xoves, 31 de maio de 2018
The Alex Salmond Show - Episode 29 - Belfast: The comeback kid of British shipbuilding? #NIreland #Shipyards #Brexit
In the second part of a series on the future of British shipbuilding, The Alex Salmond Show spotlights Northern Ireland. It features interviews with Harland & Wolff CEO, Jonathan Guest, and former Lord Mayor of Belfast and SDLP Deputy Leader Nichola Mallon – and asks if great ships will once again be built in Northern Ireland.
The Alex Salmond Show broadcasts every Thursday on RT International at 07:30, 18:30 and 23:30(GMT) on SKY 511 and FREEVIEW 113.
martes, 29 de maio de 2018
Camiñando contra a mina / Walking against the mine #CaminodeSantiago #SantiagoPilgrimWay #TheWay #MinaTouroOPinoNON #Notothemine
Andaina organizada pola plataforma "Mina Touro-O Pino NON" para chamar a atención sobre o efecto que terá o macroproxecto de Atalaya Mining na área de Touro-O Pino, na Ría de Arousa e tamén Camiño de Compostela, Patrimonio da Humanidade.
March organized by the Platform "Mina Touro-O Pino NON" to call attention to the effect that the macro project of Atalaya Mining will have on Touro-O Pino, Ria de Arousa and also on the Compostela Pilgrims Way, World Heritage site.
Máis videos na miña páxina de FB "O mundo de Pilar-Aymara"
More videos on my FB page : "O mundo de Pilar-Aymara"
#MinaTouroOPinoNon#Notothemine in Touro-O Pino— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 27 de mayo de 2018
We walked with the platform @minatouropinono the last stage of the #SantiagoPilgrimsWay
Learn why 😉https://t.co/HIyUlGgMvM
Grazas a tod@s! vémonos o 10 de xuño en Compostela!
Thank you everyone! See you on the 10th of June in Compostela
luns, 28 de maio de 2018
sábado, 26 de maio de 2018
Resultados do referendo en #Irlanda sobre a despenalización do #aborto // Ireland said YES to #repealthe8th #muller #WomenEmpowerment
My granny is as old as the Irish State. She just voted #yes #Repealthe8th #Together4Yes 😭😍 pic.twitter.com/b1JTLxuusO— HannahmDeasy (@hannahmdeasy) 25 de mayo de 2018
We said YES #together4yes pic.twitter.com/0nqSSivLiL— Together for Yes (@Together4yes) 26 de mayo de 2018
Congratulations to all my sisters in Ireland! ✌️✌️✌️— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 26 de mayo de 2018
Taoiseach hails 'resounding' abortion poll victory#repealthe8th #WomenEmpowerment #Ireland #WomenRights https://t.co/sI9JsfVix5
— RTÉ News (@rtenews) 26 de mayo de 2018
— Martina Fitzgerald (@MartinaFitzg) 26 de mayo de 2018
“I’m elated.... I didn’t think it would happen in my lifetime, but it has!” - 81-year-old Frank Crummey, women’s rights campaigner, on #8thRef pic.twitter.com/R96zXPMGME— Philip Bromwell (@philipbromwell) 26 de mayo de 2018
"What we have seen today is a culmination of a quiet revolution that's been taking place in Ireland " - Taoiseach Leo Varadkar pic.twitter.com/sPxnsVWEA7— RTÉ News (@rtenews) 26 de mayo de 2018
Donegal é a única área que dixo non (como vedes ao lado de Irlanda do Norte) ... O resto de Irlanda dixo YES— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 26 de mayo de 2018
Gráfico vía @rtenews pic.twitter.com/pklLEqCsAH
BREAKING: REFERENDUM RESULT— RTÉ Politics (@rtepolitics) 26 de mayo de 2018
Total poll 2,159,655
Invalid 6,042
Valid poll 2,153,613
Yes 1,429,981
No 723,632
Majority in favour 706,349
💚 Congratulations to @Together4yes and the people of Ireland. Compassion, justice and trust in women win the day. Joyful moment - but also one to remember the heartbreak for many along the way. #Savita #RepealedTheEighth https://t.co/KyARwNx41T— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) 26 de mayo de 2018
35 years after the Eighth Amendment was inserted into the Constitution, the country has voted decisively to repeal it. pic.twitter.com/pWZji7qYAX— RTÉ News (@rtenews) 26 de mayo de 2018
venres, 25 de maio de 2018
Walk with us on the 27th of May from O Pino to Compostela #CaminodeSantiago #PilgrimsWay #MinaTouroOPinoNON
Anímate a participar na andaina organizada pola plataforma @minatouropinono o vindeiro 27 de maio? 😀#MinaTouroOPinoNon pic.twitter.com/6SDR4WlUwx— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 20 de mayo de 2018
A Comisión de Crecemento Sostible : Cara a unha exitosa Escocia independente // The Sustainable Growth Commission : a very successful Scotland
O informe da Comisión de Crecemento Sostible vén de ser publicado en Escocia. Un informe completo que explica as posibilidades que tería Escocia como nación independente. Importantísimas mencións á economía, á divisa e á inmigración.
En canto á divisa esta semana o Gobernador do Banco de Inglaterra, Mark Carney, confirmou o que xa se sabía no 2014 pero que foi un dos cabalos de batalla durante o debate económico entre Better Together e Yes Scotland. Unha Escocia independente podería, sen problema, usar a mesma divisa que o resto do Reino Unido

Presenta o informa unha extensa e meticulosa valoración de como afectaría a independencia na economía no día a día á poboación escocesa e o coste da independencia. Este documento vai ser debatido ata o verán e se recollerán as impresións derivadas do debate.
Por suposto isto ten moito que ver coa deriva do Brexit, o caos do unionismo, a intención dos Tories de recentralizar Reino Unido e o mandato gañado nas urnas por Nicola Sturgeon para a realización dun segundo referendo de independencia que xa é imparable.
Ainda que moitos medios informan coma se isto fóra algo novo, a Primeira Ministra escocesa non mudou en absoluto a súa primeira postura : en canto teñan claras as condicións finais de Brexit, e cóntase que iso sexa para o outono, anunciará oficialmente a súa decisión. E recordemos que xa non é unha cuestión do SNP, senón do Parlamento escocés.
Xunto con este informe oficial da Comisión de Crecemento Sostible publica tamén o Scottish National Party unha campaña : We can (podemos)
Pódese acceder a toda a información nestes videos e links:
Xa teño nas miñas mans o informe oficial da Comisión de Crecemento Sostible para #Escocia...— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 25 de mayo de 2018
A previsión do futuro económico dunha nación independente. Vouno ler e logo vos conto 😉#GrowthCommission #Scotland pic.twitter.com/JMM2RJQDMR
🏴 @BBCDouglasF: Rebooting the case for Scottish independence. https://t.co/6bR824PnuA pic.twitter.com/DOGKh8hl5v— Sustainable Growth Commission (@sgcommission) 25 de mayo de 2018
For those who haven’t read the #GrowthCommission report before commenting on it - it recommends above inflation spending growth and explicitly rejects austerity. If only we’d had that in last few years! Look forward to debating all the recommendations over summer.— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) 25 de mayo de 2018
FM @NicolaSturgeon says #GrowthCommission report provides a “great foundation” for a positive debate around the benefits of an independent Scotland. @theSNP pic.twitter.com/4KXsJlYTOP— Connor Gillies (@ConnorGillies) 25 de mayo de 2018
Speaking to @NicolaSturgeon about the costs of an independent Scotland. #GrowthCommission says £450m would be needed to set up departments and agencies while Scotland would give UK £5bn a year to meet debt commitments and fund international aid pic.twitter.com/n3XYF9y0LF— Alan Smith (@Political_AlanS) 25 de mayo de 2018
It is fine that some people are talking about what they don’t agree with in #GrowthCommission report as well as what they do, because that means debate is focused on how to build a better country - which is so much more constructive than despairing about Brexit and Westminster.— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) 25 de mayo de 2018
A new currency for an independent Scotland is "entirely credible" says @NicolaSturgeon https://t.co/l8qoOy5eK6 pic.twitter.com/2nDTMOVcZm
— BBC Scotland News (@BBCScotlandNews) 25 de mayo de 2018
- A better economic future for Scotland: what you need to know#ScotlandCan be a fairer, more prosperous country. An independent country. Pledge your support at https://t.co/pvoAFQWxgW. pic.twitter.com/v14Ovxxs9R— The SNP (@theSNP) 25 de mayo de 2018
- We can
xoves, 24 de maio de 2018
The Alex Salmond Show - Episode 28 - Salmond turns spotlight on shipbuilding #shipyard #Scotland
In a three-part series on the future of British shipbuilding, The Alex Salmond Show asks whether the UK Government is fully committed to a revival in this iconic industry. Alex speaks to shipyard unions, management, and MPs from across these islands.
The Alex Salmond Show broadcasts every Thursday on RT International at 07:30, 18:30 and 23:30(GMT) on SKY 511 and FREEVIEW 113.
The immigration crackdown threatening UK's fishing industry #Brexit #Fishing #Inmigration #Scotland #NIreland via #Channel4 (@alextomo)
A so-called hostile environment for non-EU workers is having a serious effect on the fishing industry in the UK.
The Government's immigration policy is making it impossible for trawler owners, particularly around Northern Ireland and Scotland, to recruit fishermen from countries outside Europe like Ghana and The Philippines.
martes, 22 de maio de 2018
luns, 21 de maio de 2018
TANXUGUEIRAS - Que non mo neguen (videoclip) #Music #Galiza #Music #Galicia #Tanxugueiras #Women #Mulleres
Videoclip de "Que non mo neguen", do primeiro disco de Tanxugueiras.
Para a gravación do videoclip, Aida, Olaia e Sabela rodeáronse de seis "mulleres fortes e libres": Luz Fandiño, poeta e activista; Gloria Leis, a mariscadora máis nova da Cofradía de Pescadores de Muros; Estrella Sánchez, Doutora en Endocrinoloxía; Anxos Vaamonde e Sara Espiño, nai e filla; e Isabel Neira, a única torneira que exerce a profesión en Galicia, segundo o rexistro da Dirección Xeral de Comercio.
A gravación realizouse en varias localizacións de Santiago de Compostela e do Concello de Teo, coa colaboración especial do CiMUS da USC.
Andaina O Pino - Compostela // Walk from O Pino to Compostela #MinaTouroOPinoNON #Notothemine #OPino #Touro #Compostela #Theway #ElCamino #OCamiño
The open cast copper mine in Touro - O Pino would affect the Compostela pilgrims way.— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 20 de mayo de 2018
On the 27th of May we will walk with the neigbours from Labacolla and will tell you their stories about this disastrous project of Atalaya Minning
Stay tunned #MinaTouroOPinoNon pic.twitter.com/RqdAzqAmmL
xoves, 17 de maio de 2018
The Alex Salmond Show - Episode 27 - Deadlock in Downing Street #Brexit #NIreland
It’s deadlock in Downing Street over the customs union and gridlock between the Lords and the Commons over the Brexit Bill. This week’s Alex Salmond Show examines how far the issue of the Irish border is transcending the politics of Westminster.
The Alex Salmond Show broadcasts every Thursday on RT International at 07:30, 18:30 and 23:30(GMT) on SKY 511 and FREEVIEW 113.
mércores, 16 de maio de 2018
Mans fóra do noso Parlamento / Hands off our Parliament #Scotland #Brexit #EUWithdrawalBill #ScotParl
O Parlamento escocés votou por 93 votos a 30 (Tories) rexeitar a Lei de Brexit que o Goberno de Theresa May está preparada e na que se non se respectan os fundamentos da chamada devolución, é dicir, o Parlamento escocés de Holyrood.
Tan só os conservadores apoian esta táctica do goberno británico deixando claro que non só non cren no seu própio Parlamento senón que apoian o soño do Empire 2.0 (Imperio 2.0.) que os defensores do Brexit a ultranza defenden.
O debate institucional está servido e isto sen dúbida acabará nos Tribunais e cun segundo referendo de independencia que vai ser imparable.
#Scotland #Brexit #EUWithdrawalBill #ScotParl
The result of the @ScotGov European Union (Withdrawal) Bill Debate is in – yes 93, no 30. The motion is therefore passed and means the @ScotParl does not give its consent for the EU Withdrawal Bill. #Brexit #EUWithdrawalBill pic.twitter.com/0L76P1EvOl— Scottish Parliament (@ScotParl) 15 de mayo de 2018
UK Gov wants @ScotParl to take it on trust that they won’t act without our consent on devolved powers in future - but within minutes of vote they say they will go ahead with #EUWithdrawalBill without our consent. @ScotParl did the right thing today - let’s hope UKG now listens. https://t.co/BFfNJcLmjF— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) 15 de mayo de 2018
Escocia di NON á recentralización de competencias de Westminster. Votación histórica na que unicamente os conservadores rexeitarnon defender o futuro do Parlamento escocés. Portada do xornal @ScotNational #EUWithdrawalBill #Brexit #Scotland pic.twitter.com/LXCToGSCmR— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 15 de mayo de 2018
With a vote of 93 to 30 in favour of defending Scotland's powers, it is the Tories and @RuthDavidsonMSP who are now completely isolated. They are out of touch and letting Scotland down. pic.twitter.com/rpnaFJ3ksI— Stewart Hosie MP (@StewartHosieSNP) 15 de mayo de 2018
Following this evenings historic @ScotParl vote, rejecting legislative consent to the UK Govt’s #BrexitBill, I asked the Pres. Officer if he would write to all other UK legislatures to notify them. I am pleased he agreed to this. pic.twitter.com/UmxNbhHX69— Bruce Crawford MSP (@RHBruceCrawford) 15 de mayo de 2018
I think this is huge for Scotland. And this issue has shown the true strategy of the conservatives : they don't believe in devolution, they only believe in their dream of the Empire 2.0 #EUWithdrawalBill #Brexit #Scotland #ScotParl https://t.co/4DyuLS4fz6— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 15 de mayo de 2018
El Parlamento escocés rechaza la ley del Brexit, pero Londres podría aprobarla de forma unilateral -#Basquepress #EUWithdrawalBill #Scotland #Brexit #ScotParl https://t.co/TBAUJ9fDVB @naiz_info— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 15 de mayo de 2018
martes, 15 de maio de 2018
Tributo a Kathy McMahon, Fundadora de Irish First Mothers #Irlanda #NiñosRobados #nenoroubados #StolenBabies #Justice #HHRR
Vímonos en Dublín o pasado 3 de maio, onde compartimos unha horas que
souberon a pouco. Kathy McMahon era unha desas mulleres ás que podería estar
escoitando durante días e eu estaba ansiosa por entrevistala dende había tempo.
Estaba comezando a traducir a súa entrevista cando a noticia da súa morte
repentina rompeume en dous. Ela estaba visitando Xeneva e a súa última foto compartida
nas redes sociais foi tomada onde a sé de Nacións Unidas.
A súa experiencia vital e o seu sufrimento impresionábanme enormemente, pero tamén a súa firme determinación á hora de
fundar Irish First Mothers (Nais primerizas irlandesas) e dar voz a máis de
setenta mulleres irlandesas que sufriron o roubo dos seus primeiros bebes.
Kathy insistía durante a entrevista e posterior conversa que o que querían
conseguir é xustiza, reparación e apoio social e público para as
mulleres ás que representaba; tamén puidemos
analizar as últimas mobilizacións do movemento feminista galego e falar do
debate sobre aborto que está tendo lugar en Irlanda e do referendo que se
celebrará a finais de maio.
Irish First Mothers fundouse para dar acollida e apoio ás verdadeiras
vítimas: as nais primerizas irlandesas que baixo coacción e contra a súa
vontade sufriron o roubo e posterior desaparición dos seus bebés.
Kathy tivo a sorte de poder reencontrarse coa súa filla case trinta anos
máis tarde pero a maioría non tiña esa “fortuna” nin recursos para poder
iniciar sequera un proceso de denuncia adecuado. Pobres contra ricos, ese é o

E esta non era a cuestión fundamental, explicaba Kathy: “queremos que se
investigue adecuadamente e en profundidade; queremos amosar ao mundo a terrible
realidade que vivimos. Violáronse dereitos humanos; o noso pode e debe de ser tratado coma un caso
de xenocidio e o que queremos é que se coñeza a verdade e que as verdadeiras
vítimas non queden deshonradas, rexeitadas, discriminadas nin abandonadas”
Kathy laiábase de que o tratamento deste tema por parte da prensa era
sensacionalista e sempre e unicamente cun enfoque emocional. En canto empezaban
a falar de pedir responsabilidades políticas facía presenza ese silencio
informativo que tan ben coñecemos.

Kathy faloume con detalle das chamadas “Lavandeiras da Magdalena” e das
“Casas para mulleres e nenos”. Dous
casos que son moi diferentes e que teñen en común que milleiros de mulleres
irlandesas foron maltratadas, ameazadas e estigmatizadas e onde tamén milleiros
de mulleres e nenos, o eslavón máis feble da sociedade, ficaron en mans de
mafias que traficaban con humanos impunemente. Terrible todo.
O caso dos nenos roubados é sen dúbida un tema complexo, delicado e que
require de adecuada e responsable resposta por parte dos Gobernos. É unha débeda
histórica que debe ser aceptada,
recoñecida e resolta. O papel das
institucións relixiosas, segundo as afectadas, foi fundamental neste macabra
historia e alguén terá que responder por isto. Non pode quedar no esquecemento.
A Asociación Irish First Mothers queda orfa agora. O voceiro da asociación,
o seu home Fintan Dunne, xornalista que conduce o blog Break for news , anunciaba con desolación o pasamento de
Kathy e deixaba a mensaxe de que outras mulleres seguirán o seu legado ata
acadar a xustiza e a reparación que estas vítimas merecen . Descansa en paz,
luns, 14 de maio de 2018
RIP Kathy McMahon - Irish First Mother's founder - #Ireland #StolenBabies #Magdelenelaundries #Tuam
— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 14 de mayo de 2018
Kathy at UN HQ Geneva pic.twitter.com/RangBP9lS6— Kathy McMahon (@kathymcmahon) 13 de mayo de 2018
From Break for news
In the morning of Monday 14th May, 2018, Kathy McMahon passed away
suddenly and unexpectedly during a visit to Geneva. She collapsed after
feeling unwell, and despite emergency aid she died shortly thereafter in
the comforting arms of her daughter Geraldine.
Family and friends are coming to terms with her untimely loss and
interment decisions will be announced in coming days on FB and here in the forum.
Kathy was a vibrant, energetic and caring person whose commitment to
social justice was a light in this world. We will cherish and live up to her
- Fintan
fintan @ fintandunne.com
She was @FirstMothers' founder & we just met in Dublin recently. She was trying to achieve truth and justice for many women in Ireland. I guess this was her last interview. So heartbreaking to learn about her sudden death. RIP— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 14 de mayo de 2018
I cannot stop crying 😞
https://t.co/AP1aIc8sAj pic.twitter.com/Pf9lFvOFV8
So sorry to hear of the tragic and sudden passing of @kathymcmahon of Voice of Irish First @FirstMothers Rest in peace Kathy, you were one brave lady and fought so hard for the mothers whose children were cruelly taken by the nuns #MyNameIsBridget #tuambabies @Donal_OKeeffe— MyNameIsBridget (@mynamesisbridge) 14 de mayo de 2018
#TUAMBABIES KATHY MC MAHON @FirstMothers - R.I.P.— TUAMBABIESFAMLYGROUP (@tuambabiesfami1) 14 de mayo de 2018
In the morning of Monday 14th May, 2018, Kathy McMahon passed away suddenly and unexpectedly during a visit to Geneva. So so sad to hear. Will be sadly missed. A light for truth and justice. Tuam Babies Family Group.
domingo, 13 de maio de 2018
Full Scottish via @broadcastscot with Linda Fabiani MSP and Kelly Given #MentalHealth #Brexit #ClauseEleven
Please support #BroadcastingScotland to become Scotland's new MSM. Just £5.00 a month from 35,000 subscribers will see us produce 35 hours of broadcasting a week and create 40 full time equivalent jobs.https://t.co/bTD6eZ1zVP pic.twitter.com/kn6YyH6plt— Broadcasting Scotland (@broadcastscot) 13 de mayo de 2018
xoves, 10 de maio de 2018
The Alex Salmond Show - Episode 26 - 'The USA: The Times They Are A Changin...'
'The USA: The Times They Are A Changin...'
In this week’s Alex Salmond Show Special from America, Alex speaks to renowned political and human rights activist Medea Benjamin and three young college students set on changing the world...
The Alex Salmond Show broadcasts every Thursday on RT International at 07:30, 18:30 and 23:30(GMT) on SKY 512 and FREEVIEW 113.
mércores, 9 de maio de 2018
#QueremosDiarioCultural : A Cultura e a #Lingua son parte de todas nós #RTVGdetodas
A miña total solidariedade co Diario Cultura da Radio Galega
Os contidos do espazo, que leva 28 anos en antena, diluiranse no resto da programación https://t.co/VKY2cbxloW— Praza Pública (@prazapublica) 9 de mayo de 2018
A Radio Galega elimina o ‘Diario Cultural’ após 28 anos en antena https://t.co/xsImhn5bNh vía @SermosGaliza #QueremosDiarioCultural— Alberte Branco (@bertitxi) 9 de mayo de 2018
En @Escena_Galega tamén #QueremosDiarioCultural @diariocultural_ @RadioGalega pic.twitter.com/F8v39P883Q— Escena Galega (@Escena_Galega) 8 de mayo de 2018
Dende a Asociación Galega de Profesionais da Xestión Cultural (AGPXC) tamén #QueremosDiarioCultural na @RadioGalega pic.twitter.com/E8R0Q0BVB0— Xestores Culturais (@xestocultural) 8 de mayo de 2018
Scotland : All Under One Banner / Todos baixo unha bandeira #AUOB #AUOBGlasgow #Escocia #Independence #Glasgow
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Photo: Rick McGregor |
Wee summary // Pequeno resumo
This week's #FullScottish special about the #AUOBGlasgow #MarchForIndependence— Broadcasting Scotland (@broadcastscot) 7 de mayo de 2018
with the fantastic @pilaraymara is available to watch on catch-up on our website now.https://t.co/MVWiSy73te pic.twitter.com/UOr1FPY7JY
![]() |
Photo: Rick McGregor |
#AUOB Special by Broadcasting Scotland
The police were very pleasant on the day but there just weren't enough of them for traffic control. It was dangerous in some sections of the march, some drivers were impatient and dangerous. Detours for traffic should have been in place as well.— Aye, Have a Voice (@kuantancurls) 8 de mayo de 2018
Pilar Fernandez, @pilaraymara is now trending in #Glasgowhttps://t.co/8k72PaAjoa pic.twitter.com/BAMyezkp88— Trendsmap Glasgow (@TrendsGlasgow) 5 de mayo de 2018
Video en Galego // Video in Galician Language
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photo: Rick McGregor |
What a day! So glad to be here to report this amazing and impressive event.— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 5 de mayo de 2018
Thank you so so so much everyone who came up to said hello to me!
See you soon 💕💕💕💕#AUOB #AUOBGlasgow #AllUnderOneBanner pic.twitter.com/peO1oORs0j
Dont hate the media, become the media.— Independence Live (@liveIndyScot) 5 de mayo de 2018
Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & YouTube.
Please consider donating or subscribing to Broadcasting https://t.co/UFsGjUbfGh vía @broadcastscot— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 8 de mayo de 2018
More videos on / Máis videos en:
FB O Mundo de Pilar-Aymara (Pilar-Aymara's World)
domingo, 6 de maio de 2018
Broadcasting Scotland - #FullScottish Special #AUOB #Glasgow via @broadcastscot
Soooo happy! What a team @broadcastscot— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 6 de mayo de 2018
Cansa pero feliz de ter dado a cobertura que precisaba o evento de #AUOB #AUOBGlasgow en #Escocia e de ter presentado o especial #FullScottish hoxe en @broadcastscot Unha honra e unha felicidade inmensaPodedes velo en https://t.co/yzmPpGo7FX pic.twitter.com/KdDJhDbTlG— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 6 de mayo de 2018
Great programme on Broadcasting Scotland, Pilar. Thank you, really enjoyed it. And thanks also for bringing Broadcasting Scotland to my attention, didn't know about it! Will definitely subscribe - and like others will switch subscription from The Herald!— Hoos Poos (@Hoos_Poos) 6 de mayo de 2018
— Broadcasting Scotland (@broadcastscot) 6 de mayo de 2018
After this week's front page which blatantly misrepresented the positive, upbeat #AllUnderOneBanner march, I have decided to cancel my weekly @newsundayherald. I will subscribe £5 monthly to support #BroadcastingScotland instead https://t.co/nVUwYfXAfg via @broadcastscot— Aye, Have a Voice (@kuantancurls) 6 de mayo de 2018
Full Scottish #AUOB Special on @broadcastscot presented by @pilaraymara - 6/05/2018 VideoLink: https://t.co/6324EoIQ82 pic.twitter.com/PNPTKxksFp— ScotNews (@indyscotnews) 6 de mayo de 2018
Broadcasting Scotland Supporter https://t.co/EJTiOml8xi vía @broadcastscot— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 8 de mayo de 2018
Please consider donating or subscribing to Broadcasting https://t.co/UFsGjUbfGh vía @broadcastscot— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 8 de mayo de 2018
venres, 4 de maio de 2018
Interview with Kathy McMahon & Fintan Dunne - Irish First Mothers #FirstMothers #Ireland #nenosroubados #Stolenbabies
More info:
What a pleasure to meet @fintandunne and @kathymcmahon tonight in Dublin. Great chat, great company and a very impressive fight for justice. On you go! #IrishFirstMothers #FirstMothers pic.twitter.com/NavjRNy7bm— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 4 de mayo de 2018
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