parecen limitarse a xustificar que o suceso non se producirá. Por conseguinte, en caso de materializarse un escenario de risco, non se pode garantir que a actuación proxectada non produza unha grave afección aos valores naturais da zona nin un prexuízo á integridade da Zona de Especial Conservación, en diante ZEC, “Sistema fluvial Ulla-Deza”.”

Unhas conclusións breves para tres anos de resposta social, informes técnicos negativos e centos de organizacións sociais e locais que arremeteron con contundencia contra o que era máis que evidente. Unhas conclusións que resumen 3 anos de traballo contra  un proxecto sin garantías, que soupemos ver nun mes de exposición pública que nos deron para poder presentar alegacións, e sin embargo a administración dilatou e estirou sin explicación durante 4 anos hasta o día de hoxe.

A pesares das evidencias, tivemos que agardar hasta hoxe,  máis dun ano dende a DIA Negativa,  a que a Dirección Xeral de Planificación enerxética e Recursos Naturais, vía nota en prensa, dera a conocer a sua decisión de comunicar a Resolución negativa do proxecto á mercantil Cobre San Rafael SL.

Unha resolución que ainda desconocemos en qué termos se expresa, ningunha das organizacións nin persoas que figuramos na causa como interesadas e/ou afectadas fomos informados nin nos foi ainda remitida, polo que agardamos que se nos poida facer chegar o antes posible sin ter a necesidade de requerila vía rexistro electrónico, como xa é de costume que nos obriguen a reclamar o que por dereito nos pertence, queremos lembrar  as  declaracións do anterior Director Xeral de Mina o señor Tahoces ás persoas da Platafoma contra a mina de Touro, comprometéndose a comunicar a todas as persoas recoñecidas como parte interesada ou afectada a Resolución definitiva no momento en que se producira.  O señor Tahoces foi relevado do seu cargo, pero agardemos que a sua sucesora sí poida cumprir co dito.

Lembremos que de non ser pola resposta social e cidadá este proxecto e tantos outros de similares características – Santa Comba, San Fins, Monte Nema Serra Suido, Iribio, Terra Chá, Mesía- Frades, ...- son susceptibeis de aprobación sin ningún tipo de supervisión, nin comprobación, con todas as catastróficas, terribeis, calamitosas repercusións e ausencia de garantías que conlevan para o medio natural, cultural, como así quedou demostrado no caso do proxecto da mina de Touro.

Lembremos que resulta esencial que as administracións deben  permitir que a cidadanía e as organizacións medioambientasis, sociasi,...  teñan dereito ao acceso á información pública en tempo e forma que lles permita defenderse e defender os seus medios de vida e o medio natural e cultural que habitan, en defensa tamén dos seus recursos económicos para vivir, non solo as multinacionais.

Neste proxecto quedou en evidencia a mercantil promotora e tamén a administración.

Statement on behalf of Alex Salmond - Press Information

Press Information 4th March 2021
“The documents released tonight confirm that sisting (postponing) the Judicial Review was indeed under active consideration by the Scottish Government in September 2018.
John Swinney must now be the only person in Scotland who believes that the piecemeal release of these extraordinary legal documents have done anything other than demolish the Government’s pretence that they were not warned months in advance that they were on course to lose the judicial review. The more they release the more threadbare the government’s position becomes. We look forward to further revelations in tomorrow’s instalment.
The real question he has to answer is why they kept running down the clock and running up the bills, long after they were warned of the position by external counsel in the starkest of terms.
A witness statement supplied to the Inquiry this week by Alex Salmond, demonstrates that the prospect of the criminal investigation overtaking the judicial review was well known among special advisers and SNP officials by November 2018.
External counsel were specifically asked in September by the Government to consider whether they  “should seek to have the judicial review proceedings sisted pending the outcome of any police investigation” and on September 4 said “we can see strength in the argument that the criminal investigation may make the entire petition pointless: if there is a criminal conviction then surely the case would not proceed.”
On September 17th the Lord Advocate advised in favour of reporting restrictions instead. In the event it was Alex Salmond’s legal team who moved for these reporting restrictions on 4th October 2018 in front of Lord Pentland. The Government were not even represented at the hearing.
Mr Salmond has never argued that the Lord Advocate was involved in accelerating the criminal case to overtake the judicial review. Indeed in his evidence last Friday he argued exactly the opposite.
What he has stated is two things;
Firstly, that the prospects of sisting was in wide discussion in September 2018. The Committee has not been given all of the documents by the Government but if they serve a notice on Mr Salmond’s lawyers they will be provided with the ones they hold. The Crown Office have blocked their release up until now.
Secondly, that it had become common knowledge among special advisers and SNP officials in November 2018 that the judicial review was going to succeed but that it could be overtaken by the criminal investigation if it were sufficiently advanced.
Mr Salmond at the Committee’s request, submitted a witness statement yesterday which corroborates that position. 
In contrast to the Scottish Government, Mr Salmond has provided, or offered to provide, documentary evidence to back every statement he has made to the Inquiry”
Appendix 1
In his oral evidence session Mr Salmond said;
“Sisting was being examined by the Lord Advocate because, quite clearly, you would expect him, as the Government’s legal adviser, to be looking at that—and not just Mr Cackette and others; it would be very important for those to see it. I am not suggesting for a second that the Lord Advocate was engaged in thinking, therefore, “We should accelerate the criminal case in order to avoid defeat in the civil case.” I am not suggesting that for a second. I am merely suggesting that there was widespread knowledge by November 2018 that the judicial review was going to fail, on the part of the Government, and that there was a prospect of it being sisted if the criminal case came to a moment before the judicial review hearing in January 2019.”
Appendix 2
Documents released from 4 September 2018 
Note from External Counsel
27 we have been asked for our views on whether the respondents should seek to have the judicial review proceedings sisted pending the outcome of any police investigation and/or criminal proceedings that may follow the investigation 
35 we can also see strength in the argument that the criminal investigation may make the entire petition pointless: if there is a criminal conviction then surely this case will not proceed; and if there is a trial and an acquittal then the Ministers would be faced with a very different situation than that which presently obtains”
Enquiries alex@alexsalmond.scot