O outono está aquí, e con el chegan as típicas tradicións, cultivos e paisaxes.
Galicia suffers storms with strong winds, when there is some calm, we can go out and see the parks of the towns full of "envy chestnuts" the so traditional protection remedy against the evil-eye.
Galiza sofre os temporais con fortes ventos e cando hai algo de calma, podemos sair fora e ver os parques das cidades cheos de "castañas da envexa", o tan tradicional remedio de protección contra o mal de ollo.
This weekend, when I was going for a wander, I had the pleasure of merting my neighbour Ms. Julia and an unexpected crop...
Apparently some seed fell in an unexpected place and nature did the rest.
She told me that it would be nice for any newspaper to report her crop... so... I asked her permission to publish some pictures and she accepted very happily.
She told me that it would be nice for any newspaper to report her crop... so... I asked her permission to publish some pictures and she accepted very happily.
So, let me introduce to you all, Ms. Julia and her "wee" pumpkin. As you can imagine, it tooks her some time and effort to get the pumpkin into the wheelbarrow, but Galician women are capable of the greatest feats!
Esta fin de semana, cando saía a dar unha volta, tiven o pracer de atopar á miña veciña, a Sra. Julia e un inesperado cultivo...
Aparentemente algunha semilla caeu nun lugar inesperado e a natureza fixo o resto.
Dicíame, a Sra. Julia, que estaría ben que algún xornal publicase sobre tal froito... así que, pedínlle permiso para publicar algunhas fotos e ela aceptou moi leda.
Deixádeme que vos presente á Sra. Julia e a súa "cabaciña". Como podedes imaxinar, levoulle o seu tempo e esforzo meter a cabaciña na carretilla, pero as mulleres galegas somos capaces das maiores xestas!

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