Noite máxica de SAN XOAN na Galiza!
Don't forget!
Non esquezas!
You have to jump 3 times over the fire to ward off bad spirits... Make 3 wishes!
Hai que saltar 3 veces o lume para queimar os malos espíritus... Pide 3 desexos!
And wash your face with the water of the magic herbs
night to eat some sardines...
noite para comer sardiñas...
And wash your face with the water of the magic herbs
E lavar a cara coa agua das herbas máxicas
And now you are ready and clean faced for another year! Have fun!
And now you are ready and clean faced for another year! Have fun!
eu estou segurisima del cal será, e de corazón desexo que se cumplan, non so ese sinon o resto de todos os vosos desexos, feliz noite de Xoan,