Video in Galician / Video en Galego
sábado, 29 de xullo de 2017
xoves, 27 de xullo de 2017
luns, 24 de xullo de 2017
xoves, 20 de xullo de 2017
Las cloacas de Interior / The sewers of the Home Office #Spain #DirtyWar #Censorship #GAL
Las malas prácticas y la corrupción en el Ministerio del Interior a partir de las grabaciones entre el ministro Jorge Fernández Díaz y Daniel de Alfonso que reveló el diario Público en junio de 2016. Con testimonio en exclusiva de dos comisarios y un sargento de la guardia civil, desvela una red de intereses y corruptelas que va más allá de la persecución a los enemigos políticos, que configura una trama de favoritismos y corruptelas que implica a policías, jueces, fiscales y empresarios: una estructura dentro del estado que ofrece sus servicios a los más poderosos. El documental repasa también las malas prácticas en el Ministerio del Interior desde el inicio de la transición
The documentary produced by MEDIAPRO is the result of nine months of investigation and analysis revealing the dirty works at the heart of the Interior Ministry for the first time.
The project, directed by Jaume Roures and written by Jaume Grau, is a priceless piece of documentary film-making thanks to first-hand accounts from four policemen who talk before the cameras for the very first time: Marcelino Martín Blas, the former head of Internal Affairs in the Police, Jaime Barrado, police commissioner, the Civil Guard sergeant José Oreja and a high-level civil servant in the Interior Ministry who wishes to remain anonymous.
martes, 18 de xullo de 2017
luns, 17 de xullo de 2017
A bordo do Novo Rosymar para celebrar as festas do Carme 2017 en #Cambados #SeaWorkers #Celebration #Galicia #GZ
On the 16th of July the seaworkers in Galicia celebrate the Carmen, their Patron Saint. We were in #Cambados, on board the Novo Rosymar
This is GALICIA! #Fishing— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 16 de julio de 2017
Bos días! Felicísimos de ter formado parte da 'tripulación' do Novo Rosymar de #Cambados. Honrada polo convite dos irmáns Somoza 😍😍😍— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 17 de julio de 2017
domingo, 9 de xullo de 2017
Cruceiro de Roo mobilízase contra o peche do CEIP Emilio de Navasqües #Outes #Schools #primaryschools
Don't close down our school, they say. Women and children will be affected the most in quality of life and education #StopCuts— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 8 de julio de 2017
luns, 3 de xullo de 2017
Non ao peche do CEIP Emilio Navasquës (Cruceiro de Roo - Outes) #Outes #SerradeOutes #EducaciónPública #Galicia #GZ
The Galician government shuts public schools of rural communities down, without warning in advance to parents and teachers. This is a school of Serra de Outes (A Coruña, Galicia). 72 children will have to look for another school near their community.
domingo, 2 de xullo de 2017
My wee flag for #BarraBuntingProject // O meu bandeirín para o Proxecto de Barra Bunting #IsleofBarra #Scotland
Very happy to participate in this initiative of Barra Bunting with my wee Galician flag, full of symbols and solidarity from Santiago de Compostela and I encourage you all to visit the Isle of Barra and make your own wee flag too.
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