venres, 5 de decembro de 2014

Open letter to The National // Carta aberta ao The National

First of all, congratulations on your newspaper, that I’m sure is going to be a fantastic platform for information. Today it’s very difficult to hold a different view in the media anywhere, especially as most of newspapers and broadcasting are in the hands of a few powerful and very rich people, so, they won´t throw any stones against their own roof. The Establishment works pretty well for them. Therefore, any money spent on new media is a great inversion.

Primeiramente, parabéns polo voso xornal, que estou segura será unha fantástica plataforma informativa. A dia de hoxe é moi difícil atopar visións distintas nos medios de comunicación de calqueira lugar, especialmente cando a maior parte dos xornais e canáis de televisión están nas mans dun puñado de poderosos e ricachóns, que non van tirar pedras contra o seu tellado. O sistema funciona moi ben para eles. Polo tanto, calquera diñeiro gastado en novos medios de comunicación é unha grande inversión.

I’m especially enjoying the articles of opinion by Carolyn Leckie and the “The view from” with all the reports of Scots abroad because the diaspora is my soft spot.

Estou disfrutando especialmente os artigos de opinión de Carolyn Leckie e o apartado "A visión dende" con comentarios de escoceses no exterior porque a diáspora é a miña debilidade.

Secondly, with your kind permission, I would like to give my opinion from here, so far from Scotland. I have seen some news about the burning of the Smith Commission’s pamphlets, about how many times civil servants used internet and hit the WoS site, or who is the responsible for the sometimes rude behaviour of Rev. Stuart. Although in terms of information Wings over Scotland is one of the best websites without any doubt, and maybe that is the real problem that causes so much obsession with him.

Segundo, co voso amable permiso, gostaríame dar a miña opinión dende aqui, tan lonxe de Escocia. Estou vendo algunhas noticias sobre a queima de panfletos da Comisión Smith, sobre cantas veces os funcinarios públicos usaron internet para entrar na web de Wings over Scotland, ou sobre quen é o responsable do ás veces moi maleducado comportamento do Reverendo Stuart. Ainda que en términos de información, Wings over Scotland é unha das mellores páxinas web sen dúbida, e quizáis ese sexa o problema real que ocasiona tanta obsesión con el.

Perhaps if the Scottish media and the BBC had done their job professionally, by being truly balanced and not biased and giving just one opinion, none of us would have touched the internet looking for another source of information. But that didn’t happen and fortunately alternative websites were created. 

Quizáis se a prensa escocesa e a BBC tiveran feito de xeito profesional o seu traballo, sendo verdadeiramente imparciais e non sesgados nen dando tan só unha opinión, ningún de nos teríamos tocado internet buscando algunha outra fonte de información. Pero iso non aconteceu, e afortunadamente crearonse páxinas alternativas.

 I’m not sure when Willie Rennie asked how many times civil servants had checked the WoS website if he was aware that civil servants are citizens with rights and obligations. To be fair and because it is good to have all the details, I cannot see on the news how many No websites were checked from Holyrood, but I’m sure that the Scottish civil servants would be more balanced that the British ones. It is also possible that quality No websites just don’t exist as that role is already played by the MSM.

Non estou segura de que cando Willie Rennie (Lib Dem) preguntou polas veces que os funcionarios públicos entraron na páxina de Wings over Scotland era consciente de que os funcionarios son tamén cidadáns con dereitos e obrigas. E para ser xusto e porque sempre é bo ter todos os detalles, non vexo na prensa reflexado cantas veces se consultaron paxinas unionistas dende Holyrood, pero estou segura de que os funcionarios públicos escoceses teñen sido mais imparciais que os británicos. E tamén posible que a calidade das páxinas unionistas simplemente non existise xa que esa función xa a fixo a prensa en xeral

I don’t remember either any unionist Party showing concern about the thousands of civil servants that were used to promote only the publicity of UK-Together all over the World.

Non lembro tampouco ningún  partido unionista amosando preocupación sobre os miles de funcionarios que foron usados para promover só publicidade de UK-Together ao redor do mundo.

In addition, one last little thing about the burning of the Smith Commission pamphlets, it looks more like a product of all the frustration (I wonder why…). However, my view is that SNP members should be careful with these kind of actions because the Campaign for the General Elections has already started, and Tory, Labour and Lib-Dem will use the usual tactics of victimization and demonization as their only means of speech and manifesto. 

E para rematar, unha última cousa sobre a queima dos panfletos da Smith Commission, parece mais producto da frustración (pregúntome porque...) En todo caso, a miña opinión é que os membros do SNP deberían ser mais coidadosos con estas accións porque a campaña polas Eleccións Xerais xa comezou, e Tory, Labour e Lib-Dem usarán as mesmas tácticas de victimización e satanización como único lema, discurso e programa.

If the Yes Alliance wants to get a good result via voting SNP (or Greens) in GE they cannot forget the tactics used against them during the referendum campaign because that is always the game plan of the Establishment and those who support it. 

Si a Yes-Alliance quere lograr un bo resultado votando SNP (ou Verdes) nas Eleccións Xerais, non poden esquecer as tácticas usadas durante a campaña do referendo porque ese é sempre o plan de xogo do Sistema asentado e dos que o apoian  

Meanwhile, the entire World will be watching with hope at what is going to happen next in Scotland.
Namentras, o mundo enteiro estará mirando con esperanza que vai pasar en Escocia a continuación. 

Recommended articles: The demonisation of political protest 
Artigos recomendados: How the BBC stole the referendum

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