We celebrate on the 24th of february, Rosalía's Day
(Rosalía de Castro is our most important poet)

máis hermoso
non houbo na terra
que aquel que eu miraba,
que aquel que me dera.
non houbo na terra
que aquel que eu miraba,
que aquel que me dera.
There has not been
A more beautiful spot on earth
Than the one I gazed upon,
Than the one it gave me.
A more beautiful spot on earth
Than the one I gazed upon,
Than the one it gave me.
Nowhere in the world could I
A more beautiful spot
Than the one in Galicia,
Enchanted Galicia!
A more beautiful spot
Than the one in Galicia,
Enchanted Galicia!
Galicia frorida,
cal ela ningunha,
de froles cuberta,
cuberta de espumas,
de espumas que o mare
con perlas gomita,
de froles que nacen
ó pé das fontiñas.
Flowerful Galicia,
None like her,
Covered in flowers,
Covered in foam from the sea—
In foam with pearls
Washed up by the sea—
In flowers that bud
At the foot of the dear fountains.

tan verdes, tan frescos, que as penas se calman nomáis que con velos; que os ánxeles neles dormidos se quedan, xa en forma de pombas, xa en forma de niebras.
Of valleys so deep,
So cool, so green,
That sorrows subside
With just seeing them—
That the angels in them
Drop off to sleep
Now in the form of doves,
Now in the form of fogs.
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