mércores, 30 de setembro de 2015

Samhain's Special Oracle is coming // Chega o Oráculo especial de #Samain #Samhain #Halloween #oracle #Celtic

Unha das datas mais importantes da nosa cultura ancestral é a noite de Samain/Samhain/Halloween  onde se rende culto a tod@s aqueles que xa non están con nós, mais forman parte da nosa história individual e colectiva e do noso coñecemento.

One of the most important dates of our ancestral Celtic culture is Samain/Samhain/Halloween night when we pay tribute to all of our beloved ones who aren't with us anymore but are part of our individual and collective history and knowledge.

Samaín nos presenta a roda da vida e morte que camiñan xuntas. A tradición celta fala de que é unha noite especial a comunicación entre os vivos e os mortos está mais aberta que nunca, polo que ambos mundos aproveitan para mandarse mensaxes e lembrar as ensinanzas do círculo da vida.

Samhain is seen as the wheel of life and death walking together. The Celtic tradition says that during this night a special communication between life and death is more open than ever, so both worlds can send messages to each other and remember the teachings of the circle of life.

Segundo conta a lenda, durante a noite de Samain  as almas refléxanse nos espellos tal e como son, e só as almas puras, poden desfrutar da visión da sua beleza e luz no escuro cristal; por contra, as almas suxas non soportan a fealdade que ven no espello e fuxen despavoridas. Isa é a razón pola que no altar do Samain debemos ter un espello (ou mais) ademais de froitos do tempo, fotos dos nosos seres queridos que xa nos deixaron ou algunha ofrenda que lembre o que mais lles gustaba. Ao meu pai e ao meu avó, por exemplo, sempre lles poño café e tabaco.
According to legend,  during that Night of Samhain, the souls reflect themselves in mirrors as they really are, and only the pure ones can enjoy the vision of their beauty and light in the dark crystal; on the contrary, the unclean souls cannot support the ugliness that they see in the mirror and terrified run away. That is the reason why on our Samhain altars we should have one (or more) mirror with seasonal fruits, photos of our loved ones and/or some offering that remind us most of the things they liked. For my grandpa and father, for example, I always offer some coffee and tobacco.

Como xa vos teño explicado en varias ocasións, Galiza é  ben coñecida por sermos Terra de Meigas.
As Meigas non son mais que as nosas sabias ancentros femininos que conectadas coa natureza seguían  os equinocios e solsticios da roda do ano.

As I've told you many times before, Galiza is very well known as the Land of Witches (Terra de Meigas).
"Meigas" are just our ancestral feminine sages who are well connected to nature and follow the natural cycles of the solstices and equinoxes throughout the year.

Os pasados anos inviteivos a participar dun dos rituais mais ancestrais da cultura celta e que teñen especial importancia na celebración desta data:  os Oráculos.

These last years for Samhain I invited all of you to participate in one of the most ancient rituals of our Celtic culture. This ritual has a special relevance in this celebration: the Oracle. 

Polo tanto, repitamos a experiencia e disfrutemos do Samain! Se queredes participar comigo desta noite especial, estarei esperando as vosas preguntas (unha por persoa) por twitter (@pilaraymara), por email: galicianravenwisdom@gmail.com  (Asunto: oraculo de Samaín) ou tamén por Skype: galicianravenwisdom.

Tratarei de contestar a todas as vosas preguntas durante a noite do 31 de outubro ao 1 de novembro. Divertídevos moito, e que os bos espíritus vos acompañen e vos protexan!

So! Let's repeat the experience once more and let's enjoy Samhain! 

If you would like to participate with me on such a special night, I'll be waiting for your questions (one each) that you can send me via twitter (@pilaraymara) with the hastag #Samhainoracle or #oraculodeSamain,  via email : galicianravenwisdom@gmail.com  or also via Skype : galicianravenwisdom.
I'll try to answer all your questions on the night of 31st of October and 1st of November . Have fun, and may the good spirits be with you and protect you! 


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