mércores, 31 de maio de 2017

A obsesión real do SNP // The real #SNP obsession #Scotland #poverty #women #humanrights #Trident #ToryCuts #Torypolicies #GE17 #ScotRef

luns, 29 de maio de 2017

To legitimise or not to legitimise.... That's the question for Scottish Labour #GE17 #SNP #ScotParl #democracy

O laborismo continúa a súa catastrófica dinámica de mensaxes confusos en Escocia.
Onte a lider escocesa, Kezia Dugdale nunha desastrosa entrevista para a BBC negábase a recoñecer a lexitimidade do mandato gañado nas eleccións polo SNP, e de igual xeito a lexitimidade das medidas aprobadas por maioría absoluta polo Parlamento escocés. Gravísimo desprezo á democracia que non pasou desapercibido polo entrevistador da BBC.
De igual xeito a lider Tory Ruth Davidson, moito mais agresiva, seguía a mesma liña de actuación e a mesma mensaxe.
Jeremy Corbyn, onte en Escocia, cometeu o mesmo erro que Miliband en 2015, criticando ao SNP e negando a posibilidade dunha coalición en Westminster. E mesmo criticou as políticas do Scottish National Party cando moitas das propostas do seu programa electoral levan anos sendo aplicadas en Escocia polos nacionalistas.
Moitos lle recordaron nas redes que o Scottish Labour está a formar coalicións nalgúns concellos cos Conservadores, e mesmo piden voto táctico co fin de inflixir ao SNP unha grande derrota nas vindeiras eleccións do 8 de xuño.
Pero hoxe Jeremy Corbyn volveu a sementar o caos na súa mensaxe para Escocia, desdecindo a lider do seu partido en terras do norte,  nunhas declaracións nas que SI recoñece e é coidadoso coa lexitimidade do Parlamento escocés. O espectáculo continúa...

Afortunadamente, a lider do SNP e Primeira Ministra de Escocia, ten claridade no que propón e no que quere para Escocia e o expresa moi claro en cada entrevista e debate ao que asiste.

xoves, 25 de maio de 2017

First Minister's Questions - Scottish Parliament: 25 May 2017 #FMQs #Politics #Scotland

Congratulations to the legendary Lisbon Lions #Celticlegends #LisbonLions #50years #HailHail

martes, 23 de maio de 2017

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon gives an update on the Scottish government emergency meeting #Manchester #UK #Manchester Arena

Tha na teaghlaichean aig an dithis nigheannan a dhìth am Manchester ag ràdh nach cuala iad bhuapa bho a-raoir. https://t.co/05dOQDBlRt pic.twitter.com/E7pIy5rPog

luns, 22 de maio de 2017

Journey to Yes #11 #12 & #13 #FromNotoYes via @PhantomPower14 #ScotRef #Scotland #debate

Obsession for independence / Obsesión pola independencia #LeadearsDebate #Scotland #GE17 #ScotRef

É evidente a necesidade vital dos Tories en Escocia de sacar rédito político sobre un segundo referendo de independencia como ataque ao Scottish National Part (SNP) nestas elección xerais que van ter lugar o 8 de xuño. A estratexia é a de acusar ao SNP de estaren obsesionados coa indepedencia e de non atender ao traballo diario que deben afrontar como partido do goberno en Escocia.

(Thank you to Peter Curran @moridura, as usual for these videos) 

Mais no debate a  seis celebrado onte pola BBC Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon amosou o contido do panfleto que o partido de Ruth Davidson está a distribuir en Escocia; panfleto que menciona 26 veces independencia; non menciona nin unha soa vez o Servizo Nacional de Saúde,  a educación, os recortes dos Tories en benestar,  nin os recortes en materia de pensión que das súas políticas de austeridade e privatización. 
A lider dos laboristas escoceses tamén fixo da independencia o argumento fundamental durante as eleccións locais e agora na campaña ás xerais do 8 de xuño e mesmo chega ao punto de pedir o voto táctico para os Tories nalgunas comarcas con tal de frear ao SNP... que parece ser o seu principal inimigo.

Non só os conservadores e os laboristas, tamén os Liberal Demócratas fan da independencia un dos argumentos fundamentais. Willie Rennie pediu "cancelar" o debate sobre un segundo referendo de independencia ao mesmo tempo que di querer un segundo referendo de Brexit para que o pobo británico poida decidir se quere sair ou non da UE unha vez se coñezan as condicións das negociacións. Todo coherencia.

A inmigración tamén foi un dos temas tratados durante un debate que deixou ao descuberto a proximidade cada vez mais patente entre as políticas do UKIP e os Tories:

Desgraciadamente a BBC non deixa de sorprender polo xeito que ten de conducir os debates, onde en vez de tratar temas relacionados coas políticas de Westminster, dirixiron as preguntas a competencias xa devoltas a Escocia, coma si se tratase dun debate para elexir o Parlamento escocés, cousa que foi moi criticada nas redes.
Un dos mellores no debate, aparte de Nicola Sturgeon (á que se lle nota estar acostumada e preparada para contestar calquera pregunta do público, por moi difícil que sexa sen perder por un momento a calma), foi sen dúbida Patrick Harvie, que aportou sen dúbida claridade e contundencia contra as políticas conservadoras e as consecuencias que poden acarrear para Escocia e o resto do Reino Unido.
Malia que a maioría dos medios pretenden facer a mesma promoción para Ruth Davidson que a que fixeron para Farage no seu momento, as hemerotecas están aí para demostrar que a posición dos Tories en Escocia é todo menos coherente, e que teñen unha necesidade vital para facer dun segundo referendo de independencia todo o seu argumentario.

Theresa May pediu aos escoceses que lanzasen cos votos das eleccións locais unha inequívoca mensaxe ao SNP contra a independencia. O Scottish National Party conseguiu mais votos que nas anteriores, mais concellais e foi o partido mais votado en mais da metade das comarcas.
Agora a estratexia dos Tories é a mesma. Veremos que mensaxe lles manda o electorado.

sábado, 20 de maio de 2017

Tories and that "Public consent" #GE17 #ScotRef #Brexit #Toryfarright

Art by Nancy Ohanian
This tweet from February 2017:
To me, the strategy of the conservatives is crystal clear. Be aware, Scotland:

sábado, 13 de maio de 2017

Outra proba de lume en Escocia // Another Litmus test in Scotland #GE17 #Scotland #SNP #Green #Brexit #ScotRef

Here you have my latest article published by Sermos Galiza analyzing the results of the #council17 and the panorama in Scotland for #GE17

Aquí tedes o meu último artigo publicado por Sermos Galiza analizando os resultados das eleccións locais e o panorama en Escocia para as #GE17 (do vindeiro 8 de xuño) 
Artigo orixinal en galego / Original version in Galician language

Theresa May is poised to become Prime Minister-elect of the United Kingdom and to see her leadership reinforced after calling for an early election which she had repeated on several occasions, would not take place until 2020.

But surveys were and still are favourable and she wanted to take advantage of the ongoing crisis of the Labour Party, and to try to achieve a mandate that enables her to carry out negotiations of Brexit more comfortably.

On the other hand, she also wanted to test the nationalism in Scotland, her greatest enemy, and to try to delegitimize the official request by the Scottish Parliament for a new independence referendum before Brexit is effective.

Theresa May urged Scots to send a clear message against the Scottish National Party (SNP) in the local elections on 4th May. The manifestos of the unionist parties, especially the Conservatives and Labour, didn´t implement proposals on local issues but instead launched in unison a single message: "No to a second independence referendum".

The result could not have been clearer. Forty-six percent of the electorate exercised their right to vote, and 70 percent of them opted for candidates of more progressive parties than the Tories. The Scottish National Party (SNP) and the Scottish Green increased their number of councillors with respect to what they had in 2012.

The Conservatives achieved a very good result both in the rest of the UK, where they got the votes of UKIP which almost disappeared; and also in Scotland, where they clearly gained from the remains of the wreck that is Scottish Labour.

But the unionist propaganda machine which has been working non-stop for many months, is determined to hide any success or achievement of the Scottish Government on the state channels while providing ample time for the intervention of more extreme voices which are favourable to the Tories.

The often alleged bias of the BBC, which has not decreased, reported these days less SNP councillors, comparing the results to seats in 2007 and not with the previous election in 2012.

Right now, the SNP is the biggest party in municipalities such as Glasgow, a traditional Labour stronghold for 40 years. This is a huge accomplishment for the party led by Nicola Sturgeon, which was also the most voted party in the vast majority of the regions of Scotland.

However, the guidelines are clear from London: the SNP must be halted at all costs to inflict a major defeat in the general elections of June 8th.

In the previous general elections of 2015, the SNP won 56 of 59 seats. Some surveys predict that the Tories now with the help of tactical unionist voting could get some more seats than just the Secretary of State for Scotland, David Mundell.

The SNP is already campaigning in the streets and with the Greens, colleagues in the battle against Brexit and in favour of a second independence referendum, they are already working on an implicit progressive alliance. In fact, the Scottish Green Party has presented only three candidates for Westminster, and is calling for a common front against the devastating policies of the Tories.

Theresa May has received constant criticism for not wanting to participate in the televised election debates, and the BBC has done everything possible to avoid a confrontation in public between her and the Scottish First Minister.

For May this election is supposed to achieve the power to carry out all the projects of a hard Brexit, their xenophobic and reactionary policies and the reconciliation of the Conservative Party with the UKIP extremists now returning to the common house of the Tories. We talk about Le Pen, but there are few differences in the arguments, programs and behaviour of the British Conservatives.

For Nicola Sturgeon it is to strengthen her legitimate and democratic mandate to defend Scotland against the constant attacks from London and, more than ever, to stop the advance of the Conservative forces that Labour with its complicity has allowed to grow.

And for Scotland these elections will be another litmus test. An important decision between the defence of their institutions and the centralism of Theresa May that will clearly endanger the existence of the Holyrood Parliament and the sovereignty of the Scottish people.

mércores, 10 de maio de 2017

Something fishy... #Brexit #Scotland #Fishing #Fisheries

(From The National)
"In a letter to Bertie Armstrong, chief executive of the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation, Leadsom said the UK Government would try to “disapply” the most unpopular and unworkable elements of the EU CFP, but had to admit that some of the policy would still apply to the UK.
Leadsom wrote: “No decision has yet been made on the extent to which the EU legislation governing the Common Fisheries Policy will be incorporated into domestic law.
“The Government will continue to champion sustainable fisheries and we are committed to ongoing cooperation with other countries over the management of shared stocks and ending discards.”" 
My conclusions on fisheries and our experience in Galicia: 
A conservative government cannot be expected to defend the interests of fishermen. Fishing for them is never going to be a priority, but a business for a few.

mércores, 3 de maio de 2017

Interview with / Entrevista con: Linda Graham - Broadcasting Scotland #FreedomofthePress #Media #TV #Scotland #Information #Plurality

It was great to meet Linda Graham in Glasgow and speak to her about the Broadcasting Scotland project, culture, history, technology. 
She is a genius! And we had a very interesting and useful interchange of  ideas and opinions. 

Fenomenal coñecer a Linda Graham en Glasgow e falar con ela sobre o seu proxecto "Broadcasting Scotland", sobre cultura, historia e tecnoloxía. 
Ela é un xenio! E tivemos un moi interesante intercambio de ideas e opinións.
(Comparto o video da entrevista só en inglés, pero en canto poda poñerei a versión coa tradución ao galego tamén!) 

martes, 2 de maio de 2017

My chat in Yes Edinburgh West on the 1st of May #ScotRef #Indyref #Galiza #TheSpanishVetoMyth

This is my chat in Edinburgh with videos included! Thank you again Yes Edinburgh West for giving me this opportunity to speak to you. I feel very honored! 

We were there supporting you during indyref, and we'll be there again for #ScotRef