mércores, 30 de novembro de 2016
xoves, 24 de novembro de 2016
domingo, 20 de novembro de 2016
Coa hostelería de #Compostela: basta de acosos, manipulación política e campañas mediáticas
As Asociacións de bares e pubs de Compostela convídannos a aportar o noso grao de area para gañar a batalla contra a manipulación política e o acoso e campaña mediática que xornais como El Correo e La Voz levan a cabo.
Está en xogo a súa subsistencia, polo que vos animo a pasarvos polos pubs, ler o seu manifesto e asinar.
Eu dende logo, fareino. Ánimo e adiante.
Deixovos aquí este video cunha pequena explicación do abuso e do acoso ao que levan expostos dende os últimos anos.
sábado, 19 de novembro de 2016
Talabarte Fake disco-libro xa está no mercado! // Talabarte Fake CD-Book is out! #Culture #Galicia #Compostela
Presentación do disco-libro Talabarte Fake na Fundación Granell o 18 de novembro de 2016. Grazas a Douglas Naismith que fixo a tradución dos textos de galego a inglés, por este video e fotos.
Presentation of the book-disc Talabarte Fake at Fundación Granell (Compostela) on the 18th of November. Thank you to Douglas Naismith, who translated the texts of the book from Galician into English, for this video and photos
Here is one take / Aqui tedes unha mostra:
6. Loch Nis (Quim Farinha):
A Soidade do Montro
The Solitude of the Monster
seems like an exaggerated denomination for such a pacific and adorable being as
Nessie. Sure neither is it very clear who Nessie really is: a prehistoric
being? A disproportionate crocodile? Or simply some sort of gigantic lamprey?
We only know that it has lived in the depths of Loch Ness, in Scotland, since
the beginnings of time, in pacific existence in which no known human attack has
been recorded. Its sightings are as sporadic as timid, distant photographs that
hardly allow a guess of a head in the shape of a periscope that sticks out to
check if everything was in order, or not; the tip of an iceberg, in short, of a
being of colossal dimensions that in spite of not wanting to be the centre of
attention, has generously fed the tourist industry of Inverness-shire for more
than a century.
There are
those who say that Nessie will finally surface one day and settle on land, on
free land, the day that Scotland decides in a referendum to her independence
from the oppressive British yoke. But as myths exist for all tastes, there are
those that also say the Loch Ness Monster doesn’t exist, and that the famous
photo taken by the surgeon R.K.Wilson in 1934 in the Daily Mail, was a lie,
barely one of the pioneering episodes of the sensationalist British press in its
frenzied competition to sell papers.
some divers confirmed, to the surprise of the world, the existence of the
remains of Nessie in the depths of the loch. It wasn’t the original monster,
but more like its double, an enormous mechanical creature created for the film
“The private life of Sherlock Holmes” by Billy Wilder that, victim of the
excessive ambition of the producers, couldn’t keep hold of its two iron humps
and ended up sinking forever to the depths of Loch Ness.
For the authentic
Nessie, it must be fun to observe on its solitary swims through the cold waters
of the loch, the ruin of its ridiculous ironwork parody: or to stick its head
out of the surface to find out if its beloved Scotland is finally independent or
not from the United Kingdom.
What’s not
so much fun for Nessie, however, is the solitude of someone who doesn’t have a
companion with whom to share their existence. And this is the true drama of
Nessie because monsters have hearts too and Nessie, in particular, is all heart
and is very lonely in the cold waters of Loch Ness. And because everyone wants
to see Nessie, but never to ask her how she is, how she’s feeling, what she
needs …"
venres, 18 de novembro de 2016
luns, 14 de novembro de 2016
Descubrindo as nosas músicas / Discovering our music: Ricardo Fernández Carreira #Galicia #Culture #History
O 13 de novembro de 2016 a Banda de Música de Santiago de Compostela interpretou por primeira vez a obra do meu avó paterno,o mestre Ricardo Fernández Carreira: Cuadros Campestres.
On the 13th of November the Santiago de Compostela Band of Music played for the very first time a piece by my Grandpa Ricardo Fernández Carreira: Cuadros Campestres (Countryside scenes)
Aquí vos deixo algúns videos. O primeiro da presentación do acto que fixo Beatriz Cancela; o segundo da introducción feita polos irmáns Cancela da obra do meu avó e interpretación da Banda de Música.
Here you have some videos. The first of them is the presentation of the event by Beatriz Cancela; the second is the introduction by Beatriz and Alberto Cancela (musicologists) of my Grandpa's piece followed by the Band's performance.
You can watch the rest of the magistral concert on my FB page "O mundo de Pilar-Aymara" (Pilar-Aymara's world)
En nome da familia, moitísimas grazas, de corazón a Beatriz y Alberto Cancela, e por suposto, aos membros da Banda de Música da que o meu avó foi Director.
Thank you so much to Beatriz Cancela and Alberto Cancela and indeed, to the members of the Band of Music of which my grandfather was Director
Congreso SEDEM "La obra sinfónica de R. Fernández Carreira..." @ACancelaMontes pic.twitter.com/zboiMjOBbw— DesAsNosMus (@DesAsNosMus) 18 de noviembre de 2016
xoves, 10 de novembro de 2016
mércores, 9 de novembro de 2016
Donald Trump, President of the US // Donald Trump Presidente dos Estados Unidos #EleccionDay #US #Politics
Primeiras reaccións de Donald Trump despois da súa vitoria https://t.co/C5IjjWJ6Hj pic.twitter.com/WqJiscS1mn— TVG (@TVGalicia) 9 de noviembre de 2016
The nightmare comes true... Trump is the 45th president of the United States of America. pic.twitter.com/NVQPCsQH1P— The National (@ScotNational) 9 de noviembre de 2016
You want to know how this happened? This is how: https://t.co/oz0OmwAXA4— GeorgeMonbiot (@GeorgeMonbiot) 9 de noviembre de 2016
My comment on #USElection - 'today is a moment for all of us who believe in tolerance and diversity to speak up for the values we hold dear' https://t.co/OkihVnuBp6— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) 9 de noviembre de 2016
martes, 8 de novembro de 2016
Recomendado / Recommended: #BandaMunicipal de Compostela estrea obra do Mestre Ricardo Fernández Carreira #Concert #Music of my #GrandPa
Hi @moridura! The @BandadeSantiago will play on Sunday, for the first time, a composition of my Grandpa 'Cuadros Rupestres' 😁😍💖💖💖 #sohappy! pic.twitter.com/9YJ8NzVCWO— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 7 de noviembre de 2016
I'll be broadcasting live from // Estarei emitindo o concerto en vivo dende: https://www.facebook.com/O-mundo-de-Pilar-Aymara-1687000631577052/ …
(12 da mañán / 11 AM Scottish time)

domingo, 6 de novembro de 2016
An Evening for Alasdair Gray at the Oran Mor - Get your ticket now! #Glasgow #Music #Culture #29thNovember
Get your tickets now!
Tickets here – An Evening for Alasdair Gray at the Oran Mor https://t.co/PyrJFPSAPq pic.twitter.com/Eqp1LLNdEE— kevin brown (@songs4scotland) 4 de noviembre de 2016
sábado, 5 de novembro de 2016
Unha versión moi especial do #GodSavetheQueen en #BBCNewsnight para celebrar o #Brexit
Andrew Rosindell, the MP for Romford suxeriu que a BBC1 emitise, ao final da xornada informativa de cada día, o hino británico "God Save de Queen" para celebrar o Brexit.
BBC Newsnight tomoulle a palabra e emitiu a versión do Sex Pistols do hino británico. O video convertiuse en viral, por suposto. Aquí volo deixo, disfrutádeo.
Tory MP calls for BBC 1 to mark Brexit with national anthem at the end of each day https://t.co/jvYuxGUVST— Telegraph News (@TelegraphNews) 3 de noviembre de 2016
venres, 4 de novembro de 2016
Entrevista con Ánxela Ferro da Asociación Abeiro #rescate #mascotas #maltratoanimal #protecciónanimal
Estamos concienciados sobre as responsabilidades que temos coas nosas mascotas? E sobre maltrato animal?
De todo isto e mais falei con Anxela Ferro, da Asociación Abeiro, esta tarde. Escoitade e compartide

Podedes contactal@s en Asociación Abeiro no FB, tamén no twitter @Abeiroanimal e na súa nova páxina web: www.asociacionabeiro.org
xoves, 3 de novembro de 2016
Government DOES need Parliamentary approval to trigger #Article50 // O Goberno británico debe aprobar a activación do artigo 50 #brexit
High court decides that Theresa May does not have the crown prerogative to trigger Article 50 herself https://t.co/mzYfe3MXAZ— Sky News (@SkyNews) 3 de noviembre de 2016
#Brexit— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 3 de noviembre de 2016
Profundamenta decepcionados, respectan o resultado do referendo e o Goberno de Theresa May apelará a sentencia sobre o #Article50 pic.twitter.com/fd4HUJoPPw
Calm down, dears – Article 50 is still going to happen | Conservative Home https://t.co/gFekX7g9JH— Wings Over Scotland (@WingsScotland) 3 de noviembre de 2016
The High Court's full judgment in the Brexit case https://t.co/RUN9PmZkQ5— PeatWorrier (@PeatWorrier) 3 de noviembre de 2016
Sign the petition / Firma a petición #StandingRock #Sioux #Dakota #NoDAPL
Follow in twitter / Segue en twitter: @NoDAPL
Sign the petition / Firma a petición:
martes, 1 de novembro de 2016
Dende Santiago de Compostela, cidade espiritual / From Santiago de Compostela, spiritual city #IStandWithStandingRock #NativeAmerican #WaterProtectors
Únete e mantente informado // Join and keep yourself informed:
Homenaxe aos ancestros // Tribute to the Ancestors (& Samhain Oracle for Scotland) #Samhain #Samain #Halloween

Rendindo homenaxe aos meus ancestros e aos seres queridos que nos deixaron este ano. Que teñades un Feliz Samaín.
Ancestors advise to be careful with forces working against the strength of a woman #betrayal
A decision must be made between two paths. Ancestors speak of lessons already known to avoid repeating the same mistakes
Changes will happen quickly, but this time wise people will speak on your behalf, and after a periode of silence the Sun will shine again
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