sábado, 25 de xuño de 2016

Let's start campaigning - Show your support for #ScotlandinEurope #IstandwithScotland #Scotlandismyhome

Moi ben amig@s, empecemos a facer campaña!

Amosade o voso apoio a #ScotlandinEurope en twitter e facebook usando os hashtags [Etiquetas] 
#IstandwithScotland #Scotlandismyhome

Xa sabedes que facer: videos curtos ou selfies coas vosas mensaxes de apoio.
O noso email: 

Ok, friends, let's start campaigning!
Show your support for #ScotlandinEurope on twitter and facebook by using the hashtags #IstandwithScotland #Scotlandismyhome.
You know what to do this, short videos with your messages of support, selfies with your message
Our email adress: solidaritywithscotland@gmail.com


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