mércores, 25 de novembro de 2015

ALTERED STATE III // ESTADO ALTERADO III vía Phantom Power #indyref #media #MSM #Scotland #analysis

ALTERED STATE III. Reflections on Scotland's First Independence Referendum: End game focuses on the post-referendum period.

ESTADO ALTERADO III. Reflexións sobre o primeiro referendo de independencia de Escocia: O xogo final céntrase no período post-referendo. 

A major shift in the political debate was Scotland's new media which provided a vital alternative to mainstream during the referendum and developed into a radical, diverse and often humorous scene that now rivals traditional press and TV output for audiences.

Un cambio importante tivo lugar nos novos medios de comunicación en Escocia, o que proporcionou unha alternativa aos medios tradicionais durante o referendo e que se convertiu nunha escea radical, diversa e moi frecuentemente humorística rivalizando así coa prensa tradicional e a oferta da TV para o público.

The fall of SNP and other pro-independence parties was widely predicted when the No campaign won. The astonishing Yes campaign fightback began with people joining pro-independence parties in huge numbers. As the consequences of Labour's collaboration with the Conservatives began to dawn on the Scottish branch, new manager Jim Murphy carried the party to historic meltdown at the 2015 General Election. Is there any way back for Labour in Scotland?

A caída do SNP é outros partidos pro-independentistas foi amplamente augurada cando a campaña do NON gañou. A asombrosa remontada da do YES empezou coa xente uníndose a partidos pro independentistas en grandes cantidades. Tamén comezaron as consecuencias da colaboración dos laboristas cós conservadores escoceses, e o novo lider Jim Murphy levou ao partido a unha debacle histórica nas eleccións xerais de 2015. Hai algún xeito de que o laborismo volte a Escocia?  
The incredible success of the SNP and the prospect of interminable Conservative UK Government has sparked growing calls for a second referendum. When is the right time to move on indyref2? Is the gradualist approach a better option? What seems certain is that the path to independence is set and in terms of a 300 year old relationship, we are just a step away from going it alone.

O incrible éxito do SNP e a perspectiva dun interminable Gobierno conservador no Reino Unido ten provocado crecentes chamadas para un segundo referendo. Cándo é o momento adecuado para levar adiante o #INDYREF2? É o enfoque gradualista a mellor opción? O que parece certo é que o camiño cara a independencia se establece e o remate dunha relación de 300 anos de antigüidade está tan só a un paso de levarse a cabo por si só.

This episode includes interviews with Derek Bateman, James Kelly, Paul Kavanagh (Wee Ginger Dug), Greg Moodie, Christopher Silver and Professor John Robertson.

Este episodio inclúe entrevistas con Derek Bateman, James Kelly, Paul Kavanagh (Wee Ginger Dug), Greg Moodia, Chistopher Silver e o Profesor John Robertson. 

Derek Bateman

James Kelly Scot Goes Pop

Wee Ginger Dug's New Book is now available for order:
Send your order request to weegingerbook@yahoo.com and Paul will email you with details on how to make payment. You can pay by Paypal, bank transfer, cheque or cash. Signed copies of both volumes are available for a special price of £20 plus £4 P&P within the UK.

Greg Moodie's http://gregmoodie.com/

Christoper Silver's new book 'The Case for a Scottish Media' is due for release.

Professor John Robertson's latest research Scotland’s Propaganda War: The Media and the 2014 Independence Referendum is now free to view:

NB apologies for the small audio blip at 28 mins. I had strange problems exporting a clean track from Final Cut to YouTube on this one.

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