venres, 29 de xullo de 2016
domingo, 24 de xullo de 2016
25 de xullo: Dia da Nación Galega #GalicianNationalDay #25thJuly
On the 25th of July, we, Galicians celebrate our National Day. Time to think about our future as a Nation. Time to find unity, to have an alternative government for Galicia. Let's work very hard every day.
xoves, 21 de xullo de 2016
Fishing on board the Portosin Dos // Pescando a bordo do Portosín Dos #OCerco #PurseSeine #Galicia #Portosin
Thank you so much to José and Ramón Blanco and to all the crew of the Portosin Dos for sharing with us all their wisdom. We feel privileged and honoured to have been out there with all of them. We have strong reasons to support the traditional Galician purse-seine fishing sector and we wanted to show our support by learning all about it.
Moitísimas grazas a José e Ramón Blanco e a toda a tripulación do Portosín Dos por compartiren con nós toda a súa sabidoría. Sentímonos privilexiados e honrados de termos estado aí fora con eles. Temos razóns de peso para apoiar ao tradicional sector pesqueiro do Cerco galego e quixemos amosar o noso apoio aprendendo todo sobre el.
19 de xullo de 2016 // 19th of July 2016
xoves, 7 de xullo de 2016
mércores, 6 de xullo de 2016
A guerra de Iraq : a ilegalidade da premeditación de Bush, Tony Blair ... e Aznar #Chilcot
Informe completo gratuito / Chilcot Report :
Chilcot verdict on Blair in Iraq is devastating:
Reaccións e resposta do SNP en boca da Primeira Ministra escocesa Nicola Sturgeon, Angus Robertson e Alex Salmond:
Spain shoulder to shoulder with US and UK
Chilcot verdict on Blair in Iraq is devastating:
— Katharine Viner (@KathViner) 6 de julio de 2016
The Chilcot Report is 58 separate PDFs. Get them all in a single download here:— Wings Over Scotland (@WingsScotland) 6 de julio de 2016
These are the 179 British troops who were killed in the Iraq War #Chilcot— Sky News (@SkyNews) 6 de julio de 2016
Sir John #Chilcot: The UK's role in Iraq "ended a very long way from success"— Sky News (@SkyNews) 6 de julio de 2016 John #Chilcot: "In March 2003 there was no imminent threat from Saddam Hussein"— Sky News (@SkyNews) 6 de julio de 2016
Reaccións e resposta do SNP en boca da Primeira Ministra escocesa Nicola Sturgeon, Angus Robertson e Alex Salmond:
#Chilcot damning. War not last resort, based on flawed, unchallenged intel and unsatisfactory legal decisions. 1/3— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) 6 de julio de 2016
2/3 'I'll be with you whatever' Blair to Bush commitment also suggests pre-determination and lack of proper decision making— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) 6 de julio de 2016
3/3 lack of preparation for aftermath and failure to properly equip/support troops for scale of challenge also appalling #ChilcotReport— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) 6 de julio de 2016
"Why is he not here looking at us if he's so sure of his decision." Sarah O'Connor, whose brother died in Iraq War— Sky News (@SkyNews) 6 de julio de 2016
"Never again" - families of Iraq War victims say they do not rule out court action #Chilcot— BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) 6 de julio de 2016
A woman whose brother was killed in the Iraq War said Tony Blair is the "world's worst terrorist". #Chilcot— Sky News (@SkyNews) 6 de julio de 2016
Chilcot Report confirms that Tony Blair wrote to President Bush in 2002 saying 'I will be with you whatever' #Iraq— Angus Robertson (@AngusRobertson) 6 de julio de 2016
We must now consider what political or legal consequences are appropriate for those responsible. #Chilcot— Alex Salmond (@AlexSalmond) 6 de julio de 2016
"I will be with you, whatever" - actual Blair to Bush memo, July 2002— Faisal Islam (@faisalislam) 6 de julio de 2016
From Blair to Bush memo, July 02 - Blair says US didnt want WMD evidence, Blair suggests "add on the Al Qaida link"— Faisal Islam (@faisalislam) 6 de julio de 2016
Jeremy Corbyn: "Going to war without UN authorisation was profoundly dangerous."— Sky News (@SkyNews) 6 de julio de 2016
Spain shoulder to shoulder with US and UK
LATEST: Spain Stood Next To US And UK To Justify Iraq War, Says Chilcot Report— The Spain Report (@thespainreport) 6 de julio de 2016
luns, 4 de xullo de 2016
domingo, 3 de xullo de 2016
Solidarity with Scotland International Campaign: New #logos / Novos logos / Nuevos logos #Yes2EU #ScotlandinEurope
Let me introduce you all our new logos, made by Paul Kavanagh for our new campaign. Please share them, used them like a profile, take photos from wherever you are and send them to us. We'll share all of them on our Facebook and twitter accounts!
Deixademe presentarvos os nosos novos logos feitos por Paul Kavanagh para a nosa nova campaña. Por favor, compartídeos, usádeos como foto de perfil nas redes sociais, sacade fotos con eles alá onde esteades en enviádenolas. Compartirémolas todas nas nosas contas de Facebook e twitter. Moitas grazas

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