mércores, 16 de setembro de 2015

Os asasinatos do referendo // The referendum murders #PeterCurran #Moridura #book #indyref #Scotland

Esta son as cousas que soen pasar cando un se mete en aventuras coma o Referendo escocés... que coñece a xente tan marabillosa coma Peter Curran... e de súpeto vémonos metidos nun e-book no capítulo 15!! Mi madriña!... pois xa vos contarei, ainda non sei que personaxes xogamos Douglas i eu! Que!? ... aparentamente somos nós mesmos cós nosos nomes no libro!! Póñomo a ler e vos contarei! 

Ah e por certo, o deseño é do xenial Greg Moodie! Woohoo!

Aquí podedes mercar este libro de Moridura (Peter Curran)

These are the kind of things that happen when one is involved in adventures like the Scottish Referendum... that you meet such wonderful people like Peter Curran... and suddenly you are in an e-book on the 15th chapter!! Oh my God! ... I still don´t know what characters Douglas and I are playing! What!? ... apparently we're playing ourselves! I'll read it and I let you know!
And by the way, the design is done by the brilliant Greg Moodie! Woohoo! 

Moitísimas gracias de corazón a Peter Curran, non teño palabras para expresar o que sinto agora mesmo. Que honor!

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart to Peter Curran; I have no word to express what I feel right now! What an honour! 


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