Todos os días,
dende que rematou o referendo escocés, vexo comentarios que me levan a pensar
que moita xente confunde a aceptación da derrota co esquecemento.
Every day since the Scottish
referendum was over I’ve seen lots of comments that make me think that many
people confuse defeat with oblivion.
Suffering a political defeat and accepting it does not mean that we have to
get a lobotomy to cause ourselves a selective amnesia of what is annoying the
other side.
Aceptar a
derrota política non significa facer rendición de principios nin de ideais.
Aceptar a derrota é analizar e entender qué foi o que non se fixo ben ou
suficientemente para ter a vitoria; unha vez feito esa análise, significa
continuar loitando polo que un cre que é xusto
ou mellor para un, para a sociedade e para o país.
To accept a political defeat
does not mean surrendering our principles or ideals. Accepting defeat is to analyse and understand what was not done well or
not enough to achieve victory; once this analysis is made, it means keeping fighting for what you believe is right and best for you, for society and for the country.
Eu acepto a
vitoria do non en Escocia, pero non vou esquecer, que esa vitoria foi
grandemente provocada polas promesas de “extensos poderes para Escocia”. Esta é a razón do meu interese en coñecer qué está a pasar na Comisión Smith,
onde se vai analizar e, esperemos que a decidir que competencias novas se lle
outorga a Escocia.
I accept that the No won in
Scotland, but I won´t forget that this victory was caused, largely, by all the
promises of “more extensive powers to Scotland”. And this is the main reason
for me to be interested in everything that happens in the Smith Commission,
which is going to analyse and, I hope, to decide which new powers Scotland is
going to have.
Todos os días
vexo comentarios de todo tipo sobre a actitude que deberán ter os seguidores do yes. Moitos dos votantes do non están convencidos de que ter mais competencias,
sería unha grande vitoria para ambos lados. De acontecer así, non estarían errados.
Every day I can see many different
comments talking about the kind of behaviour the Yes voters should have. Many of
the No voters are convinced that Scotland is going to have more competencies
and of that will be a great victory for both sides. If that is the case, they
wouldn't be wrong at all.
Pero para outros moitos votantes que optaron
polo non, non están interesados en que esta Comisión funcione nin chegue a
acordos, debido á súa visión unionista, significando isto, que mesmo a
existencia de Holyrood lles molesta, porque cren que o centralismo é a resposta
a todo; e para min, este é sen dúbida o
grande e real perigo para Escocia.
But for many other who opted for
voting no, they aren’t interested at all in this Smith Commission working or getting
any agreement because of their pro unionist vision; and that means that even
the existence of Holyrood bothers them because they believe that centralism is
the answer for everything. The most disrespectful comments come from them and
without doubt, I can say that they are the greatest and most real danger for
Scotland and Scots.
atentos ao que está a acontecer na Comisión Smith é unha responsabilidade ética
de tod@s, porque as promesas , os votos, hai que cumprilos, non son xogos de
nenos. Non vale utilizar o esquecemento como estratexia política; iso sempre trae consecuencias desastrosas. O
pobo escocés precisa ter a memoria fresca e clara de como e en qué condicións
foi gañado o referendo dende o bando unionista, para que as conclusións e
resultado da Comisión Smith sexan óptimos. De non ser así, outro referendo acontecerá
mais cedo que tarde.
To be alert to
everything that is happening in the Smith Commission is the ethical
responsibility of everyone, because the promises, the vows must be respected,
it is not a child’s game. It is not worth cheating, not worth using oblivion as
a political strategy; that always bring disastrous consequences as a result.
The people of Scotland need to have fresh and clear memory under which
conditions the referendum was won by the unionist side for the conclusions and
results of the Smith Commission to be optimal; otherwise, another referendum
will happen sooner rather than later.
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