
The constant manipulation from media and
the effect that this has over society is very well know to everybody. The transmission
of repeated malicious ideas, sometimes constantly, very promptly has a clear
purpose which evidently is not looking after our welfare.
É moi difícil sentírmonos protexidos ante tan obvia
inxustiza, que vai en contra do dereito á información non sesgada. Poucas veces
a xustiza actúa en contra destes abusos e a imaxe de Urdaci (TVE en tempo do
PP) lendo a sentencia xudicial que lle obrigaba a rectificar unha información
manipulada, forma xa parte da nosa memoria como algo anecdótico (para quen teña
por costume o exercitar a memoria , claro está).
It is very difficult to feel ourselves
protected from such obvious injustice, which goes against the right of
objective information. Only sometimes does Justice act against these abuses and
the picture of Urdaci (Spanish TV presenter in PP government’s time) when he
was reading the judgment that forced him to rectify a manipulated newscast, belongs
to our memories like something anecdotic. (for those who have the healthy
habit of exercising their memories, of

Algúns defenden este tipo de manipulación ou
preferirían que os medios non informasen sobre nada , e citan exemplos a seguir
pola TVE (coma se non tivera xa suficiente práctica). Déixovos este artigo de
opinión como mostra :
Some defend this kind
of manipulation or they would prefer for media not to give any information
about anything, they even cite examples to be followed by TVE (as if they did
not have enough practice). I give you this article of opinion as a proof of it.

It is absurd the vision that some
pretend to extend all over Spain about BBC’s “objectivity”... those who are
following the Scottish process a wee bit can talk about the lack of respect
from interviewers to interviewed, or sound manipulation during important
interviews, or silence as an answer for necessary rectification of very badly
reported news, or its manifested parciality and lots more not exemplary
NewsnetScotland ven de publicar uns espectaculares artigos ben
documentados con evidencias mais que claras da manipulación da BBC. Isto non é
algo puntual, isto ben sendo así dende antes de convocarse o referendo, e
intensificouse moitísimo mais dende a convocatoria do mesmo. Digamos que a
definición “pro-unionista” engloba a meirande parte da prensa escrita,
radio e televisión de Escocia. E aquí aparece outro termo a ter en conta: BIAS, para referirse á tendencia dentro
das informacións que se transmiten... evidentemente tendencia non equilibrada.
NewsnetScotland has just published two great
articles well documented with very clear evidence of BBC’s manipulation. This
is not something isolated, it has been this way since before the announcement
of the referendum, and it has intensified even more since its public call. We
can say that the definition of “pro-unionist” encompasses almost all the
Scottish newpapers, radio and
television. And in this way we can see the term: BIAS referring to a clear trend on the news
that they transmit… evidently not a balanced trend.
En vista desta situación de desequilibrio informativo,
e como non podía ser doutro xeito cando se está a falar dun importante momento
histórico, comezaron a xurdir medios alternativos en forma de xornais dixitais,
webs, blogs ... coa finalidade intentan neutralizar a invasión desta tendencia
maliciosa noticias mal fundamentadas,
silenciadas ou manipuladas e dar outra visión mais real das noticias e do
momento que se está a vivir.
In view of this unbalanced news
situation, and as it couldn't be any other way when we are talking about a
historic moment, alternative media in the form of digital newspapers, webs,
blogs have started to pop up ... in order to try and neutralise the invasion of
such a malicious trend, the transmition of false news, or blackouts or
manipulation, and to give another version closer to reality and the important
present moment we are living.
Un dos fenómenos mais interesantes é o de Wings
Over Scotland. O Reverendo Stuart foi quén de pór en marcha unha
fantástica web onde vai analizando e descubrindo as mentiras que utiliza a
Campaña Better Together . Un batallón de “alert
readers” (outro dos novos conceptos a ter en conta) axuda ao Rev. Stuart
nesta ardua tarefa. É importante reseñar que este tipo de colaboración logra
que a xente se sinta útil e participe activamente, conseguindo que vexan o
proceso non coma “outsiders” senón sentindo unha completa integración no mesmo.

Wings over Scotland foi quen de recoller dun xeito
incriblemente rápido os cartos necesarios para realizar varias enquisas sobre a
evolución da intención de voto. Con moito sentido de humor, tan parecido á nosa
retranca, cada día analizan a realidade escocesa e as metedura de pata dos
It was Wings over
Scotland who brought together all the necessary money to do various surveys about the evolution of the intention
to vote. With a great sense of humor, very similar to our ironic “retranca”
word play, they analyse the Scottish reality and the gaffe of British and
Scottish politicians every single day.
O propio Rev. Stuart explica nesta entrevista cómo e porqué nace Wings:
Rev. Stuart himself explains how and why
was Wings over Scotland was born:
Moitas destas novas webs e as súas campañas sobreviven
grazas á colaboración das aportacións d@s cidadáns quen precisan e esixen
información de calidade e non manipulada e saben que nos medios tradicionais é
ardua difícil, por non dicir imposible atopala.
Many of these webs and their campaigns
survive thanks to the collaboration and donations of citizens who wish to get
quality, non manipulated information and who know that it is improbable and
difficult to get this from the traditional media.
Velaí os conceptos de: Crownfunding e Citizen
And voilà the concepts of : Crownfunding
and Citizen journalism.
Neste momento hai campañas abertas para recollida de
fondos de
At the present moment there are campaigns
open for donations to:
Yes Scotland:
Wings Over Scotland:
Bella Caledonia:
Sendo parte activa dun proceso destas características
é necesario tomar conciencia do que os cidadáns se xogan, argumentar ben o
porqué defendes o SI e porqué rexeitas o NON (ou viceversa). Afortunadamente, a
campaña do SI en Escocia, ten mais razóns de peso que a campaña do NON.
Being an active part of a process of
these characteristics, it is necessary to be aware of what is at stake for the
citizens, it is necessary to have good arguments and to know why are you
supporting the Yes and why you reject the NO (or viceversa). Fortunately the
Yes Campaign in Scotland has a more weighted argument than the No Campaign.
A publicación do White Paper é a meirande mostra da
aposta por una Escocia independente do goberno escocés. E foi publicado e
presentado para que todos e cada un dos potenciais votantes o 18 de setembro
teñan claro qué pasaría de votar SI ou qué consecuencias tería votar NON. A acollida
nos medios británicos e internacionais foi ínfima, xa que evidentemente un
asunto de tal calibre debe ser minimizado e ocultado e criticado con pobres
consignas ata a saciedade, por si as moscas...

En mais de 600 páxinas vaise explicando como afectaría
un voto positivo a cada sección gubernamental. O White Paper desmonta coa súa
sola existencia a meirande parte das historias de medo que a campaña Better
Together utiliza como base da súa estratexia.
The White Paper explains, in more than
600 pages, how Scotland would be affected by a positive vote in every single
governmental section. The White Paper destroys just by its existence the
scaremoning stories that the Better Together Campaign uses as strategy.
Neste link poderedes ter acceso a unha copia do Libro
You can get a copy of the White Paper at
this link:
Esto me trae á memoria, o que Rajoy dicía hai unhas
semanas, provocando con iso unha cicloxénesis
explosiva de reaccións: os cidadáns deben estar informados para votar no
referendo, deben saber qué están votando e as consecuencias do seu voto;
evidentemente nin él nin o Ministro Margallo leron o White Paper e descoñecen
por completo qué se coce en Escocia... imaxino que Trillo tampouco lles informa
ben, pero claro, a información obxectiva, democrática, e imparcial non é o seu
forte.. e menos cando o teu centro de operacións está en London.
That brings to my memory a phrase that
Rajoy said, a few weeks ago, provoking with it an explosive cyclogenesis of
reactions: “citizens have the right to be well informed in order to vote in a
referendum, they have to know what are they voting for and the consequences of
their vote”; obviously neither Rajoy nor Margallo have read the White Paper and
they have not the slightest idea what is going on in Scotland… I imagine that Trillo
neither informed them well, but of course, objective, democratic and impartial
information is not his strong point... And less when his operation centre is

Yes Scotland itself,
since its inception, has been continuously collecting questions from
citizens and answering them. Yes
Scotland has a wonderful activity with thousands of volunteers on the streets,
with arguments and heart. Its intention: to get every single citizen, informed
and listening to them, especially those
who are undecided. A true grass roots campaign .
Os mesmos medios de información alternativa realizan
ese labor diariamente e non descansan mais do necesario para levar a cabo a
misión que os veu nacer.
The same alternative
media do this labour daily and don’t get a rest more than is necessary to achieve
the mission that they were born for.
Precisamente esta paixón e dedicación tan activa é un dos múltiples pesadelos da Better Together por seren unha campaña totalmente institucionalizada con directrices claras pero sen argumentos que poidan convencer aos cidadáns, mais que con mentiras, e historias de terror.
This passionate and very active dedication
is precisely one of multiple nightmares of Better Together which is a totally
institutionalized campaign with clear guidelines and slogans but without
serious arguments capable of convincing citizens to vote no, but instead with
lies and scaremoring

The NO Campaign is
just offering to keep the same policies of cuts, austerity and more
centralization in Westminster, because on many occasions, Better Together
speakers rejected the possibility of more devolved powers for Scotland; Now, in
desperation, they suggest that this possibility
would be a real option. A very poor offer if we think about the future of next
generations, the real victims of welfare destruction.
Por tanto, amig@s, cando vos falen en medios españois
de cómo vai o proceso de independencia de Escocia, respondédelle coa versión
remodelada e actualizada do que o señor Aznar cantaba no Congreso dos Deputados
en Madrid: Escocia vai ben e irá mellor... pero non grazas a Londres.
So, dear friends, when someone talks in the
Spanish media about how the Scottish Independence process is going, give them
the reloaded and updated version of the sentence that Aznar sang in Madrid at the Congreso de los
Diputados: Scotland is doing really well and will do better... but not thanks to
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