P.D. Deume permiso para compartir estas fotos, por suposto... pero non me vou conformar con isto! Sen dúbida, cando vaia a Escocia, hei localizar a este home para entrevistalo! :D

Well here's another great James Duncan photo taken from the stern of @LapwingPD972 of @buddingrose418 #eatmorefish pic.twitter.com/rU1Om1kIJJ— Budding Rose PD418 (@buddingrose418) febrero 16, 2016
Budding photographer: Deckhand James Duncan of @LapwingPD972 netted this image of @buddingrose418 in the North Sea. pic.twitter.com/WNbRE8nmxC— BBC North East Scot (@BBCNorthEast) febrero 8, 2016
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