mércores, 26 de febreiro de 2014


Unha das formas que teñen os distintos grupos dentro da Campaña do SI para conseguir fondos para as suas actividades é o chamado Crowdfunding (financiación popular ou colectiva). 

One of the ways that the different groups of the Yes Campaign have to get some money for their activities is called Crowdfunding.

Hoxe Wings over Scotland conseguiu o seu obxectivo de xuntar con aportacións individuales  53.000 libras en só 8 horas e 24 minutos. Nalgún momento voltaremos a falar de Wings e explicar qué actividades van levar adiante.


Wings Over Scotland have today achieved the objective of raising 53,000 pounds by individual donations in just 8 hours and 24 minutes. Later on I'll talk again about Wings and its activities.
 Hai moitas campaña de recollida de fondos agora mesmo en marcha, pero a que mais chama a miña atención, visto o visto da posición oficial dos laboristas é a dos Laboristas pola Independencia, que acaban de sacar este fermoso video (no que por certo aparecemos o meu marido Douglas i eu) . Eles van ter moito que ver co triunfo do SI en Escocia.Tamen ten unha canción fermosa - escoitádea.

There are lots of campaigns to donate going on right now, but the one that most catches my eye, due to the official position of the Labour Party, is the one from Labour for Independence who have just  released this beautiful video (by the way my husband Douglas and I appear in it). They will have lot to do with a Yes victory in Scotland. It also has a beautiful song - just listen.

Crowdfund: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/labour-for-independence-campaign



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