Unha chamada para un 25 de Xullo de unidade. Por ti, por min, por todxs // A 25th of July Unifying cry. For you, for me, for everyone
Onte tiven o pracer e o orgullo de participar nunha xuntanza con organizacións políticas para avanzar nun 25 de Xullo histórico de unidade.
A miña experiencia durante o referendo de Escocia, inspírame a unirme e impulsar algo que me pareceu inspirador e emotivo. Un pobo que se move unido por un ben común terá sempre voz propria.
Yesterday I had the great pleasure to participate in a meeting with political and union organizations to try and call for a historical unifying 25th of July.
My experience during the referendum campaign in Scotland inspired me to join and push for something that is inspirational and emotive. People in unity for a common wealth will always have its own voice.
Con moita boa intención pero co tempo enriba e moita improvisación, a idea é que todo o mundo se implique e participe. Hai total claridade sobre o obxectivo a acadar: un dia Nacional de Galicia en unidade, todos contamos, tod@s somos necesari@s.
With a lot of good intention but with the time flying and a lot of improvisation, the idea is for anyone and everyone to be involved and participate. There is a crystal clear objevtive to achieve: a National Day of Galicia in unity, we all count, we are all necessary.
En días vindeiros teredes mais noticias, pero dende xa anímosvos a participarmos deste dia de todos e todas, de cada un de nós, coas nosas características e particularidades. Asinade o manifesto e transmitideo ás vosas organizacións, asociacions, amigxs, familares. Tod@s temos que estar, tod@s temos a responsabilidade de facer isto posible.
You will see more news during the next few days, but from NOW on, I encourage you all to participate of this Day of everyone, of anyone, of us, with all our characteristics and pecuiliarities. And please sign the Manifesto and spread the word to your organizations, associations, friends and relatives. We all have to be there, we all have the responsability to make this possible.
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