E aquí tendes unha pequena mostra
da protesta que se levou a cabo diante dos edificios da BBC en Glasgow para
protestar pola constante manipulación e bloqueo informativo. A BBC foi a última
empresa en abandonar a CBI (Patronal Británica) cando esta se rexistrou como
Ente defensor do Non á independencia. A CBI retirou o seu rexistro da Comisión
Electoral pero continua envolta en escándalo e sospeitas de xogo suxo. O debate
sobre os medios de comunicación alternativos está na rúa, o lema mais repetido
durante a consulta foi "Don't hate the media, be the media" (Non
odies aos medios de comunicación, convértete en medio de comunicación). Dende a
organización deste evento animaron a continuar usando as redes sociais para
comunicarse, informarse e facer campaña para acadar unha vitoria o 18 de
setembro. Impresionante!
luns, 30 de xuño de 2014
domingo, 29 de xuño de 2014
Solidariedade con Escocia #Galiza #solidaritywithscotland
Cómo colaborar / How to colaborate:
Festas do Barrio de San Pedro - Espazo Cidadán - Micro aberto / Open Mic #solidaritywithscotland in #SantiagoCompostela #Galiza

The neighborhood of San Pedro is one of the most important and actives in Santiago de Compostela. The organization of its anual party improves every year. This year there were different spaces for activities: Space for sound, space for Literature, space for games, Science spaces and Spaces for the citizens.
Nós non
quixemos perder a oportunidade de participarmos no Circuito de
Iniciativas Cidadás, en tempo de "Micro aberto" para explicar a Campaña
Internacional "Solidarity with Scotland". Nesta ocasión Douglas foi o
encargado de falar sobre a recollida de sinaturas para mandar unha
carta á Embaixada británica en Madrid e cómo colaborar nesta campaña. Tivemos pequenos problemas técnicos co sonido, e foi moi divertido.
We didn't want to miss the opportunity to get involved in this Space for Citizen Participation, on "Open Mic" and give information about the International Campaign "Solidarity with Scotland". This time, Douglas was the person charged to speak about the letter to the British Embassy and the petition we are conducting and also, how people can colaborate and get involved in this Campaign. We had wee technical problems with the sound, but it was fun.
We didn't want to miss the opportunity to get involved in this Space for Citizen Participation, on "Open Mic" and give information about the International Campaign "Solidarity with Scotland". This time, Douglas was the person charged to speak about the letter to the British Embassy and the petition we are conducting and also, how people can colaborate and get involved in this Campaign. We had wee technical problems with the sound, but it was fun.
Mais información:
More information:
Moreover at this Citizen space, we could also listen to other voices of Galician citizens who with courage and arguments have mobilised to protect our cultural and historic heritage; This was the case with the Platform to Defend Monterrei Castle (Pazos, Ourense)
And we could also can hear the voices from those who are defending our environment, and protecting our rivers on the Lands of Sarria (Lugo): "Mollámonos polo Rio" ("We're jumping in/getting wet for the river" or get involved for the River)


Sobre o espazo cidadá:
About the Citizen space:

We want to thank the organization of San Pedro for this fantastic opportunity and experience; and also to all of you for such a warm welcome and collaboration with this International Campaign "Solidarity with Scotland". Keep your voices and vindications up!
sábado, 28 de xuño de 2014
A PRENSA ESPAÑOLA BATENDO COA REALIDADE ESCOCESA ... #spanishpress #bias #ProjectFear vs #yesscotland
Cando un xornal fai algo ben, debería estar orgulloso dos seus traballadores, do seu traballo e non esnaquizalo para dar unha imaxe do que non hai.
Por primeira vez dende que se empezou co proceso escocés, o ABC tivo a decencia de mandar a un traballador a Escocia, en concreto a Stirling. Ata agora, limitábanse a publicar todas as noticias que chegaban de Londres e a darlle total cobertura e apoio ao que ditaba o Proxecto Medo; e podo maxinar que Borja Bergareche foi coa idea de plasmar algo moi diferente ao que está a acontecer nesas terras e deu totalmente de fociños coa realidade escocesa.
Que o ABC, xunto con La Razón, veñen sendo os voceiros do Proxecto Medo en territorio español é algo que ten que quedar claro; e que de cando en vez procuran vestirse de prensa ecuánime, aínda que soe a chiste, é unha verdade coma un templo

Nada novo, efectivamente hai persoas que van votar Non por convicción, outras por razóns tan simples e carentes de argumentos políticos como o seu "odio a Alex Salmond", que a campaña unionista non deixa de fomentar na súa estratexia de focalizar o debate no SNP e Alex Salmond.
Pero Borja Bergareche atopou outra realidade: nin rastro da campaña unionista! e claro, a súa obxectividade chocou coa linea editorial do ABC, que nun principio (práctica que ven sendo habitual en moitos xornais) presentou un titular mais ou menos aceptable dentro da súa líña ("Salmond ha hecho cosas bien pero gracias a Londres" valoración feita por un votante do non) , pero non quedando claro de que lado están decidiu cambiar por outro moito mais contundente ("No soporto a Salmond, no puedo con él"...) si, estades lendo ben... o modo pánico fai marabillas, e os titulares teñen que soar o suficientemente "unionistas", aínda que o total da noticia faga cando menos reflexionar sobre o que pode pasar o 18 de setembro.
Dende a miña humilde opinión, felicitarei ao señor Bergareche polo seu traballo, e dicirlle que se quedou impresionado coa campaña do Yes, vai sendo hora de prepararse, porque a partires de agora a cousa vai ir a mais e tod@s aqueles organizacións, partidos, grupos, individuos que conforman a enorme campaña do Yes Scotland están alí para gañar e saben ben o que está en xogo, e non o van deixar escapar. Tod@s eles queren ver publicados outros titulares.
ORGULLO #28Xuño / PRIDE #28th #LGBT
Unha enorme aperta da vosa orgullosa amiga! Somos distint@s, somos iguais, viva a diversidade!
A huge hug from your proud friend! We all are different, we all are equals, long live diversity!
venres, 27 de xuño de 2014
I’m a British
citizen living here in Athens and have been following the Scottish referendum
debate back home over the last year or so. It recently came to my
attention via several newspaper articles that the UK Foreign Office is
attempting to garner support for the Union/Better Together campaign from the
governments of around 30 different countries – something that is fairly obvious
given the recent flurry of statements from the representatives of the USA,
China, Sweden etc in recent weeks but is nonetheless disappointing, to say the
I believe there
is a new unit to handle this campaign (Devolution Unit?) on behalf of the UK
government, although I also believe that the civil service is supposed to be
politically neutral – correct me if I’m wrong. The Prime Minister David
Cameron has repeatedly stated that the referendum is something for the people
in Scotland to decide upon, one of the reasons he cites at each refusal of a
public debate with Alex Salmond, but it appears that he and his government will
actively try to engage the assistance of foreign governments to influence the
choice put before the people of Scotland as to whether or not to opt for
Your website
states that The FCO promotes the United Kingdom's interests overseas,
supporting our citizens and businesses around the globe. I cannot see
how asking foreign governments to back the Better Together campaign fits into
the FCO remit.
Can you please
forward my correspondence to the relevant unit or responsible person and
provide a response to the following questions:-
1. Is there a group
or unit or team or nominated person within a UK embassy/consulate in Greece to
deal with any issues related to the Scottish referendum?
2. Is there a group
or unit or team or nominated person within a UK embassy/consulate in Greece to
co-ordinate with or promote the ideals of the Better Together campaign on behalf
of the UK government?
3. Does the UK
government and/or Foreign Office believe it is acceptable to request foreign
governments to attempt to influence the voters in Scotland to vote No on
September 18th?
4. Can you assure
me that the FCO will remain neutral in the matter of the Scottish independence
I find my
support for the policies of successive UK governments waning at an alarming
rate. I'm no longer able to say that I am proud to be British, and the
idea that Britain is a beacon of democracy is becoming laughable when subject
to even the lightest scrutiny. Having lived and travelled in many
countries I’m aware of the great benefits of living in the UK, but in my
opinion wholesale political change is required in the UK for this to remain
I look forward
to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully
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