luns, 30 de outubro de 2017
domingo, 29 de outubro de 2017
sábado, 28 de outubro de 2017
Catalonia: and now... what? // Cataluña: e agora... que? #myview #Cataluña #España
Surprise at the rapid call for elections in Catalonia on the 21st of December. Many praise this unexpected announcement by Rajoy. But at the same time there is much frustration for not having acted earlier through dialogue and negotiation to avoid this situation and #art155.
We are in the first hours after the vote of the Catalan Parliament, and there are many questions and few answers:
Will there be a candidates of independence parties on the 21st of December? Will there be constituent elections of the Republic?
Will Catalonia have two parallel governments? Will there be negotiations and finally a legal and agreed referendum of independence?
Anyway, there must be negotiations. Since the Spanish Government has handled this situation, international mediators are essential
Honestly, I do not think that an election will change the Catalan landscape. If it takes place, agreements and understanding are indispensable.
Dialogue and negotiations. The Spanish government neither can nor must refuse but must act for once with political and democratic responsibility
Informing on Spain:— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 27 de octubre de 2017
The most corrupt party in all Europe is going to run Catalonia & they want no solutions but humiliation#art155 #Spain
Sorpresa pola rápida reacción de Rajoy chamando a eleccións en Cataluña o 21 de decembro. Moitos alaban este inesperado anuncio; pero ao mesmo tempo hai moita frustración por non ter actuado antes mediante o diálogo e a negociación para evitar esta situación e o #art155.
Estamos nas primeiras horas logo do voto do Parlamento catalán e hai moitas preguntas e moi poucas respostas:
Haberá candidatos de partidos independentistas o 21 de Decembro? Haberá eleccións constituíntes?
Terá Cataluña dous gobernos paralelos?
Haberá negociacións e finalmente un referendo legal e acordado de independencia?
Sexa coma sexa, ten que haber negociacións. E tendo en conta como o Goberno español ten manexado esta situación é esencial que haxa mediadores internacionais.
Sinceiramente, non agardo que unha elección cambie o panorama en Cataluña. De ter lugar, acordos e entendemento son indispensables.
Diálogo e negociacións. O Goberno español nin pode nin debe negarse senón actuar por unha vez con responsabilidade política e democrática.
Scottish Government statement on Catalonia— Fiona Hyslop (@FionaHyslop) 27 de octubre de 2017
If you're interested in reading further, the International Court of Justice's Kosovo decision is also illuminating— PeatWorrier (@PeatWorrier) 27 de octubre de 2017
Official Bulletin with the publication of #art155 and the announcement of the elections on the 21th of December— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 28 de octubre de 2017
The Spanish Minister of Interior dismisses the Major of the Catalan police Josep Lluis Trapero (Official bulletin)— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 28 de octubre de 2017
Dismissal of Senior Officials, closure of embassies & abolishion of Parliam.'s Commis. investigating charges of 1-O— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 28 de octubre de 2017
Three wounded by fascist aggressions in Barcelona. Two of them were transferred to Hospital San Pau de Barcelona— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 28 de octubre de 2017
Incidentes en la manifestación españolista. Se enfrentan con gente dentro de un bar. Un herido— J. J. Gálvez (@jjimenezgalvez) 27 de octubre de 2017
Los Mossos cercan la manifestación españolista en Barcelona tras la agresión— J. J. Gálvez (@jjimenezgalvez) 27 de octubre de 2017
The charge of rebellion cannot be used against Puigdemont according to who wrote the law— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 29 de octubre de 2017
Experto de la ONU pide a España que revierta la suspensión de la autonomía de #Cataluña y que permita un referendum— Noticias ONU (@NoticiasONU) 25 de octubre de 2017
OHCHR | UN independent expert urges Spanish Government to reverse decision on Catalan autonomy— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 26 de octubre de 2017
venres, 27 de outubro de 2017
xoves, 26 de outubro de 2017
mércores, 25 de outubro de 2017
Spain: behing the media noise / España: detrás do ruido mediático #Art155 #Corruption #HHRR #Migrants #StatePowerGrab #GagLaw
Cuando Rajoy decía que Gürtel era una trama contra el PP...— MALDITA HEMEROTECA (@Mhemeroteca) 24 de octubre de 2017
Esto y más ahora a las 15h en @Juliaenlaonda
Soria: "En PP no hay ni cuentas de un tipo ni cuentas de otro"— MALDITA HEMEROTECA (@Mhemeroteca) 24 de octubre de 2017
Fiscalía: Acreditado de manera “abrumadora” la existencia de caja B del PP
La fiscal de 'la Gürtel' pide condenar a los 37 acusados por delitos de "extrema gravedad" #corruPPcion #Gurtel— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 25 de octubre de 2017
Esto 👇👇👇👇👇👇:Caso Gürtel: El alegato final de la fiscal: la Gürtel atentó contra el Estado de Derecho— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 25 de octubre de 2017
domingo, 22 de outubro de 2017
Galiza di: Lumes Nunca Mais // Galicia says: Fires Never Again #QueimanGalicia #Fires #Galicia #NuncaMais
Thousands in Compostela today. We, Galician say: Lumes Nunca Mais— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 22 de octubre de 2017
People say: "We want oaks, f**k eucaliptus" (sorry about that 😜)#lumesnuncamais #FiresNeverAgain— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 22 de octubre de 2017
Galicians demand the resignation of the Galician President #LumesNuncaMais #QueimanGalicia #FiresNeverAgain— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 22 de octubre de 2017
Recupero esta entrevista con Peter Brea (SEAGA) de hai un ano, para que vexades que todo continúa igual ou peor.
Calling Alex Salmond's program on LBC - My view on the current situation in #Catalonia #Spain
Catalonia: Alfonso Dastis, Spanish Foreign Minister - Andrew Marr Show vía @moridura— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 22 de octubre de 2017
Spain's @AlfonsoDastisQ says many images of Catalonia police violence were "fake"— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) 22 de octubre de 2017
UK's @EmilyThornberry disagrees
Así empezó todo. Después de que los catalanes refrendaran el Estatut por el 73% de votos, el PP los humilló y les dijo que su voto no valía— Max Pradera (@maxpradera) 21 de octubre de 2017
venres, 20 de outubro de 2017
The School Times: Interview with Pilar Fernández #Spain #Catalonia #Analysis #Politics #MyviewfromGalicia

Read and listen to our interview with Pilar Fernandez about the situation in Catalonia.— The School Times (@schooltimes) 17 de octubre de 2017
Like every year... Samhain is coming... // Como cada ano... chega o Samain #Samain #Samhain #Halloween #Oracle #Tradition
Lembrade que estarei contestando as vosas preguntas na noite do 31 de outubro ao 1 de Novembro, noite de Samain. Nestes links explícovos o que tendes que facer
Remember that I will be answering all your questions on the night of the 31st of October and 1st of November, Samhain Night.
At these links I explain what you have to do:
(Please send your questions before the 31st Oct, thank you)
Hey followers!!!☄☄🎃🎃🎃🦄🦄🦄👻👻👻🔮🔮🔮Samhain is coming / Chega o Samain #SamhainNight #NoitedeSamain— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 28 de octubre de 2017
xoves, 19 de outubro de 2017
mércores, 18 de outubro de 2017
Dublin Chamber Annual Dinner 2017 - Speech by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon #Ireland #Scotland #Politics #Brexit
Powerful words from First Minister @NicolaSturgeon "Scotland considers Ireland & it’s business community as an ally” #ChamberAD17— Dublin Chamber (@DubCham) 5 de octubre de 2017
FM @NicolaSturgeon addressed @DubCham annual dinner. Read the full speech here: #chamberAD17— First Minister (@ScotGovFM) 5 de octubre de 2017
FM @NicolaSturgeon visited Ireland's only dedicated cultural centre for children @TheArkDublin and met @Barrowlballet performers.— First Minister (@ScotGovFM) 6 de octubre de 2017
luns, 16 de outubro de 2017
#ArdeGalicia #GaliciaBurns #LumesNuncaMais #FiresNeverAgain
At least three dead as wildfires ravage Galicia vía @TheLocalSpain#ArdeGalicia #ArdeAsturies #ArdePortugal— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 16 de octubre de 2017
Imaxes da situación en Nigrán. #ArdeGalicia— TVG (@TVGalicia) 15 de octubre de 2017
Number of victims in wildfires rises to 5 in Portugal, 3 in Spain vía @EFEnoticias#ArdeGalicia #ArdePortugal— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 16 de octubre de 2017
GALICIA BLAZES: 146 fires reported, two dead and 500 military deployed #QueimanGalicia— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 16 de octubre de 2017
[HEMEROTECA 2016]#ArdeGalicia #ArdeGaliza— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 16 de octubre de 2017
Dez anos do boicot do PP ás brigadas contra incendios da Xunta
Me mandan este vídeo de Vigo,ahora mismo,desde el Monte de la Mina. Y la noche por delante. #QueimanGalicia #ArdeGalicia— María R. Abalde (@AbaldeMaria) 15 de octubre de 2017
[HEMEROTECA]— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 16 de octubre de 2017
Aprobada la reforma de la ley de Montes que permite la recalificación de zonas quemadas #ArdeGalicia
#Galicia under more than 85 active #forest fires burning close to cities @CopernicusEU @CopernicusEMS strong #winds #— EOPages (@EOPages) 15 de octubre de 2017
Imaxe dos incendios desde o satélite da Nasa. Poden verse diferente focos activos, non só en Galicia, senón tamén en Asturias e Portugal— TVG (@TVGalicia) 16 de octubre de 2017
What a disgrace! Fires again all over Galicia; but the Galicia Government does not care... they are too busy fighting against "the catalan separatists"..Zero prevention even knowing the weather forecasting. And 440 firefighters were fired two weeks ago. Galicia has suffered a great drought for months. What has the Galician Government been doing to prevent this images? Nothing at all .Total negligence from the Galician Government face with many fires that are devastating Galicia. Local neighbors try to extinguish the fires
Galician Government spent 130,000 euros on laptops 2 fight fires after firing nearly 440 workers vía @gconfidencial— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 15 de octubre de 2017
#ArdeGalicia— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 15 de octubre de 2017
O que é non ter vergonza...#FeijooDimisión #ConselleiraDimision vía @gconfidencial
This is terrible... The Galician President @FeijooGalicia must resign for his incompetence #ArdeGalicia— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 15 de octubre de 2017
venres, 6 de outubro de 2017
#Brexit: Article 50 and Scottish devolution #LordKerr // Brexit: Artigo 50 e autonomía escocesa
The man who wrote Article 50 says Westminster is trying to break Scotland's devolution settlement— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 6 de octubre de 2017
mércores, 4 de outubro de 2017
Catalonia & Spain: International intermediators will be needed #HHRR #UN
When I said PSOE-Podemos are 'not entitled to' I meant they are not able to & the PP won't allow them to put another solution on the table apart from art 155 and they're not entitled to either as they were part of the problem. It's terrible.
The King said not a single word about the injured nor the police violence against citizens, no single mention of dialogue nor negotiation
The King said not a single word about the injured nor the police violence against citizens, no single mention of dialogue nor negotiation
Not a single word about the injured nor the police violence against citizens, no single mention of dialogue nor negotiation #Kingsspeech— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 3 de octubre de 2017
Spain's King Felipe attacks Catalan referendum organisers for having put themselves "outside the law", in TV address— BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) 3 de octubre de 2017
No mention of dialogue, nor condemnation of violence in Catalonia. Spain’s king blows key chance to be a statesman— Elisabeth O'Leary (@OlearyLiz) 3 de octubre de 2017
I totally disagree.. Mariano Rajoy knows exactly what the extreme right wanted to do. He is applying their strategy of keeping power and hiding corruption:Here's the full text of Felipe's kamikaze statement, courtesy of @thespainreport— Paul Mason (@paulmasonnews) 3 de octubre de 2017
Spanish prime minister Mariano Rajoy is doing what his critics say he does best: waiting to see what happens— Financial Times (@FT) 3 de octubre de 2017
Hasta un veterano conservador como Carlaw expresó su preocupación por la violencia contra ciudadanos de Cataluña #humanrights #democracy— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 3 de octubre de 2017
. @EU_Commission @EP_President @JunckerEU— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 3 de octubre de 2017
As a Spanish & European citizen I urge the EU to take actions & call the Spanish Govrn. to order
"EU can't turn a blind eye to police violence" @SkaKeller.— Greens in the EP (@GreensEP) 2 de octubre de 2017
#EPlenary will debate situation in #Catalonia on Wednesday #CatalanReferendum
#Cataluña en el @ScotParl @ChristinaSNP y la ministra @FionaHyslop piden respeto a las leyes internacionales, a los #DDHH y diálogo urgente— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 3 de octubre de 2017
The only viable solution to #Catalonia is EU forcing Madrid to accept mediation. It’s failing so far, badly— Peter Geoghegan (@PeterKGeoghegan) 3 de octubre de 2017
Spain needs international mediation - not monarchy intervention which looks like a mistaken last throw of the dice on Catalonia— Lionel Barber (@lionelbarber) 4 de octubre de 2017
luns, 2 de outubro de 2017
Shame on you, Spain #humanrights #Catalonia #democracy #citizens
No matter what you think about the process or catalan indy, there is no excuse for police violence against peaceful citizens.
Now it's official. Spain is a fascist State.
Disgraceful police violence against our brothers and sisters of Catalonia.
The Spanish Government has kidnapped all human and fundamental rights in Spain with its fascist intervention in Catalonia
Disgraceful police violence against our brothers and sisters of Catalonia.
The Spanish Government has kidnapped all human and fundamental rights in Spain with its fascist intervention in Catalonia
Allegations of sexual assault on young woman who also had 5 fingers broken by Spanish police #CatalanReferendum— Joanna Cherry QC MP (@joannaccherry) 1 de octubre de 2017
Live from Catalonia my report of events witnessed today by international parliamentary delegation @theSNP #1oct #CatalonianReferendum— Joanna Cherry QC MP (@joannaccherry) 1 de octubre de 2017
Polling Station at close of play,huge sense of relief that ballot boxes were not seized & votes intact to be counted under our watchful eyes— Margaret Ferrier SNP (@MargaretFerrier) 1 de octubre de 2017
2/2 and call on Spain to change course before someone is seriously hurt. Let people vote peacefully.— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) 1 de octubre de 2017
General Franco would be proud of Mariano Rajoy. Terrible day for Spanish democracy— Kevin Maguire (@Kevin_Maguire) 1 de octubre de 2017
The Spanish Government has no shame. They are the first to violate the Constitution and the law every single day... #1oct2017 #democracy— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 30 de septiembre de 2017

Au cœur de l'Europe, ces images de violences pour empêcher les gens de VOTER en #Catalogne sont lourdes de sens et de menaces.— Benoît Hamon (@benoithamon) 1 de octubre de 2017
With hundreds hurt in sickening police violence aimed at thwarting voting, Spain is in a deep constitutional crisis.— James Cook (@BBCJamesCook) 2 de octubre de 2017
Spain's Foreign Minister defends actions of the Spanish government in #Catalonia after hundreds of people have been injured trying to vote— Sky News (@SkyNews) 1 de octubre de 2017
My friends and family in Catalonia just voted for them, for us, for democracy, for dignity, for our human rights. Thank you #Bravepeople— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 1 de octubre de 2017
— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 1 de octubre de 2017
Echte democraten blijven niet stil als vreedzame burgers worden beschoten omdat ze willen stemmen @JunckerEU @TimmermansEU @EU_Commission— Mark Demesmaeker (@markdemesmaeker) 1 de octubre de 2017
Politie vuurt op ons met rubberen kogels! Situatie mee gevolg van stilzwijgen, schuldig verzuim van @EU_Commission. @JunckerEU neem ontslag!— Mark Demesmaeker (@markdemesmaeker) 1 de octubre de 2017
German Chancellor Merkel holds phone call with Spanish PM Rajoy as Catalan govt says 465 people injured by police forces.— Holger Zschaepitz (@Schuldensuehner) 1 de octubre de 2017
Human Rights Watch y Oxfam expresan su preocupación por la situación en Catalunya#1oct2017— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 1 de octubre de 2017
Edinburgh crowds now marching from Spanish Consulate to EU Commission to protest silence over repression against #CatalanReferendum— Gordon Maloney (@gordonmaloney) 1 de octubre de 2017
Comment by UN Human Rights Chief #Zeid on the situation in Catalonia, Spain— UN Human Rights (@UNHumanRights) 2 de octubre de 2017
And please remember that Spain has submitted its candidacy to the Human Rights Council 2018-2020Alto Comisionado de la ONU pide una investigación imparcial sobre la violencia en Cataluña #humanrights— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 2 de octubre de 2017
#Catalonia #HumanRights
Y recordad que España ha presentado su candidatura para el Consejo de Derechos Humanos 2018-2020 @ONU_derechos #Catalonia #HumanRights— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 2 de octubre de 2017
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