cambios case nunca son recibidos con agrado xa que son incómodos e obrigan a
mudar cousas, a romper esquemas establecidos e o ser humano busca por natureza
a comodidade e desgraciadamente o estatismo. A nosa actitude ante todo o que
implica un cambio é “deixa as cousas coma están que así están ben xa se
andará...”. Sempre me rebelei contra esta premisa e contra outras moitas e
apliquei a miña propia de “todo é mellorable”.
Changes are almost never welcomed
because they are uncomfortable and it make us move things, to break established
schemes and human beings seek because of their nature, comfort and unfortunately,
motionlessness. Our attitude faced with anything that could be a change is “let
the things be like they are, they’re fine as they are, everything will work
out...” I always rebelled against these thoughts and others and I applied my
own “everything could be better”.
na independencia, na miña, na de tod@s. Creo nela dende o momento que decidín que
era tempo de deixar de vivir con meus pais e empezar a vivir sola. Para unha
muller galega a simple vontade ser querer ser independente non era razón
suficiente e non era doado explicalo nin era ben visto no meu entorno naqueles
I believe in independence, mine, and
everyone’s. I have believed in independence since the moment that it was time to
leave my parent’s house and start to live by myself. For a Galician woman the simple
will to be independent wasn’t reason enough and it was very difficult to
explain, it was frowned upon in my environment.
a única voz a favor foi a do meu pai, que medrou nun marco progresista e que pensaba
que a miña decisión era boa se o obxectivo era vivir soa, parecíalle ben; iso
si, advertiume do tremendamente difícil que a sociedade era para unha muller
que debía ser prudente e coidadosa.
Curiously the only voice in favour was
my father’s who grew up in a very progressive family and who thought that my decision
was good for me if the objective was living by myself, he agreed; however he
warned me about the huge difficulties for a women in our society, and I had to
be careful and prudent.
outra banda estaba miña nai e o resto da familia tradicionalista. Qué
escándalo! Que tolería! Como se lle ocorre! Unha muller non pode vivir soa! Non
vai ser capaz de manexar o salario! Ten que cambiar de opinión! Non lle imos
falar mais! E se queda sen traballo? E se non da pagado as facturas? E se lle
pasa algo? Non vai poder entrar de novo nesta casa! A campaña de medo foi
tremenda e empeoraba en canto se achegaba o momento de botar a voar.
On the other side were my Mum and the rest of her traditionalist family.
What a scandal! Madness! What is she thinking about? A woman cannot live alone!
She won’t be able to manage her salary! She has to change her mind! We won’t
speak to her ever again! And what if she loses her job? What if she can’t pay
the bills? And what if something goes wrong? She will never be able to entry in
this house again! The project fear campaign was tremendous and it was getting
worse as the moment to move grew closer.
tanto bombardeo en contra da miña independencia víñanseme á mente todas aquelas mulleres que non tiveron mais
opción que someterse e aceptar resignadamente os roles que os poderes militares e eclesiásticos lles
impuxeron. Pensei no caso mais claro diso que tiña diante: miña nai, unha
muller escrava das obrigas "tradicionais" cun fabuloso potencial desbotado
que lle provocaba unha crónica frustración. Ela pertence a esas xeración ferida
de mulleres galegas.
Seeing so much bombardment against my
own independence I was reminded of all those women who had the no other option than
to submit and accept with resignation the roles that military and ecclesiastic
powers laid out for them. I thought of the clearest case I had in front of me:
my Mum, a slave of traditionalist obligations with a huge repressed potential
that makes her feel chronic frustration. She belongs to those wounded generations of Galician
muller e como persoa pensei que era mais importante aceptar os retos e
superarse, non para demostrarlle nada a ninguén, senón por min mesma. Creo
firmemente que somos uns espellos dos outros e que uns de outros aprendemos e
sei con certeza que para miña nai a miña independencia foi un tremendo shock, mais tamén un exemplo, unha
lección que axudou a liberala un pouco.
As a woman and as a person I thought
that it was more important to accept the challenge and overcome it, not to prove
anything to anybody but to myself. I strongly believe that we are all mirror of
each other, and from others we learn, and I certainly know that for my Mum my
independence was a terrible shock but also an example, a lesson that helped her
to be a wee bit freer.
pensei que o medo é o noso maior inimigo, e que hai ser valente para vencelo,
para vivir e decidir. Miles de mulleres galegas foron quen de parir aos seus
fillos e crialos elas soas, viúvas de vivos e viúvas de mortos, foron
criadoras, cociñeiras, doutoras, parteiras, pintoras, escritoras, agricultoras,
marisqueiras ... Moitas delas sen pensalo viviron soas, porque a vida lles puxo
nesa situación, non por elección, e saíron adiante con matricula de honra.
I always thought that fear is our
biggest enemy, and we have to be brave to beat it, to live and decide.
Thousands of Galician women were capable to giving birth their children and bringing
them up without any help, widows of the living and the dead were brooders,
cooks, healers, midwives, painters, writers, farmers, fisherwomen... Lots of
them were living alone, without thinking anything of it, just because life put them
in this situation, not by choice. And they all came out of it with honours.
paso que damos reafirmando os nosos dereitos é un paso que damos para que as
xeracións vindeiras teñan asegurado o seu benestar fundamentado en principios
de solidariedade, a independencia e capacidade de interacción con respecto
mutuo e igualdade. A alternativa é seguir
sementando o noso futuro con medo, transmitindo os mesmos vellos esquemas que
nos levan a permanecer nun mundo de opresión, de manipulación, de egoísmo, de destrución,
inamovibles nunha malsán dependencia.
Every step we take reaffirming our
rights is a step we take for the next generations to have the security of
welfare based on principles of solidarity, independence and capability to
interact with mutual respect and equality. The alternative is to keep seeding
our future with fear, transmitting the same old schemes that make us to live in
a world of oppression, manipulation, selfishness, destruction... entrenched in
an unhealthy dependence.
anos a miña decisión foi totalmente firme. Medo? Pos claro que tiña! Era un
reto! Mais púidome mais o desexo de aprender, de ser, de coñecer o meu potencial sen o control moitas
veces asfixiante do que deixaba atrás. Asumín a responsabilidade de xestionar a
miña economía totalmente. Cometín erros e fun quen de rectificalos, mellorei as
relacións con aqueles que ameazaban con boicotearme os mesmos que empezaron a
mirarme con respecto; ampliei lazos e amizades, viaxei, chorei e rin. Non me
arrepinto de nada, e menos dos erros cometidos xa que grazas a eles medrei coma
persoa, coma individuo. Hoxe mais que nunca creo na independencia, na miña e na
colectiva. A independencia dignifica.
In those days my decision was completely
certain. Scared? Of course I was scared! It was a challenge! But my wish to
learn was stronger, to be myself, to know what my potential was without the
suffocating control that I was leaving behind. I totally accepted my
responsibility for managing my economy. I made mistakes and I rectified them, I
improved my relationship with those who had threatened me with boycotts, the
same ones who started looking at me with respect. I have broadened ties and
friendships, I have travelled, I have cried and laughed. I do not regret
anything, and least of all my mistakes because for them I have grown up as
person, as an individual. Today, more than ever, I believe in independence,
mine and the collective’s. Independence dignifies.
empeza dende o mais esencial, dende o inicio, dende nós. Canto antes asumamos a
responsabilidade que nos toca neste momento e valoremos honesta e sinceramente
se aceptamos o reto de empezar a mandar nós e non continuar facendo o que nos
manden, entón ese dia poderemos dicir que temos botado a andar cara a liberdade
seriamente. E ese mesmo empezaremos a respectármonos de verdade. Así de sinxelo, así de complexo.
Everything starts from the most
essential thing, from the beginning, from us. As soon as we assume our
responsibility for what we have at this moment, and we evaluate honestly and
sincerely if we accept the challenge of governing ourselves and not to let
others govern for us, then we could say that we are starting to be walk towards
freedom. In this moment we’ll truly start to respect ourselves. As simple and as
complicated as that.
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