domingo, 5 de febreiro de 2017

O ataque de pánico de David Mundell // David Mundell's panic attack #indyref2

Medo non, PÁNICO é o que amosou o Secretario de Estado para Escocia, unha vez mais, sendo incapaz de contestar ás insistentes preguntas de Brewer esta mañán en "Sunday Politics Scotland".

O único deputado representante de Escocia en Westminster que votou a favor do plan de Brexit de Theresa May, repetiu unha e outra vez o mantra de que Escocia non debería ter un segundo referendo de independencia, e tratou de evadir a polémica creada polo Ministro de Defensa, Michael Fallon, quen suxeriu hai uns días que o Goberno de Londres podería bloquear #indyref2, alegando que Nicola Sturgeon non ten mandato (o cal non é certo) para levalo a cabo.

Mundell tamén anunciou que esta semana viaxarán a Bruxelas para continuar coas conversas sobre Brexit ainda que aclarou que ata que non se active o artigo 50, as negociacións non estarán abertas.

Fear no, PANIC is what the Secretary of State of Scotland showed today in "Sunday Politics Scotland" being unable to answer to the persistant questioning of Brewer about #indyref2. 

The only Scottish MP in Westminster who voted in favour of the Brexit's plan of Theresa May repeated once and again the mantra "Scotland does not need a second referendum of independence", and refused to add to (or deminish) the controversy created by the Minister of Defense. 

Michael Fallon suggested some days ago that the Government of London could block #indyref2, alleging that Nicola Sturgeon does not have a mandate to call for another referendum (which is not true) . 
Mundell also announced that he will be visiting Brussels this week to continue  the conversations on Brexit alghtough he clarify that until the article 50 is triggered, the negotiations will not be open.

Moitas grazas, coma sempre a Peter Curran por este video  
Thank you so much, as usual, to Peter Curran for this video 

Esta mañán tamén podíamos ler outra durísima editorial de El País sobre o Libro Branco de Theresa May para #Brexit  ao que catalogan de "retórico e vacío exercicio de propaganda" e de moi decepcionante.

We could read today another hard editorial by El Pais (Spanish newspaper) on Theresa May's White Paper for Brexit which is called a "rethorical and empty exercise of propaganda" and "very dissapointing" 
Video de arquivo: Mundell no Parlamento escocés evitando contestar á mesma pregunta que hoxe
From arquive: Mundell at the Scottish Parliament refusing to answer same question as today

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