xoves, 28 de agosto de 2014


Non podo estar mais que encantada coa miña familia, porque non é fácil ter unha familia que comparta ideas, ilusións e reivindicacións e que nos momentos mais importantes ou mais complexos, ou mais intensos estean dia a dia, axudando, apoiando, animando... 



I couldn't be more delighted with my family, because it's not easy to have a family with whom to share ideas, hopes and vindications; a family who in the most important moments, or at the most difficult or intense times are with you, side by side, helping, supporting, encouraging...

A min se me cae a baba coa miña familia, porque eles son e levan sendo o noso grande apoio durante estes meses de traballo duro e solidario, os que estan aí para botar unha man, os que están aí para preocuparse de se descansamos ou de se precisamos algo, os que se ofrecen a participar da campaña, os que nos axudan a recoller sinaturas, os que nos mandan fotos porque non queren perderse este momento histórico, os que neste ano non puidemos compartir verán porque habia cousas mais prioritarias, e todos o sabiamos. 

I feel so delighted with my family because they have been our strongest support during these months of hard and solidary work; they have been there to lend a hand, they have been there to look after us or by asking if we need anything or if we've had a break, those who helped to collect signatures, those who sent photos because they wanted to collaborate and be part of this historic moment, those who we coudn´t visit this summer because there are more important priorities and all of us know it.
Grazas aos meus irmáns, aos meus curmáns, aos meus mellores amig@s, porque sen vós, o camiño sería cen mil veces mais difícil.

Thank you very much to my brothers and sisters, to my cousins and to my best friends, because without all of you the path would have been a hundred times more difficult.

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