xoves, 16 de outubro de 2014

Who’s afraid of the big bad vow? // Quen teme ao voto feroz? #TheVow #Scotland #Catalonia #democracy

This article of opinion was first published in Sermos Galiza // Este artigo de opinión  foi publicado en Sermos Galiza: http://www.sermosgaliza.gal/opinion/pilar-fernandez/quen-teme-ao-voto-feroz/20141015073948031434.html

Nunca gustei de mesturar os procesos escocés e catalán; é mais, pareceume totalmente acertado que o Goberno escocés quixera manter a autenticidade do seu proceso e evitara contaminacións  con outros movementos internacionais. Mais hoxe foi un dia intenso para as dúas nacións. 

I have never liked mixing up the Catalan and Scottish processes; and what’s more, I always thought it was right for the Scottish Government to keep the authenticity of its process by avoiding any contamination from other international movements. But today it’s been a very intense day for both Nations.

É público e notorio que aos Gobernos español e británico interesoulles mesturar os dous procesos dende o primeiro momento; dende a BBC repetiuse continuamente a pantasma do veto español... aínda a sabendas de que era imposible que España vetara a Escocia na UE,  e que o perigo real era o resultado do referendo prometido por Cameron; Rajoy converteuse nun comodín mais na propaganda dos unionistas e non era casualidade. Os imperios axúdanse uns aos outros. 
It is public and evident that the Spanish and British Governments were interested in mixing up both processes from the first moment. The BBC was continuously reporting news about the ghost of the Spanish veto... even when they knew that it was impossible for Spain to veto Scottish European membership and the real danger was the referendum on the EU promised by Cameron. Rajoy was another wild card of the unionist propaganda not by chance. Empires help each other. 

Dende o primeiro momento souben que Madrid e Londres utilizarían a mesma estratexia, os mesmos slogans, as mesmas palabras e a mesmas intencións. Os imperios nunca foron coñecidos polo respecto ás normas, ese respecto que tanto lles esixen aos demais. O medo, esa arma terrible que só os políticos mais ruíns son capaces de utilizar dun xeito vil e indigno para anular a vontade dun pobo, foi, é e será a clave de todo.   

From the beginning I was aware that Madrid and London would use the same strategy, same slogans, same words and same intentions. Empires were never known for their respect to the law, the same respect that they ask of others. Fear, this lethal weapon that only the most miserable politicians are able to use in a vile and indignant way to nullify the will of the people, was, is and will be the key to everything.

Non hai sorpresas con Catalunya. O que xa moitos dabamos por feito é o que está a acontecer; e aínda que haberá quen hoxe se sinta traizoad@ e decepcionad@, o proceso continua e o Goberno Central non durme, nin durmirá tranquilo durante moitos meses. O tempo pasa, para algúns con mais presión que para outros.

No surprises with Catalonia. Many of us were expecting the actual panorama; probably many Catalans will feel betrayed or disappointed, but the Catalan process continues and Central Government doesn’t sleep, and won’t be able sleep in the many months ahead. Time goes by, with more urgency for some rather than for others. 

Xa vai alá un mes do referendo escocés e moitas novidades acontecen todos os días. Non hai respiro.
It’s been almost a month since the Scottish referendum and there is much news every day. There is no rest.
Ao menos 25% d@s escoceses votaron Non por unha promesa solemne e honorable feita polos lideres dos partidos unionistas: Cameron, Miliband, Clegg e un Gordon Brown que parecía ser o Primer Minister de Reino Unido nos días previos á consulta polo esaxerado da cobertura da BBC.

At least 25% of Scottish people voted NO for a solemn and honourable Vow made by the leaders of the unionist parties: Cameron, Miliband, Clegg and Gordon Brown who in the days before the referendum seemed to be the Prime Minister for the exaggerated coverage of the BBC.  

Lord Smith, o encargado a poñer en marcha a Comisión de Negociación de novos poderes, xa comezou con polémica ao non permitir que membros do Scottish Socialist Party asistan como delegados ás xuntanzas. Os continuos aprazamentos da Comisión  fan que o calendario previsto sexa xa inviable.

Lord Smith, in charge of the Commission to negotiate these new powers, has already started with polemic by not allowing any delegate of the SSP (Scottish Socialist Party) to participate in this Commission. Continued delays with this Commission make the Vow’s timetable no longer viable. 

E  na Cámara dos Comúns? Pois hoxe mesmo, e sen a presenza do Prime Minister Cameron (nin Miliband, nin Clegg)  tivo lugar o primeiro debate sobre devolución de poderes para Escocia pasado o referendo; nel  quedou ao descuberto a mesquindade daqueles que fixeron á desesperada un xuramento solemne ao pobo de Escocia. 

What about the House of Commons? Well, today and without the presence of the Prime Minister Cameron (neither Miliband, nor Clegg) the first debate about devolution for Scotland after the referendum took place; in this debate, the meagerness from those who desperately made a solemn vow to the people of Scotland was discovered.
Nun debate que durou case 8 horas a traizón foi collendo forza cando a maioría d@s  deputados evitando mesmo mencionar a palabra Escocia, defendían dar mais poderes a Inglaterra, facendo comentarios fora de lugar e mesmo insultantes; e ante a protesta dos deputados do SNP, escoitáronse voces que desvelaron que “The Vow” non ten lexitimidade ao non ter sido aprobado pola Cámara.  

During a debate of more than 6 hours, the feeling of treason increased when most of the MPs, who were avoiding the mention of the word Scotland, supported giving more powers to England. Some of them even made insulting comments and in answer to the protests of the SNP MPs, we could hear some voices saying that “The Vow” hadn’t any legitimacy because it hadn’t been approved by Parliament.

Maila o frío que xa se fai notar en Escocia, os ánimos estanse caldeando cada dia polos continuos desplantes dos unionistas, e xa non digamos da impresentable política da BBC (e Sky News) que veñen de excluír dos debates televisivos para as vindeiras eleccións xerais ao Partido Verde e a quen é xa a terceira forza política do Reino Unido, O SNP.

Despite the winter starting to be noticed in Scotland, the atmosphere is heated every day because of the continual outbursts, and even more so due to the disgraceful policy of the BBC (and Sky News) for excluding the Green Party and the SNP, who are now the third political force on UK, from the TV debates for the next General Election.

É o que teñen os poderosos, que poden repetir mentiras durante moito tempo, cometer agravio comparativo e vendelo como democracia, xurar solemnemente que os elefantes que voan existen,  e logo dicir que padecen de amnesia.  
That’s the way powerful people are, they can repeat lies for a long-time, they may commit discriminatory insult and tell us that this is democracy, solemnly swearing that elephants can fly and then they will say that they suffer amnesia.

O que non van poder esquecer os poderosos é de que hai unha masa popular que non vai aceptar tal engano e que seguirán protestando, manifestándose e armándose de moitos mais argumentos ata acadar o seu obxectivo. 

However, what these powerful people won’t be able to forget is that there is a popular mass who won’t accept the deception and they will keep rallying, marching and arming themselves with many more arguments to achieve their objective. 

A esa xente, xa nin medo, nin votos, nin promesas vacuas de ningún tipo faralles cambiar de opinión... e os imperios, tal e como hoxe existen, teñen contados os días, e farán historia.

These people, without fear, nor vows, nor empty promises of any kind will change their minds ... and the Empires, as we know them today, will have had their day and they will become part of history.

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