domingo, 31 de decembro de 2017
sábado, 30 de decembro de 2017
xoves, 28 de decembro de 2017
The Alex Salmond Show - Episode 7 - #Hogmanay Special
The Alex Salmond Show returns to the heart of Edinburgh, the best place in the world to celebrate Hogmanay. Joining Alex and Tasmina on set are the world’s most successful tennis coach, Judy Murray; Scotland’s leading portrait painter, Gerard Burns; and one of the country’s best loved stand-up comedians, Des Clarke. There will also be a special Hogmanay performance from legendary Scots singer Sheena Wellington. And a surprise and optimistic New Year’s message at the end of the show.
martes, 26 de decembro de 2017
Broadcasting Scotland: Catalan Election Special #analysis #results #Catalonia #21D #Scotland
Our #CatalanElections Special is now available to watch. @MammothWhale brings you analysis and interviews with @pilaraymara and @lizcastro and we are grateful to @PhantomPower14 for interviews from Barcelona.— Referendum TV (@ReferendumTV) 26 de diciembre de 2017
Happy to share my humble opinion and analysis of the Catalan elections for Broadcasting Scotland #21D— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 26 de diciembre de 2017
venres, 22 de decembro de 2017
xoves, 21 de decembro de 2017
The Alex Salmond Show - Episode 6 - Christmas Special
This week, The Alex Salmond Show comes to you from the heart of Edinburgh for a very special festive edition. Joining Alex and Tasmina on set are film director Jason Connery, comedienne Janey Godley, Scotland’s only two-star Michelin chef Andrew Fairlie, and legendary Scots singer Sheena Wellington. And a surprise Christmas message at the end of the show....
OMG! OMG!— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 21 de diciembre de 2017
Thank you Santa! 😍😍😍💞💖💞💖💞💞
Really really looking forward to it, Mr. @AlexSalmond @AlexSalmondShow #sohappy 😄😄😄
mércores, 20 de decembro de 2017
domingo, 17 de decembro de 2017
Please follow and support 'Broadcasting Scotland' #Scotland #Media #News
Please follow and support @broadcastscot 

Thanks Pilar. Donations are always welcome and if you want to subscribe, you can use the this form, which takes you to the subscription payment button when you click submit.— Broadcasting Scotland (@broadcastscot) 18 de diciembre de 2017
xoves, 14 de decembro de 2017
The Alex Salmond Show - Episode 5 - Interview with President Michel Aoun #Lebanon
This week’s edition comes from Lebanon, where Alex met with head of state, President Michel Aoun. The veteran solider and statesman gives a rare and exclusive interview on his plans to keep Lebanese society secure from regional conflicts and on the straight and narrow road to peace and prosperity. President Aoun says: “The political crisis is now over.”
martes, 12 de decembro de 2017
Información da #PDRA sobre o proxecto de mina Touro-O Pino #Ecoloxía #Medioambiente #Saúde #Galicia #Touro #OPino
luns, 11 de decembro de 2017
domingo, 10 de decembro de 2017
Unha pequena visita a Portugal // A wee visit to Portugal #Regaleira #Cascais #BocadoInferno #TorredeBelem #Sintra #Trams
Portugal é tan fermosa como sorprendente. Aquí vos deixo o video resumo da nosa pequena visita a lugares tan espectaculares como a Boca do Inferno, ou a Quinta da Regaleira. Quero agradecer dende aquí ao meu curmán Carlos Castelao toda a información turística, cultural e recomendacións que nos deu. Tamén a José Ribeiro (Lisbon on Wheels) que foi o noso guía pola zona de Sintra.
Agardo que vos guste o video
#Portugal #Lisboa #Regaleira #Belem #Escher #BocadoInferno #Sintra#CabodeRoca #Tranvias #Ascensores #Xardíns
Portugal is as beautiful as surprising. Here you have the video of our wee visit. I'd like to thank my cousin Carlos Castelao for his recommendations and José Ribeiro (Lisbon on Wheels) who is an excellent guide. Hope you like the video.
martes, 5 de decembro de 2017
Entrevista con Rubén Souto da Plataforma MINA TOURO O PINO NON #Mineria #Touro #oPino #Medioambiente #Galicia
Un pracer falar con Rubén Souto, da Plataforma "Mina Touro-O Pino NON". Tremendamente impresionada polas súas explicacións e a preocupante información ben documentada que presenta para contra un proxecto que de levarse a cabo vai traer múltiples e moi serios problemas. Podedes poñervos en contacto con eles na súa páxina de facebook ou via twitter.
A miña humilde aportación para a iniciativa "Pensar Galiza" #análise #politica #sociedade #opinión
Comparto con vós esta entrevista que me fixeron dende
Nela puiden expresar a miña visión global sobre o futuro de Galiza, as carencias, os acertos, os meus referentes, a miña experienza sobre Escocia e a miña visión do feminismo na actualidade...
Agardo que vos pareza interesante e dende aquí agradecer a esta oportunidade para expresarme e axudarme a exprimir a miña cabeza pensante.
«Temos potencial de futuro que se nos escapa pola inconsciencia dos gobernantes» @pilaraymara #pensargaliza— (@ideas_gal) 5 de diciembre de 2017
luns, 4 de decembro de 2017
Let's talk about #Brexit, #ScottishDevolution, #Ireland and #PowerGrab
Right now, Ireland is powerfully demonstrating the importance of being independent when it comes to defending your vital national interests— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) 4 de diciembre de 2017
Scotland and Wales will be looking v v closely too - if NI can have special deal why can’t they?— Laura Kuenssberg (@bbclaurak) 4 de diciembre de 2017
If Northern Ireland gets a soft Brexit, what happens to Scotland? #Scotland #NorthenIreland— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 4 de diciembre de 2017
If there HAS been a deal done to let NI have a discrete deal with the EU then all bets are off in relation to Scotland, Europe and Indyref2.— ruth wishart (@ruth_wishart) 4 de diciembre de 2017
45% of Scots voted for independence in 2014.— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 4 de diciembre de 2017
The latest poll in 2017 shows 47% of Scots would vote for independence
Could Scottish independence be a dream come true if Nicola Sturgeon calls #indyref2 ballot date late 2018 or early 2019? 🤔
My full statement on today’s Brexit developments.— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) 4 de diciembre de 2017
First Minister @NicolaSturgeon says a #Brexit deal for Northern Ireland would leave Scotland "doubly disadvantaged"— ScottishPoliticsNews (@ScoPoliticsNews) 4 de diciembre de 2017
Brexiteers were "sold a pup" says @theSNP's Mike Russell, as he urges that Britain staying in the single market and customs union is "the only sensible option"— Victoria Derbyshire (@VictoriaLIVE) 5 de diciembre de 2017
sábado, 2 de decembro de 2017
A Xunta pide de novo axuda aos cidadáns para plantar 4.500 árbores autóctonas no Bosque de Galicia que arrodea a Cidade da Cultura. Os voluntarios, ata 700 en 14 xornadas, recibirán unha fotografía e un diploma que acredite a súa participación.
venres, 1 de decembro de 2017
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