domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014

Solidarity with Scotland: A message to the People of Scotland from Wales #indyref

Dear Scotland,

My name is Armon Gwilym and although I am Welsh I had the privilege of living in Scotland for nearly 10 years, from 1993 to 2003, where I met and worked with some amazing and fantastic people. In fact, I was living in Scotland during the referendum vote for the creation of the Scottish Parliament back in 1997, where I voted for the
new powers Scotland needed.

During my time there I work within both the public sector and the community and voluntary sector, working in the fields of community development and social justice to support and empower communities in Dundee, and throughout Scotland, with skills and knowledge to help them improve their own lives and their own communities.
Through this, I also worked in collaboration with other community groups and grassroots
organisations across the country to help improve the lives of people by making their case to, and influencing the Scottish Parliament and its policies regarding social justice, social democracy and anti-poverty agendas. And because of those experiences, meeting and working with some extremely capable and passionate people all over the country, making life long friendships, and my general experiences in Scotland, I can tell you, without question, that independence is the only viable option for Scotland today.

As a fundamental human right I believe that all people have the right to self determination, to have the opportunity and the power to change their communities and to build a positive future for everyone. Because only by having the power to, and control over their own resources, can any nation have the ability and the tools required to get to grips with and tackle the serious issues affecting their communities and peoples lives.

These opportunities don’t come along very often, and so I would urge all Scots to look at the facts, to look at the arguments, and hopefully vote the same way as millions of their fellow country men and women and vote yes. YES to a strong economic future, and YES to a new and vibrant Scotland.

So my message is simple, it’s your choice, it is your country, go for it Scotland!
All my best to you all
Armon Gwilym

Tis-che-Tein - Scottish tunes for Yes #GalizawithScotland (video by Jon Scullard)

venres, 29 de agosto de 2014

Solidarity with Scotland from the Åland Islands

Thank you so much! 

Solidarity with Scotland: Sant Esteve de Palautordera says YES! #ExpatScots #SpeakUp

Christopher Carnie, Scot expat who lives in Sant Esteve de Palautordera (Catalonia) Christopher participated yesterday in a talk about Scotland: organized by  Llibreria Cafè del Teatre 

Escòcia: 20 preguntes i una resposta // Scotland: 20 questions, one answer

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this activity  , thank you all for your great support for Scottish independence.                 
And well done Christopher!


xoves, 28 de agosto de 2014

Salmond Tells Sky News: "Alistair Darling Muffed His Chance"

Cardiff (Wales), 13th of September #solidaritywithscotland All welcome!

Send your letter of support  for this great event of Solidarity with Scotland in Wales on the 13th of September!

Envia a túa carta de apoio a este grande evento de Solidariedade con Escocia que terá lugar en Cardiff, o 13 de Setembro Gales!

 Wales supporting Scottish independence!
 Cefnogi Annibyniaeth i'r Alba
 Gales apoia a independencia de Escocia!
More info / Mais info:


200 firmas de empresari@s animan ao SI á independencia #indyref #business

Mais de 200 empresarios veñen de apoiar a independencia nunha carta publicada no Herald de hoxe, pedindo a Escocia liderar o camiño en contra da dominación económica de Londres na economía do Reino Unido.

Podedes ver aquí a lista completa dos asinantes:

Esta carta ven a ser a resposta a outra aparecida no día de onte onde 130 empresarios británicos amosaban a súa preocupación e mesmo animaban a un voto negativo. Esta carta foi recollida na prensa española, non así a de Business for Scotland.

A patronal británica (CBI) continua a ocasionar polémica ao participar activamente na campaña unionista logo de ter protagonizado unha dos episodios mais turbios en todo este proceso:

Lémbrovos a polémica sobre a CBI no mes de abril:

Como última novedade contarvos que Cameron vai visitar Glasgow despois da desfeita do debate entre Alistair Darling e Alex Salmond. Voces unionistas non ven con vós ollos esta visita.



Non podo estar mais que encantada coa miña familia, porque non é fácil ter unha familia que comparta ideas, ilusións e reivindicacións e que nos momentos mais importantes ou mais complexos, ou mais intensos estean dia a dia, axudando, apoiando, animando... 



I couldn't be more delighted with my family, because it's not easy to have a family with whom to share ideas, hopes and vindications; a family who in the most important moments, or at the most difficult or intense times are with you, side by side, helping, supporting, encouraging...

A min se me cae a baba coa miña familia, porque eles son e levan sendo o noso grande apoio durante estes meses de traballo duro e solidario, os que estan aí para botar unha man, os que están aí para preocuparse de se descansamos ou de se precisamos algo, os que se ofrecen a participar da campaña, os que nos axudan a recoller sinaturas, os que nos mandan fotos porque non queren perderse este momento histórico, os que neste ano non puidemos compartir verán porque habia cousas mais prioritarias, e todos o sabiamos. 

I feel so delighted with my family because they have been our strongest support during these months of hard and solidary work; they have been there to lend a hand, they have been there to look after us or by asking if we need anything or if we've had a break, those who helped to collect signatures, those who sent photos because they wanted to collaborate and be part of this historic moment, those who we coudn´t visit this summer because there are more important priorities and all of us know it.
Grazas aos meus irmáns, aos meus curmáns, aos meus mellores amig@s, porque sen vós, o camiño sería cen mil veces mais difícil.

Thank you very much to my brothers and sisters, to my cousins and to my best friends, because without all of you the path would have been a hundred times more difficult.

mércores, 27 de agosto de 2014

Carta á embaixada británica dende Galiza // Letter to the British Embassy from Galicia #solidaritywithscotland #indyref

We have sent more than 700 sinatures from Galicia with a letter to Simon Manley, British Embassy in Madrid today.
You can see all the sinatures on our website
Thank you everyone who participated by signing the letter.

Hoxe enviamos mais de 700 firmas dende Galiza cunha carta a Simon Manley, Embaixador do Reino Unido en Madrid.
Podedes ver todas as sinaturas na nosa páxina web.
Moitas grazas a tod@s os que participastes asinando a carta. 

EUROPEAN SOLIDARITY WITH SCOTLAND: Delegates of Régions et Peuples Solidaires (R&PS) from Corsica -EFA

The Coordinators of Solidarity with Scotland International Campaign would like to thank  Günther Fritz Dauwen (Director of European Free Alliance) and everyone of the international Delegates, MEPs, Corsican Mayors etc...  for sharing with us this great group photo from Corsica and for their fantastic contribution to this International Campaign.


Günther explained to us:

"Here is a picture from the group of delegates of Régions et Peuples Solidaires (R&PS) the umbrella of EFA minded parties in France, we were received in the Garden of the Mayor of Bastia, Corsica’s second biggest city"
From the left to right:
Gustave Alirol, president of R&PS/ Josep-Maria terricabras MEP for ERC/ in the public different Corsican Mayors / François Alfonsi former MEP PNC and President of EFA now/ Mona Bras Political leader of the UDB Bretton Party/ behind her Inaki Irazabalbeitia Former Aralar/EFA MEP/ Gilles Simeoni Mayor of Bastia (with red yes panel)/ Fabiana Giovannini PNC executive/ Lorena Lopez de La Calle Deputy in Basque Country, Parlament of ARABA/ Naigs le Gar Member of the Bretton Assembly UDB/ Former MEP JJ Biceps from Guadalupe and at least ten more regional members of Parliament from France

And they were with a group of 120 people!! Absolutely brilliant! 

martes, 26 de agosto de 2014

Letter to the Brittish Embassy - Compromiso por Galicia #solidaritywithscotland #indyref #GalizawithScotland

Xoan Bascuas is the General Secretary of  Compromiso por Galicia.
We would like to thank Xoan and all the people of CxG for their contribution to this international Campaign. 

Xoan Bascuas é o Secretario Xeral de Compromiso por Galicia  .
Gostarianos agradecer a Xoan e a toda a xente de CxG pola vosa participación nesta Campaña.

Here you have their letter to the Brittish Embassy in Madrid:
Aquí tendes a súa carta á Embaixada británica en Madrid:

Thank you very much Xoan for your good wishes for us and for Scotland. We hope that your wishes will come true: "I won´t wish you good luck, I'll wish you Justice" That means a lot for all of us. A fraternal hug!

Moitísimas grazas Xoan polos teus bós desexos para nós e para Escocia. Esperamos que estes desexos se convirtan en realidade: "Non vos desexarei boa sorte, desexareivos Xustiza". Significa moito para todos nós.  Unha fraternal aperta!

Solidarity with Scotland: Message from Moravia (Moravané Political Party)

Dear friends,
The Moravané political party, fighting for self-governance of Moravia,within the currently heavily centralized Czech republic, while representing a nation, whose ancestry reaches back to the Great Moravian Empire of the 9th Century, as well as Margravate of Moravia in the Mediaval Ages, and Land of Moravia within the Habsburg Monarchy, takes a great example of the successful fight of Scotland for its own independence.
We strongly and unequivocally support the Scotland´s independence and hope that Scottish citizens expresses their inherent wish for independence.
Best wishes,
Foreign Affairs Committee
Moravians/Moravané Political Party

Scotland Decides (BBC): Salmond versus Darling 25th Aug 2014

Thank you so much to Peter Curran for this video


Era o segundo debate, e un brillante Alex Salmond aproveitouno moi ben facendo unha apaixoada defensa dos servizos públicos e políticas de benestar social,  fronte ás consecuencias que teria voto negativo traendo mais recortes e políticas de austeridade impostas dende Westminster.
Tamén defendeu o seu permanente compromiso de apostar por un país sen armas nucleares de destrución masiva (Trident).E explicou con todo luxo de detalles as opcións sobre divisa que tería unha Escocia independente.

Non houbo clemencia para un nervoso e tatexo Darling quen chegou a contadecir na estratexia de Better Together ao asegurar que Escocia si podería usar a libra. Durante case dous anos os unionistas veñen mantendo que Escocia non poderá usar a divisa esterlina, sendo mesmo criticados polos economistas que forman o grupo de traballo da Comisión Fiscal, nos que se atopan dous premios Nobel de economía.

O público tampouco tivo piedade con Darling (Laborista). O debate tiña lugar en Glasgow, feudo laborista que non perdoa a traición daqueles que dician defender á clase traballadora.


A pregunta da noite foi "Se estamos mellor xuntos, porqué non estamos agora xa mellor xuntos?"

O resultado do debate quedou reflictido na enquisa de The Guardian quen daba un 71% dos votos do público a Alex Salmond e un 29% a Alistair Darling. 

Alex Salmond facendo un alegato ao país que teñen que construir entre todos os partidos, organizacións e cidadáns e chamou a participación de tod@s no que xa ven sendo denominado #teamScotland; non esqueceu Salmond de lanzarlle invitación tamén a Alistair Darling a participar do mesmo. E con iso, o FM, gañou punto e partido. "Este é o noso tempo, o noso momento, aproveitémolo" Rematou Salmond. 

Mais se queredes, podedes ver o todo o debate e sacar as vosas propias conclusións:

Scottish Independence : Support from London #solidaritywithscotland #indyref

luns, 25 de agosto de 2014

Reporting from the front #indyref #Scotland

Hello everyone!

My husband and I we'll be reporting for Sermos Galiza from the 31st of August in Scotland.
So if you know about any activity that you want us to cover, just let us know by sending us an email to:

Solidarity with Scotland from South Tyrol #indyref #solidaritywithscotland

Members of the South-Tyrolean Parliament and staff of the movement SÜD-TIROLER FREIHEIT: Dr. Eva Klotz, Sven Knoll, Dr. Cristian Kollmann, Bernhard Zimmerhofer and Stefan Zelger. In the background „Walther von der Vogelweide“, one of the most famous lyric poets in medieval times. Greetings from Bozen, South-Tyrol!

domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014

Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon - Ice Bucket Challenge #IceBucketChallenge

Aceptará David Cameron o reto ou sairá correndo igual que fixo có debate?

Solidarity with Scotland from Poland: Przystanek Woodstock Festival. Kostrzyn nad Odrą #indyref

Thank you so much Craig Hendry (Scot expat)  for sharing with us these amazing photos of solidarity from Woodstock Festival in  Kostrzyn ( Poland)  Wielkie dzięki!!

The poster says : Support Scottish Independence!