sábado, 28 de outubro de 2017

Catalonia: and now... what? // Cataluña: e agora... que? #myview #Cataluña #España

Surprise at the rapid call for elections in Catalonia on the 21st of December. Many praise this unexpected announcement by Rajoy. But at the same time there is much frustration for not having acted earlier through dialogue and negotiation to avoid this situation and #art155.

We are in the first hours after the vote of the Catalan Parliament, and there are many questions and few answers:

Will there be a candidates of independence parties on the 21st of December? Will there be constituent elections of the Republic?

Will Catalonia have two parallel governments? Will there be negotiations and finally a legal and agreed referendum of independence?

Anyway, there must be negotiations. Since the Spanish Government has handled this situation, international mediators are essential 

Honestly, I do not think that an election will change the Catalan landscape. If it takes place, agreements and understanding are indispensable.

Dialogue and negotiations. The Spanish government neither can nor must refuse but must act for once with political and democratic responsibility

Sorpresa pola rápida reacción de Rajoy chamando a eleccións en Cataluña o 21 de decembro. Moitos alaban este inesperado anuncio; pero ao mesmo tempo hai moita frustración por non ter actuado antes mediante o diálogo e a negociación para evitar esta situación e o #art155.

Estamos nas primeiras horas logo do voto do Parlamento catalán e hai moitas preguntas e moi poucas respostas:
Haberá candidatos de partidos independentistas o 21 de Decembro? Haberá eleccións constituíntes?
Terá Cataluña dous gobernos paralelos?
Haberá negociacións e finalmente un referendo legal e acordado de independencia? 

Sexa coma sexa, ten que haber negociacións. E tendo en conta como o Goberno español ten manexado esta situación é esencial que haxa mediadores internacionais. 
Sinceiramente, non agardo que unha elección cambie o panorama en Cataluña. De ter lugar, acordos e entendemento son indispensables.

Diálogo e negociacións. O Goberno español nin pode nin debe negarse senón actuar por unha vez con responsabilidade política e democrática.

mércores, 25 de outubro de 2017

Informing on Spain - 25th of October 2017 #Spain #Art155 #Corruption #Scandals #Refugees

Spain: behing the media noise / España: detrás do ruido mediático #Art155 #Corruption #HHRR #Migrants #StatePowerGrab #GagLaw

domingo, 22 de outubro de 2017

Galiza di: Lumes Nunca Mais // Galicia says: Fires Never Again #QueimanGalicia #Fires #Galicia #NuncaMais


Recupero esta entrevista con Peter Brea (SEAGA) de hai un ano, para que vexades que todo continúa igual ou peor.

Calling Alex Salmond's program on LBC - My view on the current situation in #Catalonia #Spain


venres, 20 de outubro de 2017

The School Times: Interview with Pilar Fernández #Spain #Catalonia #Analysis #Politics #MyviewfromGalicia

Thank you so much to @ArthurStragan for this interview for The School Times and for giving me the opportunity to speak about the situation in Spain and in Catalonia. 

Like every year... Samhain is coming... // Como cada ano... chega o Samain #Samain #Samhain #Halloween #Oracle #Tradition

Lembrade que estarei contestando as vosas preguntas na noite do 31 de outubro ao 1 de Novembro, noite de Samain. Nestes links explícovos o que tendes que facer

Oráculo da Noite de Samain 

(Enviade as vosas preguntas antes do 31 de outubro, grazas) 

Remember that I will be answering  all your questions on the night of the 31st of October and 1st of November, Samhain Night.
At these links I explain what you have to do:

(Please send your questions before the 31st Oct, thank you) 

luns, 16 de outubro de 2017

#ArdeGalicia #GaliciaBurns #LumesNuncaMais #FiresNeverAgain

What a disgrace! Fires again all over Galicia; but the Galicia Government does not care... they are too busy fighting against "the catalan separatists"..Zero prevention even knowing the weather forecasting. And 440 firefighters were fired two weeks ago. Galicia has suffered a great drought for months. What has the Galician Government been doing to prevent this images? Nothing at all .Total negligence from the Galician Government face with many fires that are devastating Galicia. Local neighbors try to extinguish the fires 

mércores, 4 de outubro de 2017

Catalonia & Spain: International intermediators will be needed #HHRR #UN

When I said PSOE-Podemos are 'not entitled to' I meant they are not able to & the PP won't allow them to put another solution on the table apart from art 155 and they're not entitled to either as they were part of the problem. It's terrible.

The King said not a single word about the injured nor the police violence against citizens, no single mention of dialogue nor negotiation

I totally disagree.. Mariano Rajoy knows exactly what the extreme right wanted to do. He is applying their strategy of keeping power and hiding corruption:

luns, 2 de outubro de 2017

Shame on you, Spain #humanrights #Catalonia #democracy #citizens

No matter what you think about the process or catalan indy, there is no excuse for police violence against peaceful citizens.

Now it's official. Spain is a fascist State.
Disgraceful police violence against our brothers and sisters of Catalonia.

The Spanish Government has kidnapped all human and fundamental rights in Spain with its fascist intervention in Catalonia

 And please remember that Spain has submitted its candidacy to the Human Rights Council 2018-2020