Os obxectivos mais inmediatos serán a cobertura das eleccións xerais do Reino Unido no mes de maio e as eleccións ao Parlamento escocés en 2016.
Na súa nova andaina continuarán a integración do chamado xornalismo cidadán, haberá lugar para comentarios e recomendacións do público e terán como co-editor ao xornalista Derek Bateman.
Todos estes plans levan tempo e cartos, por iso iniciarán unha campaña de suscripcións e financiación para que o novo sitio www.newsnet.scot poda continuar funcionando diariamente.
Moitas mais novas están por vir, polo que estaremos atent@s.
Desexámoslles moita sorte a este fantástico equipo! Good luck, friends!
By the Editors
Newsnet Scotland is to be re-launched on a new web platform within the next 24 hours.
One of Scotland's foremost
alternative news sites, Newsnet Scotland repeatedly broke new and vital
stories during the independence referendum campaign.
Now the site is merging with the
current affairs' podcast site Batemanbroadcasting.com to create a new
home for new journalism in Scotland.
We intend to broaden Newsnet to cover Scottish news and current affairs, as well as Scottish politics.
We believe our readers and listeners want to access independent, high quality journalism and comment.
Newsnet will continue to lead on
Scottish politics - especially with the UK general election next May and
the Scottish Parliamentary election in 2016 looming.
But we shall also reflect on issues
that matter in Scotland. We plan to include "Citizen" journalism,
features and other elements which will be rolled out as quickly as
We shall also provide space for readers to post comments and exchange views.
All of this takes time, and money. We
shall be seeking subscriptions as well as other financial support in
order to maintain the site and to pay for the everyday running costs of
Newsnet Scotland.
Much more will be announced during the weeks ahead. Earlier today, co-editor Derek Bateman explained a little more here.
Meanwhile please take some practical steps to ensure you continue to enjoy Newsnet Scotland:
Regular visitors should set their browsers to the Web address www.newsnet.scot in order to access the new site directly.
Other addresses such as
newsnetscotland.scot and newsnetscotland.com will re-direct to the new
"umbrella address". All changes will take place during Monday, December
Shocking. @NewsnetScotland say they are "changing". Is this approved in the Smith commission vow recommendation.? No. pic.twitter.com/x45qlliaDz
— A_DarlingMP (@A_DarlingMP) diciembre 28, 2014
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