Si Rosalía de
Castro é para nós una das personaxes mais insignes, Robert (Rabbie) Burns é en Escocia o
Bardo por excelencia.
If Rosalía de Castro
is for all of us one of our more insigne characters, Robert (Rabbie) Burns is
in Scotland the Bard for excellence.
Cada 25 de
Xaneiro en Escocia celébrase o seu
aniversario e o seu legado.
Every 25th of January
Scotland celebrates his anniversary and his legacy.
Nós quixemos
este ano 2014, tan importante para os escoceses, compartir con algúns dos nosos
amigos e viciños esta dia tan especial e
introducilos na cultura e tradicións escocesas, e mesmo a ser partícipes delas.
We wanted in this year
2014, so important for all Scottish people, to share with some of our friends
and neighbours this so special day and to introduce them into Scottish culture and traditions,
and try to involve them with it.
Unha noite de Burns non se pode imaxinar sen a parte culinaria tan tradicional, e para iso vía online encargamos na Haggis Store de Stirling o noso Haggis cerimonial (e outro vexetariano que por certo estaba delicioso), sopas tradicionais e whisky. Agradecemos é Haggis Shop a súa espectacular eficacia e calidade, xa que todo estaba exquisito.
Scotch Broth |
Vege Haggis |
Haggis |
You cannot imagine a
Burns Night without its traditional culinary side, and to get that we ordered
by internet from The Haggis Store in Stirling our Ceremonial Haggis (and also
one Veggie Haggis which was delicious, by the way), traditional soups and some
whiskies. Thanks to The Haggis Shop for its spectacular efficacy and quality
because everything was exquisite.
Adornamos a
nosa casa con típicas telas tartan que afortunadamente puidemos conseguir na
vella tenda Texidos Katy en Santiago de Compostela. E evidentemente tamén coas
nosas bandeiras e reivindicacións. E como non, preparamos un soporte técnico
para que os nosos convidados puideran desfrutar da música e dos poemas de Burns
e tamén coñecer algo da historia de Escocia.
We decorated our house
with different traditional tartans which we were able to buy in a very old
fabric store in Compostela (Texidos Katy). Evidently with flags and vindications.
And of course, we had prepared technical support for our guests to enjoy Burns
music and poems and also to know something about Scotland’s history.
Outra das
cousas que non pode faltar na noite de Burns, ao igual que noutras festas
escocesas son os kilts
Another thing that should not be missed at Burns Night like
in other Scottish parties are the kilts.
Como vos
dicía, a comida tradicional para noite de Rabbie Burns é o Haggis, que ven
acompañado de puré de pataca e nabo.
Non se pode empezar a comer o Haggis sen antes
facer a súa cerimonia e recitar a súa oda escrita por Burns.
As I was saying
before, the traditional food for Rabbie Burns Night is Haggis which is served
with mashed turnip and potato.
You cannot start eating Haggis without doing
the ceremonial and reciting its poem by Burns.
Ainda que
tivemos algún pequeno percance técnico penso que a tod@s lles entusiasmou a
cea, e o postre.
Despite us having a wee “technical” problem I think that
everyone was very happy with their supper.
Unha das nosas
amigas animouse a preparar unha receita de tarta escocesa que lle quedou divina,
e que acompañou aos froitos roxos e xeado.
One of our friends was
very kind making a traditional Scottish Cake recipe that was very yummy and
that we have accompanied with red fruits and ice-cream
Como ningún de
nós (excepto Douglas, evidentemente) sabe escocés suficiente para lanzarnos a
facer un discurso correcto, fixémolo na nosa lingua pero tamén cumplimos coa
tradición do brinde homenaxe aos “laddies” (mozos) e “lassies” (mozas).
As none one of us
(except Douglas evidently) knows Scots enough to make a correct speech, we did
it in our language, and we also followed the tradition by paying tribute with a toast to the laddies and one
to the lassies.
encargouse de facer un fabuloso discurso para as mozas.
Carlos was charged to
make a great speech for the lassies.
And I tried to do my
best to challenge and support our dear laddies
And of course, we had a great night, very endearing, full of culture, poetry, history and laughter but we could not miss Burns songs. “A man’s a man for A’ that” (obviously using some help) was the top song that we sang and which our guests promised to learn for singing with all our friends in Scotland the 18th of September, when Scotland will get independence.
bueno bueno ten moi boa pinte creo q o paxachedes bomba, alegrome moito