sábado, 9 de maio de 2015

A forza da voz de Escocia // The strength of the Scottish voice #SNP #Scotland #Scotlandsvoice #The56

Estes son os 56 mulleres e homes (The 56) presentados pola súa orgullosa e feliz lider e First Minister de Escocia, Nicola Sturgeon. 

These are the 56 women and men (The 56) presented by their proud and happy leader and First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon.

Eles e elas son agora a voz dun pobo que falou algo e claro: NON MAIS POLÍTICAS DE AUSTERIDADE, queremos políticas sociais, constructivas, humanas e progresistas. 

They are now the voice of a Nation that spoke loud and clear: NO MORE AUSTERITY POLICIES, we want social policies, constructive , humanitarian and progressive policies.

A voz de Escocia escoitaráse mais que nunca, e mais forte que nunca en Westminster. Unha voz que soará ao unísono para representar a unha nación que non quere ser acalada, nin o será xa nunca mais.

Scotland's voice will be heard more than ever, stronger than ever in Westminister. A voice that will sound in unison to represent a Nation that doesn´t want to be silenced, and they will never more be silent again.

Full speech  

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