Falando o outro dia cunha amiga
dos proxectos que teño para este 2014, saíu o tema de Escocia (como non!) e do
proceso que están a vivir os escoceses.
A few of days ago I was chatting
with a friend about the projects I have for 2014, and of course the subject of Scotland
popped up (how could that be possible?) and the process that the Scottish
people are now in...
Curiosamente esta amiga non tiña
nin idea de que voos temos dende Compostela para poder chegar a Escocia (ai, ai, ai!); evidentemente só os que temos que viaxar a miúdo a aquelas fermosas terras
nos tomamos o tempo e o interese para ver as posibles conexións e sendo posible
non pisando Madrid... si, a meirande parte dos escoceses que coñezo tamén
evitan Londres... éche o que ten estar presos das capitais dos imperios.
Curiously this friend of mine
hasn’t got any idea how to get to Scotland by plane from Compostela (How come?);
evidently just those who travel very often to those wonderful lands take some
time and interest to see which possible connections we have, and better if we don’t
have to put our feet in Madrid, aye, most of the Scottish people I know try to
avoid London too... but that's the way it is when we are prisoners of imperialist
Pois ben, unha cousas tan sinxela
coma esta nunca a recollín no meu blog, e coido que é hora facelo.
So, such an easy thing as this I have never put in my blog and I think
that now it’s time to do it.
Temos 3 posibilidades principais:
We have 3 principal possibilities:
1º) A que nós sempre preferimos é
evidentemente coa que eu considero a mellor compañía con diferencia: Air
1st) this is the one we always prefer because
your flight will be with Air Lingus, to
me one of the best Companies with difference.
Air Lingus voa tan só dende o 1 de abril 2014 ata o 25 de Outubro 2014 en martes,
xoves ou sábado
Air Lingus only has flights from 1st
of April until 25th of October on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday
Se te decides viaxar por esta vía Compostela-Dublín
/Dublín-Compostela terás que pasar unha noite en Dublín, cousa que moitos agradecen
para poder tomar unha copa nun dos pub mais internacionais da cidade:
If you decide to travel by this way
Compostela-Dublin/Dublin-Compostela, you will have to spend a night in Dublin,
so you can have a pint of Guinness in one of the most international pubs in the
city, I think that lots of you would love to.
Para estancia en Dublín vos
recomendamos o Hotel Cassidys
I recommend to you for your stay
Cassidys Hotel:
A conexión para continuar cara
Escocia pódese realizar mediante:
Next connection to Scotland would be:
Air Arann :
Dende a mesma páxina de Air
Lingus (a Glasgow e Edinburgh)
From Air Lingus’s own website (to
Glasgow and Edinburgh)
Ou mediante/ or by Ryanair:
Para a viaxe de volta a conexión completa
(Edinburgh/Glasgow-Dublin-Compostela) pódese facer no mesmo día.
For your journey back you can do the full connection (Edinburgh /Glasgow-Dublin-Compostela) in the same day
2ª) E a que realiza a compañía
2nd) This is by Vueling:
Compostela – Barcelona – Edinburgh
3ª) No caso de non ter outras
3th) You also have this
Compostela-Madrid //
Madrid-Compostela (por tren ou avión) (by rail or
Iberia: http://www.iberia.com/?market=ES
Renfe: http://www.renfe.com/
Madrid – Edinburgh /
Edinburgh-Madrid: mediante/ by Easyjet
Espero que esta información vos
sexa de utilidade e recordade que ademais do noso fermoso e interesante país,
Escocia é unha terra que merece ser coñecida, visitada, respectada e querida. Desfrutade
da vosa viaxe e mesturádevos coa xente escocesa! Son xente super acolledores e
divertidos e o pasaredes de medo!
I hope that this information was
useful and just remember that like our country, Scotland is interesting, absolutely beautiful and deserves to be known, visited, respected and
loved. Enjoy your trip and mix with the Scottish people! They are really
warm and fun and you will enjoy it!
E xa que o Goberno escocés ten
declarado en varias ocasión que un dos seus obxectivos para Escocia é mellorar as
conexións aéreo portuarias, esperemos que unha desas melloras nos traia un voo
directo de Edinburgh ou Glasgow a Santiago de Compostela. Soñar é gratis,
And as the Scottish Government has
said on many occasions that one of its objectives is for Scotland to improve
flight connexions, I hope that one of these improvements will bring us direct
flights from Edinburgh or Glasgow to Santiago de Compostela. Dreaming is free,
isn’t it?
Todo é posible!
Anything is possible!
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