The Better Together unhealthy obsession of putting as a valid reference anything
that Rajoy or Mas say about the Catalan process, making a pathologic symbiosis
with the Scottish process, invites us to reflect.
Statements like that from Ruth Davidson, reported in The Scotsman about
Mas’s honesty that it should be an example to Alex Salmond (according the
Scottish Tory speaker), provoke us in the first instance astonishment and lot
of laughter, then the comparison offends those of us who know first-hand what
is happening in Spain and in every one of the historic Nations of the Spanish
I have talked many times about the PP-Tory team trying to stop the
independentist advances in all Europe. My concern is that Better Together
(Tory, Labour and LibDem) don’t have any other argument of debate than
legitimising every statement from the Spanish Government about Scotland and EU,
or the (manipulated) declarations of Mas when he explains his expectations of
independence for Catalonia; it is so concerning that they don’t explain at any
point what the benefits and consequences would be for Scotland if they voted to
remain part of the UK.
That question has been concerning me greatly for a long time. Since the
beginning Alex Salmond has said very cleary that he doesn’t want to mix processes,
because there are big differences between one and the other; and he was also very
diplomatic in downplaying the importance of the first rumours about Spanish
interference that started popping up from London. There have been lots of voices
insisting on the differences of the two processes. By the way, voices with no
suspicion of communism or independentism.
Aznar, Trillo, Cospedal, Margallo, or Rajoy himself... all of them
members of the Popular Party and all of them relevant figures with power to explain
and specify all the possible details as to why Catalan and Scottish cases are
so different.
Some in Spanish media, other like Trillo in the Financial Times.
That is the why this “pasodoble” so badly danced between Madrid and
London, arrives in Scotland and provokes entirely stupid, ludicrous and
irresponsible statements from Tory, Labour and LibDem and some coverage in
newspapers like “The Commentator” or “Scotsman” that leave a lot to be desired
in journalistic ethic.
I’m going to be clear because to me and many others, to legitimise
statements from the Spanish Popular Government and put them as an example is to
legitimise the policies that the Popular Party is carrying out through all of
Spain. Let’s be clear and may everyone assume this responsibility on their
When someone legitimises the Spanish Goverment statements, they are
also legitimising the undercover dictatorship that we are living in and also accepting the Spanish Goverment’s
denial of the Catalan Nation to vote, when the people
were in the streets claiming for a referendum; it is also legitimising the lack
of democracy of this Spanish Goverment
When someone legitimises the Spanish Goverment they are also legitimising
the abolition of the Historic Memory Law that would mean, for thousands of
Spanish families (and foreign) being able to recuperate the remains of their
loved ones who were tortured, murdered and abandoned in common graves during the
Civil War (and Franco’s years), and by the way, there also British
Internationalists amongst them..
When someone give authority to the Spanish Government it is also giving
authority to the new “Security Citizen Law” that is nothing more than an updated
and “Better Version” of the “Ley de Vagos y Maleantes” of Franco’s times
whereby this Government criminalizes all those who are in demonstrations fighting
and claiming for our most fundamental rights.
When someone legitimises the Spanish Government they are also legitimising
the unhuman stance of keeping the dangerous razor-wire on Melilla’s frontier
that is causing very serious injury to those trying to go over it. The Spanish
Goverment thinks that if any private individual can use this method, then the
State can use it too.

Whilst those in Scotland are very fortunate to have this historic opportunity
and can exercise the most sacred and legitimate right to vote (DEMOCRACY), in
Spain we are trying desperately not to go back to the darkest times in our history.
And if the Left don't wake up and are able to leave aside their selfishness and
thoughtlessness, it is going to be very difficult to stop it and we will have no
other option than to live in exile like many others did before.
This is not an exaggeration. A few month ago, Nationalist Parties from
Galiza (BNG), Basque Country (BILDU) and Catalonian (ERC) decided to work
together for the European Elections in an attempt for the historic
nationalities (recognised by the Spanish Constitution and each of them with its
own Statute of Devolution) to have a voice in Brussels. That is not casual. Our
communities have seen their powers decreasing for many years, and this has intensified
in the last years due to a very clear strategy of re-centralitation of the
Spanish State.
The latest
project from the Spanish Goverment, with the excuse of the crisis, austerity and
the duplication of powers, is to make disappear the Court of Accounts and the Ombudsman
(Consello de Contas and Valedor do Pobo in the Galician case). Perhaps it is
true that for different reasons these Institutions are not so effective as desirable,
but during the last few years they have been denouncing multiple irregularities
on the management of budgets as much as the vulnerability of the citizens faced
with the abuses from Public Administration.
It is very obvious that those Institutions are a nuisance and the
Spanish Government’s solution is to stop these denouncements of ever more
scandalous corruption cases, putting the citizen in ever more
vulnerability, it is nothing more than
recentralising everything to have total control.
That is the possibility, in my opinion,
that could become a reality in Scotland if the No vote wins. The
neoliberal strategy of weakening the economy with continuous cuts of budgets,
and the posterior speech on the worthlessness of the duplication of powers is
indeed a true menace for all the Nations which are part of centralist States
like Spain or UK.
Devolution powers are in danger as are the rights of the historic communities,
our culture, our own history, our own language, our own economy, our
fundamental rights as human beings
So, Better Together people, please, stop insulting our intelligence,
stop offending us by manipulating and legitimating everything that comes from
the Spanish Government, because it is very shameful of you to belong to a team
that has nothing to do with Scottish reality... unless you are the same and you
too are cheating people. Let’s hope that that is not the case, and that you
would be able to explain what your alternative is to a Yes for independence,
for your own good and your own political dignity.
And for all of you that think Scotland could be isolated from Europe or
the World, think about those who are living abroad, emigrated; those who when
someone ask where they are from, their answer is : I’m Scottish. They were, are
and will always be your permanent link with the world. Scotland is never going
to be isolated.
A enfermiza obsesión de Better Together de poñer
coma válida referencia o que di Rajoy ou Mas en canto ao proceso catalán e
facer diso unha patolóxica simbiose co proceso que están a vivir en Escocia
invita á reflexión.
Declaracións coma as de Ruth Davidson ,
recollidas no Scotsman, sobre a honestidade de Mas e da que, (segundo di a
voceira dos Tory en Escocia) Alex Salmond debería tomar exemplo, provoca
nun primeiro momento asombro e risas a cachón, para logo ofendermonos pola
comparación de quen coñecemos de primeira man o que se está a cocer en España e
en cada unha dos territorios históricos do Estado Español.
En varias ocasión teño falado da equipa que forman
Tory e PP para frear os avances do independentismo en Europa. O preocupante é
que Better Together (Tory, Labour e Liberal Demócratas) non teñan mais
argumento de debate que lexitimar cada declaración feita polo Goberno español
sobre Escocia e a Unión Europea, ou as declaracións (manipuladas) Mas cando
explica as súas expectativas de a independencia para Cataluña; tan preocupante
coma que non expliquen en ningún momento cal sería o beneficio e as
consecuencias para Escocia en caso que os cidadáns escoceses decidan seguir
formando parte de Reino Unido.
![]() |
Entrevista da Sra. Cospedal en Outubro de 2012 |
Hai xa moito tempo que esta cuestión me preocupa
grandemente. Dende o primeiro momento Alex Salmond deixou ben claro que non
queren mesturar procesos, porque hai grandes diferencias entre un e outro, e mesmo
foi moi diplomático quitando ferro cando os primeiros rumores de inxerencia
española empezaron a asomar dende Londres. Son moitas as voces que ao longo de
meses veñen insistindo na diferencia entre os dous procesos, voces nada
sospeitosas de comunismo, ou independentismo precisamente.
Aznar, Trillo, Cospedal, Margallo, ou o mesmo
Rajoy… todos eles membros do Partido Popular con relevancia e poder
encargáronse de explicar e puntualizar con todo luxo de detalles porqué os
casos de Catalunya e Escocia son distintos.
Algúns en prensa española, outros como Trillo no
Financial Times.
Por iso, este pasodobre tan mal bailado dende
Madrid e Londres, chega a Escocia e provoca declaracións totalmente estúpidas,
irrisorias e irresponsables por parte de Tory e Labour e unha cobertura en
xornais coma “The commentator” ou “The Scotsman” que deixa moito que desexar
dentro da ética xornalística.

Cando alguén lexitima as declaracións do Goberno
español, estase a lexitimar tamén a corrupta ditadura encuberta na que estamos
vivindo que impide a un pobo coma o catalán que saíu á rúa para solicitar un
referendo de independencia en milleiros de persoas realizar o mesmo. Estase a lexitimar a falta
de democracia deste Goberno.

Cando se lexitima ao Goberno español, estase a
lexitimar a nova “Lei de Seguridade Ciudadá” que non é mais que unha copia
actualizada e “mellorada” da “Lei de Vagos e Maleantes” de tempos de Franco,
coa que o Goberno criminaliza a todos aqueles que saímos en manifestacións a
reclamar e reivindicar os nosos dereitos mais fundamentais.

Cando se lexitima ao Goberno español, estase a
lexitimar a última reforma da Lei do Aborto, na que se nos priva ás mulleres a
ser donas do noso corpo, nunha clarísima involución dos dereitos das mulleres,
involución impulsada polos sectores mais ultra católicos do Goberno e a neo
Inquisición española.

Namentres en Escocia sodes afortunados por poder
ter esta oportunidade histórica e exercer o voso sagrado e lexítimo dereito ao
voto (DEMOCRACIA), en España estamos tratando desesperadamente de non retornar
aos tempos mais escuros da nosa historia. E se a esquerda non esperta e deixa
atrás os seus personalismos e ás súas inconsciencias vai ser arduo difícil para
esta involución e non nos vai quedar
mais remedio que vivir no exilio coma moitos d@s nos@s devanceiros.
Non é unha esaxeración. Hai uns meses, partidos
nacionalistas de Galiza (BNG) , Euskal Herria (BILDU) e Catalunya (ERC) ,
decidiron traballar xuntos cara ás Eleccións Europeas, nun intento de que as Nacións
históricas (recoñecidas na Constitución española e con Estatuto de Autonomía
propio) tiveran voz en Bruxelas. Non é casual. As nosas comunidades, levan
perdendo dereitos recollidos nos nosos estatutos dende hai anos,
intensificándose esta perda de competencias nos últimos anos froito dunha clara
estratexia de RE-centralización do Estado.
O último proxecto do Goberno español, poñendo por
desculpa para todo a crise a austeridade
e a duplicación de competencias, é facer desaparecer os Órganos de Control e
Auditoría e aos Defensores do Pobo (Consello de Contas e Valedor do Pobo
respectivamente no caso de Galiza). Ben é certo que por diversas razóns non son
tan efectivos como sería desexable, mais nestes últimos anos veñen denunciando
múltiples irregularidades tanto na xestión dos orzamentos coma na
vulnerabilidade dos cidadáns ante os abusos da administración pública.

Esta é posibilidade
que eu vexo mais que factible se leve a
cabo en Escocia de ganar o non. A estratexia neoliberal de debilitar as
economías con continuos recortes de orzamentos, e seu posterior discurso da
inutilidade da duplicación de competencias é unha verdadeira ameaza para as
Nacións que conviven nun Estado de características centralistas coma España ou
Reino Unido..
Os poderes autonómicos están en perigo así como
os dereitos das pequenas comunidades históricas, a nosa cultura, a nosa propia historia,
a nosa lingua, a nosa economía, os nosos dereitos fundamentais coma seres humanos.
Por tanto, señores Better Together, por favor,
deixen de ofender á intelixencia, deixen de insultarnos manipulando e
lexitimando todo o que chegue do Governo de España, porque é unha verdadeira vergonza que
formedes parte dunha equipa que claramente nada ten que ver coa realidade
escocesa.... a non ser que vós sexades iguais e esteades a enganar á poboación.
Espero que non sexa así, e que poidades explicar cal é a vosa alternativa ante
o SI á independencia, pola vosa propia ben e dignidade política.
E para tod@s aqueles que pensen que Escocia pode quedar illada de Europa ou do mundo, pensen por favor naqueles que viven na emigración e que cando lles preguntan de onde son din con orgullo: Escocés. Eles foron, son e sempre serán o voso permanente vínculo co mundo. Escocia xamais vai estar aillada.
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