Nestes días, unha vez mais, o
polémico debate sobre o sesgo informativo da BBC volve a deixar noticias como
as dos links que comparto a continuación.
These days, once again, the polemic debate over
BBC bias is making news again like in
the links that I have shared below.
Due to the role that I played during #indyref, I
can attest to the outrageous and abusive manipulation of the BBC (and the
mainstream media in general); this bias existed against Yes Scotland and
especially against Alex Salmond and the SNP, and continues to exist against
everything that means an alternative to the demential and antisocial
neo-liberal policies.
International Press Conference in Edinburgh on the 11th Sept 2014 at EICC (full audio / audio completo) #indyref #Scotland
Polo papel que me tocou vivir
durante #indyref, podo dar fe da indignante e insultante manipulación da BBC (e
da prensa tradicional en xeral); este sesgo existiu contra Yes Scotland e
contra Alex Salmond e o SNP especialmente, e continúia existindo contra
todo o que signifique unha alternativa as demenciais e anti-sociais políticas

Vexo que un xornalista profesional
como Nick Robinson tenta de novo presentarse a el mesmo e a BBC como víctimas,
cando foi cazado in situ mentindo e manipulando unha información clave no
debate sobre independencia durante unha rolda de prensa internaciónal. É de
see that a professional journalist like Nick Robinson once again tries to
present himself and the BBC as victims, when he was caught in
situ lying and manipulating key information in the debate over independence
during an international press conference. This is absolutely disgraceful.
E se iso non fose pouco, Nick
Robinson comparou tamén ás mais de 4000 persoas que se manifestaron
fronte o cuartel da BBC cóa situación dos xornalistas de Rusia. (Por
certo, durante a súa propia cobertura informativa en 2014 eran apenas uns 1000
if this were not bad enough, Nick Robinson also compared more than 4,000
people rallied in front of the BBC headquarters to the situation of
journalists in Russia (by the way, he say that now but by their own
coverage in 2014 there were only about 1000 demonstrators).
E por iso que a grabación e videos
que fixemos varios dos que alí estivemos, andan de novo estes días nas redes
como proba inequívoca da #BBCbias contra Salmond. Eu estiven alí
tamén, facendo a cobertura para Sermos Galiza, eu sei exactamente o que
escoitei, sei exactamente o que vin, e hai moitos detalles que non esquecerei
dese día, de entre eles:
this is the reason why the audio recording and video made by those who were
there, is going viral again these days on the networks as unequivocal
proof of #BBCbias against Salmond. I was there too, doing the coverage for
"Sermos Galicia", I know exactly what I heard, I know exactly what I
saw, and there are many details that I won’t forget about that day, among them:
1.- Que en varias ocasións (3 en
concreto) convidáronnos a movernos de sitio porque pensaron que éramos
convidados e que non estábamos cubrindo a rolda de prensa (puxémonos xusto en
primeira liña diante dos oradores) pero sospeito que tamén porque o propio Nick quería estar sentado alí.
That on several occasions (3 precisely) someone invited us (Douglas and I) to
move from our place because they thought we were guests or that we weren't
doing any press coverage (we were in the first row just in front of the
speakers), but I also suspect that it was because Nick himself wanted that
2.- Que o daquela First Minister,
Alex Salmond, concedeume a primeira pregunta, cousa que agradezo enormemente
porque era de grande importancia aclarar cal sería a situación dos nosos
mariñeiros no caso dun voto favorable á independencia de Escocia. (Alex Salmond
contestou absolutamente a TODAS as interesantísimas preguntas que fixeron os
xornalistas internacionais).
2. That the First Minister at that moment, Alex
Salmond, allowed me to ask the first question for which I was enormously grateful
because it was very important for Galicia to clarify what the situation would
be for our fishermen in case of a favorable vote to Scottish independence.
(Alex Salmond answered absolutely all the very interesting questions made by
all the international media).
3.- A mala
educación e a falta de respecto de Nick Robinson durante a rolda de prensa,
interrumpindo constantemente mesmo cando xa Alex Salmond respostara con creces
a súa repetidísima pregunta, e a indignante e evidentísima manipulación na
cobertura informativa que vin na BBC que me deixou coa boa aberta. Non podía
dar crédito do que estaba a ver e a escoitar.
The very rude and disrespectful behaviour of Nick Robinson during the press
conference, constantly interrupting even when Alex Salmond had answered his
repeated question and the outrageous and very obvious manipulation that I saw later
on the BBC left me with my mouth wide open. I could not believe what I was
seeing and hearing.
4.- Un detalle final - ao inicio
da resposta inicial de Alex Salmond, podedes escoitar un aplauso aparentemente
sin razón - esa foi a reacción de alguén que dende a audiencia respostando á
pregunta de Nick Robinson "Por que debemos crer o que nos di vostede... un
político?", berrou un "e por que deberia calquera crer á BBC?"
4. One final detail – at the start of Alex Salmond’s intial response you
can hear some applause for no obvious reason – this was in reaction to someone
in the audience’s response to Nick Robinson’s jibe “Why should we believe you …
“ who had cried “And why should anyone
believe the BBC?”!
No seu momento compartín neste blog
a miña cobertura desta rolda de prensa e do que pasou despois
the time I shared in this blog coverage of the press conference and what
happened next
International Press Conference in Edinburgh on the 11th Sept 2014 at EICC (full audio / audio completo) #indyref #Scotland
Video re-editado polo meu querido amigo
Peter Curran quen tamén estaba presente en Edimburgo durante esta rolda de
prensa internacional e que tamén ten a súa visión dos feitos.
re-edited by my dear friend Peter Curran who was also present during the
Edinburgh international press and also has his own view of the facts
Descoñezo as razóns polas que Nick
Robinson abriu de novo este debate mais imaxino que o seu novo libro ten moito
que ver, pero se Nick puxese a funcionar a súa intelixencia, asumiría que se
lle pillou coas máns na masa e que actuou moi innoblemente. Rectificar é de sabios.
I do
not know why Nick Robinson reopened this debate but I imagine that his new book
has much to do with it. If Nick put his intelligence in operation, he would accept
that he was caught red-handed, and acted disgracefully. Rectification is wisdom.
E por certo, aproveito para
deixarvos aquí unha mostra das maravillosas análises do Profesor Robertson e
recomendarvos o libro de G.A Ponsonby "London Calling" onde
expón o vergonzoso comportamento informativo da BBC.
by the way, I take the opportunity to leave you a sample of the wonderful
analysis of Professor Robertson and to recommend G.A. Ponsonby's book
"London Calling" which exposes the shameful behavior of the BBC news.
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