Informative day trip and fun get together
Organised by Mar de Lumes and Galiza pola Soberanía (GPS- Galiza for Sovereignty )
7th of March in Moaña (Pontevedra), at 17,00h.
7th of March in Moaña (Pontevedra), at 17,00h.
I'll be speaking about what's going on in Scotland and Susana Montesinos (Asemblea Nacional Catalana) will speak about Catalunya; and after that there will be some food and music (bagpipes included)
Everyone welcome!
Xornada informativa e de convivio
Organizado por Mar de Lumes e Galiza pola Soberanía (GPS- Morrazo)
7 de marzo en Moaña (Pontevedra) ás 5 do serán
Estarei falando sobre o que está a acontecer en Escocia e Susana Montesinos (ANC) falará sobre Catalunya; e despois diso haberá merendola e música (gaitas incluidas).
Estades tod@s convidados!