mércores, 8 de outubro de 2014

Ebola in Madrid: we are governed by irresponsible people / Ebola en Madrid: estamos gobernados por irresponsables

Shameful actions from the Ministry of Health in this case. Much publicity in the transfer of infected patients from Sierra Leona and Liberia. Too many cuts and lack of resources at the Hospital in Madrid, the same Hospital that was dismantled weeks earlier.  

Vergonzosa actuación da Ministra de Sanidade neste caso. Moita publicidade no traslado de pacientes dende Sierra Leona and Liberia. Moitos recortes e carencia de recursos no Hospital de Madrid, o mesmo Hospital que foi desmantelado semanas antes. 
The Minister, Ana Mato, should have resigned many months ago. When we think that everything is wrong and it can not get worse, it still gets worse
A Ministra Ana Mato debería ter dimitido hai moitos meses. Cando pensamos que todo está mal e que non pode empeorar, ainda empeora mais.  

And now they call for calm. They advertise that they will sacrifice a dog (the dog of Teresa, the infected nurse) and they are still hiding information. Another example of the irresponsibility of the Spanish Government.

E agora chaman a manter a calma; anuncian que van sacrificar a un can (o can de Teresa, a enfermeira infectada) e continuan ocultando información. Outro exemplo da irresponsabilidade do Goberno español. 

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