luns, 23 de decembro de 2013

O BAILE DE NAMORADOS DO PP E OS TORY E AS SUAS CONSECUENCIAS // The dance of love between Rajoy and Cameron and the consequences

O Herald Scotland ven de publicar unhas declaracións do Primeiro Ministro escocés, onde denuncia o complot que se traen entre mans os Gobernos de Westminster e Madrid  para frear o voto SI no referendo do 18 de setembro de 2014 , e  coñecendo o pensamento colonizador do PP e dos Tory, posiblemente preparándose para unha mais que previsible independencia de Escocia.

The Herald Scotland newspaper has just published an article where the Scottish First Miniter denounced the  plot that  the Governments from Westminster and Madrid are preparing to stop the Yes vote in the referendum that is going to take place on the 18 of setember of 2014; and... knowing the kind of coloniser thoughts of the PP and the Tories, preparing possible strategy to confront a more than foreseeable Scottish Independence.

Estou segura de que estas acusacións de Alex Salmond non están feitas porque si, só porque haxa sospeita, senón porque existen datos fundamentados de que isto ven sendo así dende antes de que o Edinburgh Agreement fose asinado polos Primeiros Ministros de Reino Unido e Escocia.

I’m sure that these accusations from Alex Salmond are not made for nothing, just because he has suspicions but because he has supported evidence that it has been that way since before the Edinburgh Agreement was signed by Cameron and Alex Salmond.

Toda esta historia comeza coas visitas de emisarios de  Trillo ao Goberno de  Cameron transmitindo a súa “preocupación” sobre a convocatoria do referendo e o intento frustrado español de frear a realización do mesmo por medo a un “contaxio”.

This story begins with visiters from the Spanish Embassy transmitting to Cameron their “concern” about the announcement of the Scottish Referendum and their unsuccessful attempt to stop it, because it would have( by contagion) undesirable effects in Spain.

E continuou co encontros entre membros Tory  escoceses e do PP o primeiro deles en Birminghan , encontro que foi descuberto publicamente polo xornal “El Periódico”. Evidentemente a saída á luz deste encontro, sentou moi mal en Reino Unido, xa que era algo que intentaban esconder.

And the story continued with meetings between Scottish and British Tory and PP members, the first in Birmingham that was reported by the catalan newspaper “El Periódico”. Obviously, the reporting of this news  was very badly received in the UK, because they wanted to keep it secret.

Hai uns poucos meses  Alicia Sánchez Camacho e uns cuantos dirixentes mais do PP, publicitaron un encontro para facer “frente común” ante o independentismo.

A few months ago, Alicia Sánchez Camacho (and some others from the “Popular Party” in Catalonia)  advertised a new meeting, to form common front for stopping independentism.
O propio Herald Scotland recolle que o último contacto tivo lugar en Moncloa coa visita de  dous funcionarios do Goberno británico a petición de Rajoy. É fácil concluír que as declaracións escabrosas de Mariano e as conseguintes de Margallo, confirmando que o veto a Escocia na UE estaría directamente vinculado á consigna que Londres enviase, teñen moito que ver con todos estes movementos. Non deixa de ser curioso cando Cameron ten prometido a realización doutro referendo no ano 2016 para decidir se abandonan a Unión Europea.

The Herald Scotland report says in this article that there was another contact with the visit of two Officers from UK to Moncloa at the request of Rajoy . It is easy to conclude that the embarrasing statements of Rajoy (and Cameron), and those made by Margallo (during a session at the same Congreso de los Diputados) confirming that the Spanish veto to Scotland would fully depend on what London will say, has a lot to do with these latest meetings. It is very curious when Cameron has made the promise of a referendum in 2016 to decide if UK leaves the European Union.

Tod@s  coñecemos que  estilo de “diplomacia” e “relacións exteriores” enarbora o PP por defecto, e viviremos sempre co recordo da Guerra de Irak, as sospeitas mais que fundadas da colaboración do golpe de Estado do ano 2002  a Chávez no Venezuela ou o xa tan histórico “mueva ficha” do señor Aznar a Fidel Castro (entre outros moitos vergonzosos eventos).

We all know very well what the usual “Spanish diplomatic Style” of External Affairs brandished by the Popular Party. We all live with the memory of the horrible Irak War, the suspicions (or more like certainty) of the Spanish collaboration with the coup d'etat in 2002 to Chávez in Venezuela, or the historic phrase “make a move” by Aznar to Fidel Castro (Among many other shameful episodes)
Evidentemente, calquera persoa realmente demócrata, respectaría totalmente os procesos internos de cada país e non se dedicaría a conspirar contra eles, nin a lanzar pedras contra o tellado propio. Evidentemente, isto non vai co PP, e ao mellor tampouco co PSOE, xa non sei qué pensar...

Obviously, any democratic person would totally respect the internal affairs of each country and wouldn't dedicate themselves to plotting against it, nor would they throw stones against their own roof. Evidently that is not the PP's kind of behaviour… and maybe neither the PSOE's, I don't know what to think...

E digo isto por moitas razón, mais sobre todo porque quero chamar a atención sobre o que ten que perder Galiza con todas estas manobras na escuridade, xa que de todo o que  pesca en mares do norte o Estado Español  un 65% se realiza en  augas escocesas, en concreto nas zonas VIa e VIb. Vos aconsello botar unha visual as estatísticas das cotas de pesca que temos galegos e vascos (especialmente), tanto en barcos só de bandeira española como en empresas mixtas. Logo de consultar con varias fontes, podo empezar a preocuparme aínda mais sobre as consecuencias destes bailes de namorados de Rajoy e Cameron.

And I’m saying this for a lot of reasons, but above all because I would like to warn about what Galiza has to lose with all these dirty maneuvers in the dark, as 65% of the Spanish State's total fishing in northern seas takes place in Scottish waters, specifically in zones VIa and VIb. I recommend all of you to have a look and check the statistics and fishing quotas that Galicians and Basques (especially) have, in boats with Spanish or mix-country flags. After consulting a few sources, I am starting to become even more worried thinking about the consecuences of this dance of love between Rajoy and Cameron.


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