The Lockerbie disaster and the downing of Pan-Am flight 103 is one of the greatest terrorist atrocities in aviation history. But are we any closer to the full truth of who brought down the plane over the small Scottish town of Lockerbie?
Alex Salmond interviews former Justice Secretary of Scotland Kenny MacAskill.
Alex travels to Geneva to speak to “The Flying Scot”, Sir Jackie Stewart, on his glittering motoring career and his life’s work on campaigns tackling motor racing safety, dyslexia and now the “race against dementia.”
Alastair Campbell joins us in the studio, stating his case on how and why the Prime Minister should call a halt to Brexit.
And Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh reports on Scotland’s deepening links with its Nordic neighbors at the Arctic Circle Forum in Edinburgh.
Un pracer enorme ter entrevistado a Juan Martín Guevara de la Serna, o irmán mais pequeno do Che, que visitou Compostela convidado pola organización Agora Galiza, para a presentación do livro "O meu irmán o Che" e cando se cumpren 50 anos do asasinato do seu irmán
Un placer enorme haber entrevistado a Juan Martín Guevara de la Serna, el hermano menor del Che, que visitó Compostela invitado por la organización Agora Galiza, para la presentación del libro "Mi hermano el Che", cuando se cumplen 50 años del asesinato de su hermano.
Great pleasure to have interviewed Juan Martín Guevara de la Serna, the youngest brother of Ernesto Guevara, "El Che", who was visiting Compostela these days to promote his book "My brother Che". It's been 50 years since his assasination.
Aqui vos deixo o noso humilde resumo da manifestación celebrada o 18 de novembro en Compostela para defender a Sanidade Pública Galega e esixir o cese das privatizacións e dos recortes, da precariedade dos traballadores do ámbito socio-sanitario. Como usuaria e cidadá, únome a este berro en defensa dos servizos públicos
Aqui está a cova de Ali Baba berran á altura do Parlamento de Galicia
Roll up roll up, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the BBC Ruth Davidson show. The final NEWSWATCH pilot created through our recent fundraiser is now complete, so a big thank you to all those who contributed.
This clip focuses on the BBC’s overly cosy relationship with Ruth Davidson, and how the TV station appears to be protecting her from proper scrutiny after a range of serious issues involving Tory councillors.
Due to our limited resources, producing these pilots proved to be a difficult process, leading to the conclusion that we will be unable to continue this production on a regular basis. Scripting, monitoring, research, shooting, editing, graphics, production equipment – these tools and skills required, along with a need for a decent sized studio space, all require financial support which is probably beyond our means at present, particularly when the desire is to maintain continuity and control and create stories on a fairly regular bases over a sustained period of time.
However, there may be others who wish to develop this form in other ways, or with greater resources can support any future ideas for production. But in the meantime, I have been mulling over an idea for other short film pieces with a more cultural, historical framework involving a Scottish writer/historian, so more on this later if it develops wings.
Another idea is to raise funds to employ someone on a full time basis, say initially over a period of two to three months, who can gather together and distribute all material created by the alt-media community about the BBC and its horrendous bias. Anything from articles, documentary, Inform Scotland strategy & publicity, etc. The idea is to distribute this material to as wide an audience as possible, using social media, and expand the knowledge to those who still are unsure about the reality of BBC deception and lies. Is this a possibility – is it feasible?
Feel free to post ideas, suggestions or similar in the comments section below. In the meantime, I give you ‘Protecting Ruth Davidson’ presented by David Hooks.
In this first episode of the Alex Salmond Show, Scotland’s former first minister speaks to deposed Catalan President Carles Puigdemont about the prospects for independence. Labour peer Baroness Helena Kennedy discusses gender equality in Westminster, and Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh talks LGBT rights with Tory MP Crispin Blunt. Alex also shares some of the best and worst tweets directed at his brand-new show.
Why has Spain failed to prevent its worst and most predictable crisis in decades? Tim Sebastian meets Foreign Minister Alfonso Dastis on Conflict Zone this week.
Catch our interview with Alfred Bosch from the pro-independence Republican Left of Catalonia
Conflict Zone is Deutsche Welle's top political interview. Every week, our hosts Tim Sebastian and Michel Friedman are face-to-face with global decision-makers, seeking straight answers to straight questions, putting the spotlight on controversial issues and calling the powerful to account.
Feijóo propón "galeguizar" España para dar exemplo de como se xestiona ben e presumir do seu legado.
Propóñovos pois un pequeno exercicio de investigación, rastreo e memoria. Mandádeme todas as noticias que vexades coas que pensedes podemos amosar ao resto do Estado o ben que se están a facer as cousas en Galicia. Animádesvos?
Feijóo propón "galeguizar España" como "receita" contra a crise catalá
E de paso, recordémoslle aos medios subvencionados que poñan estas noticias xa non nas súas portadas, senón dentro dos mesmos xornais ou plataformas... que as veces esquecen...
Bryce says Yes. Bryce believes true independence for Scotland can only be achieved for with a commitment to abolish the British monarchy who he sees as an unaccountable and undemocratic institution that isn't fit for the purposes of a modern progressive society. The breaking Paradise Papers scandal that exposes the questionable financial practices of Prince Charles and The Queen only serves to underline the point. Bryce is also one of approximately 60 thousand people living with autism in Scotland and his experience has left him disgusted with the inhumane Tory welfare reforms. Bryce backed Brexit but is open to a reformed Europe and believes Scotland should decide on its relationship with the EU after independence. Some may remember Bryce from his appearance on the BBC Scottish Leaders Debate during GE17 . He gives his impressions of the show and his memorable encounter with Ruth Davidson.
"Es un día negro para la democracia. Estamos ante un despropósito jurídico y ante un grave error político que nos aboca al autoritarismo.”
The disagreement about Catalonia’s future is political. It should be resolved democratically - not by the jailing of political opponents.
Un ano mais realicei o tradicional oráculo de Samain na que permito unha pregunta por persoa para que os vosos ancestros vos dean respostas e consellos.
Grazas a todos polas vosas preguntas nesta noite tan especial e máxica.
Agárdanos tempos complexos que requiren moita paciencia, prudencia e tranquilidade; mais a pesares de todo, hai que mirar ao futuro sempre con optimismo, porque os cambios que veñen de camiño traerán consigo tamén motivacións mais nobles que as que estamos vendo agora. Os cambios son precisos para poder evolucionar.
One more year I'm asking the Ancestors & answering your questions on this special & magical night of Samhain! #Halloween2017 🔮🕯👻🎃🕸🕯😄😄💖💖💖
Que ledicia de noite! Canto hai que agradecer aos que xa non están con nós e tanto aportaron as nosas vidas. Hoxe están con nós #Samain 😄🕯