martes, 14 de xuño de 2016

The toxic presence of Gordon Brown / A presenza tóxica de Gordon Brown #Brexit #UK #EUref

It’s no secret the Establishment has a fear of the possible Independence of Scotland. They fear that even more that a possible Brexit! They talk about the “domino effect” that Scottish Independence could provoke, which would be even worse than the domino effect of a win for the Vote leave campaign.

Non é ningún secreto que o Establishment ten medo a unha posible independencia de Escocia. É mais, téñenlle mais medo ainda que a un posible Brexit. E falan mais do efecto dominó que a independencia de Escocia podería provocar que o efecto dominó que unha vitoria da campaña pro-Brexit podería ter.

I’m astonished, really. I’ve been listening the toxic voices of Tony Blair, with the shadow of the Chilcot Report hanging over him; I’ve been listening and watching as much debate and news as I can; John Major’s statements on Scottish Independence and the celebration of a second referendum were very curious and I recommend everyone to check them out. And I thank Peter Curran for his so interesting and useful videos than help to keep me tuned.

Estou estupefacta, en serio. Estiven escoitando as voces tóxicas de Tony Blair, permanentemente acompañado pola sombra do Informe Chilcot; escoitei e mirei cando mais debate e noticias me foi posible; as declaracións de John Major sobre a independencia de Escocia e a celebración dun segundo referendo son moi curiosas e recomendo a todo o mundo botarlles un ollo. E agradezo a Peter Curran os seus tan interesantes e útiles videos que me axudan a estar ao tanto de todo. 

The media in Spain receive their updates and news from agencies, and you can see it very easily. There’s no news (in my opinion) about the most important and strong arguments of the #remaininEU campaign because if they published those, they’d have to explain a lot of details about the current situation of Scotland and how Scots are now, with a Scottish Labour so weak after the empty promises of the Better Together campaign, and the disastrous and outrageous behaviour of the British Government in cases like, for example, the Brain Family.

Os medios españoles reciben as súas actualizacións e noticias das axencias, e pode verse moi facilmente. Non hai noticias sobre (para min) os mais importantes e fortes argumentos da campaña "Remain in EU",  porque de habelas terían que explicar un montón de detalles sobre as razóns da situación actual de Escocia e das razóns polas que o laborismo escocés é agora tan débil, logo das promesas vácuas da campaña Better Together, e o desastroso e indignante comportamento do Goberno británico en casos como, por exemplo, o da familia Brian. 

But hey! Guess what!? Today the Spanish MSM was all about the "Messiah" Gordon Brown… I read on social networks, many politicians celebrating the return of the great leader Gordon Brown trying to lend a hand to Cameron.

Pero, ei! Adiviñades!? Hoxe toda a prensa española fala do "Mesías" Gordon Brown.. Leo nas redes sociais comentarios de políticos celebrando o retorno do gran lider Gordon Brown botando unha man a Cameron. 

Dear oh dear… Is there something that I missed? Because, as a Galician, I can be very suspicious and I have to analyse very carefully what gain this guy could get from this… the intentions of one of the most toxic voices in British politics making an intervention… again… and what effect could it have on the Scottish electorate? Help ma Boab! Surely the Establishment are aware of this or are they really that stupid? 

Miña nai querida... perdinme algo quizáis? Porque, como boa galega, podo ser moi desconfiada e teño que analizar con moito tino que proveito saca este home de todo iso... que intencións pode ter unha das voces mais tóxicas da política británica intervindo... outra vez... e que efecto podería ter isto no electorado escocés? Mimá! O Establishment debera saber isto, ou é que son tan tontos? 

Seriously, I’m really concerned about a possible Brown intervention (again) in Scotland. We all have memory (and very bad memories of his interventions and his vows… I call him Gordon Vow…).

En serio, preocúpame moito unha intervención (de novo) de Brown en Escocia. Todos temos memoria (e moitos malos recordos das súas intervencións e as súas promesas... de feito... eu gosto de chamalo Gordon "Vow" *) 

I know Gordon Brown is a very clever man and I’m sure he is not doing this new intervention for nothing… And because I know he is a very clever man, it must be known the kind of effect he might have in Scotland as his intervention will damage the #RemaininEU campaign, by annoying the Scots and increasing the abstention on the 23th of June, or even worse… provoking those undecided to vote Leave.  

Sei que Gordon Brown é un home moi intelixente (e interesado) e estou segura de que non está facendo esta nova intervención gratuitamente... E precisamente porque é un home intelixente, entendo que valoraría o moito que pode danar a campaña "Remain in EU" en Escocia xa que molestaría aos escoceses, incrementaría a abtensión o 23 de xuño ou ainda peor... provocaría que aqueles que están indecis@s decidan votar Brexit.  

Then add the toxic presence of Gordon Brown to the daft comment from Jeremy Corbyn about the Scots and Independence (why, Jeremy, why? Where were you when the Better Together campaign challenged the Scots over EU membership… or when the Vow was announced by your colleagues???)  

Logo, engadide a presenza de Gordon Brown ao estúpido comentario de Jeremy Corbyn sobre os escoceses e a independencia (por que, Jeremy, por que? Onde estabas ti cando a campaña Better Together ameazou aos escoceses coa pertenza na UE... ou cando o Vow foi anunciado polos teus colegas???) 

So, as a Galician woman… watching the bulls from behind the barrier with lots of attention… I know that in the likely case of a Brexit (and at the moment I believe that there will be a Brexit), if there is a very narrow victory for the Remain Campaign in Scotland, the Indy case will be easier to annul. Is that what Gordon Brown’s intervention in Scotland is all about?  

Como galega... mirando os touros dende a barreira con moitísima atención, sei que no posible caso dun Brexit (e de momento, creo de que haberá un Brexit), si hai unha estreita victoria da campaña Remain in EU en Escocia, o caso do independentismo sería mais fácil de anular. E iso o que lograría Gordon Brown con esta nova intervención en Escocia? 

So please, please Scots, listen to your leaders. Listen to your brilliant and amazing First Minister, representative of the decisions taken by the Scottish Parliament. Decisions that make Scotland the most important and exemplar country in Europe at this moment. 

Por favor, amigos escoceses, escoitade aos vosos lideres. Escoitade a vosa brillante e magnifica Primeira Ministra, máxima representante das decisións tomadas polo Parlamento escocés. Decisións que fan de Escocia un dos mais importantes e exemplares Nacións de Europa neste momento. 

*Vow é unha promesa solemne

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