sábado, 30 de novembro de 2013
Para mais información Plataforma NUNCA MAIS:
For more information NUNCA MAIS Platform:
1º de Decembro, manifestacións na Galiza:
1st of December, demonstrations in Galiza:
I don´t know if you are aware of where the majority of the langostines that we eat come from... and we all know that food is SACRED in this country, you don't play with food! Well, the PP (Partido Popular) seems not to be clear where it is sticking its foot in ...
Galiza e Scotland somos vellas NACIONS que sempre nos temos respetado. Temos lazos
demasiado fortes como para que un goberno irresponsable, pola súa incompetencia para
resolver os problemas do Estado Español, ainda por riba nos busque
conflictos diplomáticos no estranxeiro. E poñer en perigo a vida de centos de familias galegas. É poñer en perigo a amistade das nosas nacións. Hai que parar esto.
(En serio? Nooooooon! É ainda pior!)
(Really? Nooooooo! It is even worse!)
Non sei se saberedes de onde provén a
meirande parte do langostino que comemos... e xa se sabe que a comida
é SAGRADA no noso país, coa comida non se xoga! Pois ben, o PP parece que non ten claro
onde está metendo os pés.
I don´t know if you are aware of where the majority of the langostines that we eat come from... and we all know that food is SACRED in this country, you don't play with food! Well, the PP (Partido Popular) seems not to be clear where it is sticking its foot in ...
Rajoy e Cameron están a xogar a un xogo moi suxo no
que tratando de “parar” o progreso dos movementos
independentistas, Marianito tivo a santa caralla de poñer problemas para a
pertenza de Escocia na UE no caso que os escoceses decidan votar pola independencia o vindeiro 18 de setembro.
Rajoy and Cameron are playing a very dirty game trying to stop the progress of independentism, and Marianito has had the "holy balls" to make problems for Scotland entering into the EU in the very probable case that Scottish people to vote Yes next 18th of September.
Así que, eu vos pregunto... creedes
que é xusto que pola neglixencia do PP poñamos en perigo as
importacións/ exportacións pesqueiras?
So, I'm asking you... do you think that it's fair to put in danger the maritme importation/exportations because of the negligence of the PP?
Creédes que os nosos pescadores e
barcos merecen que lles sigan a limitar (ainda mais) as cotas de
pesca? Qué alternativa ten en mente (ten algunha?) o PP de continuar
con este xogo tan noxento de atacar a Escocia?
Do you think that our fleet and fishermen deserve to see fishing quotas limited (even more) ? What is the alernative plan of the PP if it keeps up with this awful and disgusting dirty game of attacking Scotland?
Galiza and Scotland are very auld NATIONS who have always respected each other. We have too many strong links to allow an incompetant and irresponsable Government, incapable of resolving its own problems within the Spanish state, to provoke even more diplomatic conflicts abroad. It's put in danger the lives of hundreds of Galician families. It's put in danger the friendship between our Nations. We have to stop it.
venres, 29 de novembro de 2013
Preguntas ao Primeiro Ministro - 28 DE NOVEMBRO DE 2013
O debate que tivo lugar no
Parlamento escocés o pasado 28 de novembro durante as preguntas ao Primeiro Ministro, non ten prezo e merece unha mención especial.
Foi moi curiosa a insistencia e belixerancia da oposición
(Tory-Labour-LibDem) sobre as escabrosas declaración de Rajoy e o posible veto español a pertenza de Escocia a
Unión Europea.
Para quen non lembre, ou non teña
coñecemento, vos direi que as máquinas do Better Together se puxeron en
funcionamento haberá agora mais dun ano
con encontros entre o PP e os Tory primeiro en Manchester (Félix Pons e
compañía, en sepulcral silencio ata que a noticia se filtrou á El Periódico) repetindo un ano mais tarde coa Sra. Camacho
(PP) reunindose con Ruth Davidson (Tory), e finalmente dos Laboristas e membros
do PSOE mais tarde. A premisa era traballar xuntos contra o independentismo e
trabar, fose coma fose, os avances do YES, xa
que Escocia podería ser un exemplo mais que inspirador para outros moitos proxectos
independentistas no resto de Europa, e mais en concreto en España co problema
Catalán e Vasco.
Para iso, fundamentarían o seu
discurso en varios puntos, que os distintos sectores que engloban o YES SCOTLAND están a neutralizar con tesón e sentido común. Aquí tendes algún dos
argumentos unionistas:
1º) Non hai información suficiente, os cidadáns non
están ben informados e non saben qué están votando cando voten un SI. (Argumento
este repetido ata a saciedade).
(Neste punto haberia que recordar a quen esgrime este argumento, que cada un, a título individual, ten nas súas mans a responsabilidade de buscar información sobre algo que é do teu interés e actuar en consecuencia)
2º) Unha Escocia independente
quedaría fora da UE.
(As políticas de integración da propia Unión Europea e o seu discurso, xuntos mais fortes, non teñen base nen fundamento para unha negación á que Escocia sexa membro de pleno dereito. Estamos a ver nestes días, os mega esforzos que están a facer para que Ucrania se integre na UE)
3º) Unha Escocia independente tería que ter como moeda o euro se quere
estar na UE ou non poderia utilizar a libra esterlina (en qué quedamos, pode ou
non pode estar na UE?)...
E digo eu, sendo un país independente, quén impediría a Escocia ter a súa propia moeda?
4º) A economía escocesa sufriría
un golpe terrible ao deixar de formar parte de UK, xa que a débeda se
multiplicaría. Basear a economía no petróleo do Mar do Norte, é unha loucura.
por iso que Westminster ten ameazado con facer outro referendo nas illas do mar
do Norte para decidir se queren ser parte de UK ou de Escocia, ou que vai
nacionalizar as plataformas petrolíferas do territorio escocés.... é unha loucura,
Hai outros moitos argumentos do Project Fear-Proyecto Miedo, tan faltos de fundamento como os que acabo de expoñer, pero para que teñades unha idea, creo que chegan ben.
Penso que non é casual que xusto cando o Goberno de Escocia
presenta o Libro Branco que marca a folla de ruta cara a independencia, xusto cando aparece un argumentario sólido e ben fundamentado que remata coas dúbidas que
os cidadáns escoceses poderían ter, aparezan as declaracións de Almunia primeiro (PSOE,
pedindo o voto negativo) e Rajoy despois, e insinuando que Escocia tería que pedir a
entrada a unión europea sendo unha “rexión” nova... e que os escoceses deberían
estar ben informados de isto.
Está claro que o “Proyecto Miedo”
e o “Project Fear” están a seguir un guión ben preparado para trabar os avances
do voto YES en Escocia e de paso, e como intercambio: evitar que o casos
catalán ou o vasco se lles desmanden e a saber qué promesas de beneficios económicos futuros...
O que está claro é que cando mais
gritan e protestan, é que mais nerviosos e mais inseguros están, xa que saben, e
o saben moi ben aínda que a prensa unionista e eles mesmos insistan en que non
é así, que as sondaxes marcan un claro ascenso do SI á independencia.
Habería que preguntarse qué vai
pasar en caso de que Escocia consiga a Independencia. Porque en primeira
instancia temos que lembrar que o PP terá que convocar eleccións mais ou menos
no 2015. Quén estará no Goberno entón? Rajoy? Chamádeme ilusa, mais eu non o creo.
Sexa PP-PSOE-UPD ou quen sexa que
estea no Goberno español despois do 18 de setembro de 2014 e se Escocia gana a
independencia no referendo, realmente sería o Goberno español tan imbécil e irresponsable coma
para pór en perigo as múltiples empresas española que hoxe teñen negocios en
terras escocesas (Iberdrola, por exemplo)? sería tan imbécil e irresponsable como para vetar a
entrada a Escocia na UE e poñer en perigo miles de licencias de pesca en augas
territoriais escocesas ou posibles postos de traballo nos astaleiros ou nas plataformas de petroleo escocesas?
Escocia, NACION (que quede ben claro), ten total
dereito a pertencer a UE, de feito xa pertence a UE, ten dereito a ter a moeda que
queiran os escoceses, e ten dereito a pór as condicións que os escoceses consideren oportunas
a aquelas empresas españolas que queiran facer negocio no seu territorio.
verdadeiro problema é que Escocia opta por unha Europa cunhas políticas non de austeridade
senón de dereitos civís e sociais, Escocia opta por unhas políticas non
xenófobas, senón de integración, Escocia opta por unha sociedade mais igualitaria
dentro da UE, cousa que non pode decir Westminster, quen ten prometido un
referendo para decidir a saída ou non de UK da Unión Europea.
E isto, entre outras cousas, é o
que lles preocupa, que as condicións non as vai marcar Westminster, senón
Holyrood, e Escocia non vai a andar con tonterías porque será un país independente
que terá que falar por si mesmo e defenderse por si mesmo.
É por iso, que vamos ter que
prepararnos, e moito, xa que o (PP-PSOE-Tory-Labour-LibDem) Project Fear van
continuar co seu plan B cheo de xogo suxo e van seguir dando espectáculos como
o que onte tivo lugar no Parlamento escocés. Realmente lamentable.
xoves, 28 de novembro de 2013
The Rajoy 'intervention' and why the traditional media cannot now be trusted (NewsnetScotland)
This article was published in NewsnetScotland:
Thursday, 28 November 2013 11:07

The following piece is lengthy, but readers are urged to read it carefully then consider whether purchasing newspapers and paying the BBC licence fee is consistent with a desire for a fair and open democratic society underpinned by honest and ethical journalism.
Most followers of the referendum debate will by now have been alerted to apparent comments from Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy who - if the BBC is to be believed - has stated unequivocally that a Yes vote will leave Scotland outside the EU.
The BBC headline accompanying an article on Rajoy's comments screams - Scottish independence: Mariano Rajoy says Scotland would be 'outside EU'.
Interestingly the headline isn't quite matched by one of the opening sentences from the BBC article which reads: "The Spanish prime minister has suggested that an independent Scotland would have to apply to become a member of the EU from the outside."
He either says Scotland will be out or he suggests Scotland will be out, which is it?
Offering some clarification is a former member of the Newsnet Scotland team who also happens to be a fluent Spanish speaker. On his blog 'Wee Ginger Dug', he gives both the original Spanish, as quoted in El Pais newspaper, and the English translation.
"Desconozco lo que dice el libro blanco que se ha presentado ahora, pero lo único que me gustaría es que se presentasen con realismo las consecuencias de esa secesión. Yo respeto todas las decisiones de los británicos, pero tengo muy claro que una región que obtuviera la independencia quedaría fuera de la UE. Es bueno que lo sepan los escoceses."
"I don't know what it says in the White Paper which has been presented today, but all I would like is that the consequences of that secession are presented with realism. I respect all the decisions of the British, but I have made it very clear that a region which obtained independence would be outside of the EU. It's good that the Scots may know that."
There are several versions of this translation doing the rounds and it's interesting that the BBC's version is markedly different to that of El Pais. One key sentence stands out from the English translation of the Spanisn newspaper and the BBC.According to El Pais, Rajoy said: "…, but all I would like is that the consequences of that secession are presented with realism."
In the BBC version, this sentence has the words "to Scots" appended to the end. Possibly the difference arises from innocent misreporting or variances with the spoken word and issued press statement, but it is a crucial difference and one that lends weight to the narrative being presented by the BBC and the rest of the media.
But the thrust they try to portray is that this is a new intervention by Rajoy, which it isn't. As all of the reporters already know, Spain has its own problems to deal with in the shape of Catalonia, and everything Rajoy says on this is with the Catalan situation in mind.
That he helpfully repeats variations of these comments to aid his Westminster counterpart David Cameron is not surprising. In November 2012 Newsnet Scotland exposed a secret meeting officials from Rajoy's party held with the Scottish Conservative party.
Our article followed comments from senior PP figure Esteban González Pons, who had revealed that a meeting had taken place between himself and senior figures from the Tory party in Birmingham in October. According to Mr González Pons an accord had been reached that would be ratified at a later meeting in Madrid.
According to the newspaper El Periódico de Catalunya, the Partido Popular officials had planned to meet with Scottish Conservative and Labour politicians in December order to agree a united front against independence.
The newspaper reported that:
... a senior figure in the Spanish Conservative party, the Partido Popular (PP), will fly to Scotland to meet with Scottish Conservative and Labour politicians in order to agree a united front against independence.
The leading conservative attended the conference of the British Conservatives in Birmingham, where he met with the principal leaders in order to agree a position.
The vice-secretary of Studies of the PP, who has planned a trip to Scotland the coming month of December in order to meet with Conservatives and Labour, complains that the CiU [the party pressing for a Catalan referendum] has undertaken the path of "political magic" in this moment of grave economic instability.
In the article, Mr González Pons was quoted as saying: "Catalonia and Scotland are different regions and have different problems, but the response has to be a joint one."So secret talks - not reported in the Scottish media - have already been held between Rajoy's party and what the Spanish press describe as "British Conservatives", the leader of course being Prime Minister David cameron.
The timing of Mr Rajoy's latest politically partisan and heavily loaded statement, a day after the launch of the Scottish government white paper, tells us all we need to know about this 'intervention'.
Indeed look closely and you'll also note that another lie is being perpetrated by some unscrupulous reporters - that Rajoy has now confirmed Spain will block a newly independent Scotland's attempt to retain its current EU membership.
The Guardian has the headline - Scottish independence: Spain blocks Alex Salmond's hopes for EU transition. In the Herald, Magnus Gardham writes: "Meanwhile, Spain's Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy dealt a blow to SNP claims that the usual, lengthy EU membership procedures would not apply to an independent Scotland." The Scotsman has a similar take.
Some of those followers will know that the British media, including the Scottish media and especially including the BBC, have done their best to make membership of the EU a central issue of the independence debate.
On Tuesday, on the day of the white paper launch, BBC reporter Gavin Hewitt was apparently hawking around Brussels trying to solicit 'helpful' comments about Scotland's EU status in the event of independence. This is nothing new, Hewitt was up to the same prank at the time a letter was reportedly being prepared by EC officials in response to a request from a House of Lords Committee.
Readers of this site may recall that in December 2012 the media – including BBC Scotland – actually jumped the gun on the letter. This poor journalism married to an anti-independence agenda, was exposed by Newsnet Scotland after we sent a simple question to the offices of Jose Manuel Barroso, whose official confirmed the reports were "incorrect".
Hayley Millar asks 'How big a blow' was the letter
The letter in fact did not claim what the newspaper and the BBC said it would. The Scotsman newspaper was forced to issue a correction. Sadly no such correction was ever forthcoming from BBC Scotland whose then political reporter Raymond Buchanan had helpfully reported for duty that Monday morning repeating the same line from the Scotsman.
A letter was indeed eventually sent, but it served as a reminder of the poor journalism that masks everything us Scots have to contend with when it comes to media reporting of the independence referendum.
This media inspired EU campaign started in earnest over a year ago when a poorly conducted interview by BBC presenter Andrew Neil was cited as evidence that Alex Salmond had lied over having received legal advice on the EU. The main cheerleader was the BBC, but pretty much every news outlet ran with the same spin, and a stick was duly created that has been used to beat the Yes campaign with ever since.
The latest so-called intervention from Rajoy has been carefully timed in order to try to drag the independence debate back onto areas Unionists feel most comfortable. The Spanish politician's comments made their way into two televised debates last night and the usual line was subsequently trotted out by those who oppose independence.
However the media's enthusiasm for headlining statements from figures outside the UK that can be interpreted as damaging to independence is matched only by a reluctance to report comments deemed helpful.
Two episodes stand out as examples of the journalistic corruption that has infected traditional media reporting of the EU as it relates to an independent Scotland.
The first may in fact be about to hit the headlines again and involves the BBC's handling of an interview with the then Irish European Minister Lucinda Creighton.
In a January interview, the Irish politician told BBC Scotland reporter Raymond Buchanan that she believed a newly independent Scotland would have to apply for EU membership and that the process could well be lengthy.
The interview was broadcast on Reporting Scotland also contained comments from Scottish Secretary Michael Moore who was heard to say that a newly independent Scotland would find itself "outside the EU having to negotiate its way back in".
There then followed what many viewed as misreporting of Ms Creighton's remarks by the BBC reporter who said that both Ms Creighton and Mr Moore "shared" the same view and that these views "chimed".
The broadcast, which featured on BBC Radio and TV, led to attacks on the SNP and Scotland's Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon by Unionist politicians who claimed the Irish politician's comments undermined SNP claims on the EU membership of an independent Scotland.
However in a surprise move, responding to calls for clarification, the Irish European Minister issued a number of statements in which she made it clear her views on the EU membership of a newly independent Scotland were not as claimed, in agreement with Mr Moore, but were in fact in line with those of the Scottish government.
Dismissing claims that she shared the views of Michael Moore, she said: "I was asked about the future of negotiations with the EU in the event that Scotland votes for independence. I thought that my reply was largely in line with that of the Scottish Government. I certainly did not at any stage suggest that Scotland could, should or would be thrown out of the EU. Scottish people are citizens of Europe."
The Irish Minister said that she believed that the SNP's position, that EU negotiations would take place and be concluded whilst Scotland remained a continuing member, "summed up the situation quite well".
"My understanding is that the Scottish Government has already committed to a negotiation with the EU between 2014 and 2016, if you vote for independence in 2014. If my interview suggested something other than that, this was not my intention. I think my comments have been misconstrued - if so I sincerely regret this."
She added: "As SNP Westminster Leader, Angus Robertson said 'Negotiations on the terms of membership would take place in the period between the referendum and the planned date of independence', and that 'The EU would adopt a simplified procedure for the negotiations, not the traditional procedure followed for the accession of non-member countries'."
"I think that sums up the situation quite well." She added.
More controversially, Ms Creighton complained that her original comments had been "taken out of context" and "perhaps manipulated".
In an official statement to Newsnet Scotland, she said: "I think my comments have been misconstrued or perhaps manipulated by some quarters. I sincerely regret this."
She added: "I regret that my words seem to have been spun or taken out of context."
In agreeing with the Scottish government's official timetable for post-referendum EU negotiations, Ms Creighton became the first foreign European Minister to publicly back the SNP's EU stance. Despite this, and her claims that her views had been misrepresented, the BBC refused to report them.
The crucial clarification of her views was also ignored by every other Scottish news outlet. Next month the BBC Trust will make a ruling on claims the broadcaster employed a news blackout of Ms Creighton's remarks.
The second example involves pressure from the Spanish Government which led to EC officials issuing false statements over remarks made by a Vice President of the EC. Remarks which very clearly helped the pro-independence campaigns in both Catalonia and Scotland.
Just over one year ago, with the EU entering the independence fray and headlines screaming that a newly independent Scotland would be expelled, Newsnet Scotland ran one of our best journalistic scoops when we caught the European Commission lying after pressure was exerted by Madrid.
EC Vice President Viviane Reding gave an interview to a journalist in which she poured scorn on suggestions from Rajoy that a newly independent Catalonia would be expelled from the EU.
Reding, the Luxembourgeois vice-president of the European Commission - who was on a visit to the Andalusian parliament - was asked whether international law meant that Catalonia would have to leave the EU in the event of the region achieving independence.
According to the journalist, Federico Durán Basallote, Ms Reding responded to his question by dismissing the suggestion, saying international law said no such thing.
Transcripts of the interview appeared in an article published by the Spanish based newspaper Diario de Sevilla. According to the newspaper, asked whether international law would mean Catalonia having to leave the EU and re-apply for membership, Ms Reding replied:
"Oh come on, it [international law] doesn't say anything like that. [our emphasis] Please, resolve your internal political problems in Spain. I trust in the European mindset of the Catalonian people."
Ms Reding's interview was a severe blow to the credibility of the Spanish and UK governmental claims, both of whom were insisting that Catalonia and Scotland would be automatically expelled from the EU on attaining independence, and would have to re-apply for entry.
However, soon after the article appeared in the Spanish newspaper, pressure from Madrid and the Commission forced a swift retraction from Spanish newspaper editors. According to the Commission, Ms Reding had been misunderstood, and more importantly mis-quoted.
Following the publication of Ms Reding's interview, the European Commission, through the office of its representative in Spain, Federico Fonseca Morillo, embarked on a media campaign to re-write Ms Reding's interview to expunge her comments on how international law might apply to Scottish or Catalan independence.
According to the journalist who carried out the original interview, the Madrid Government was furious at Ms Reding's remarks, which undermined the contention of the Spanish government that an independent Catalonia would be expelled from the EU and have to re-apply for membership.
The Spanish government then exerted pressure on the office of José Manuel Barroso, the President of the European Commission, to force them to withdraw Ms Reding's comments about international law.
In a letter, published in the Spanish language edition of the Economist magazine on 8 October, Mr Fonseca Morillo explicitly denied that Ms Reding had uttered the sentence in question, and complained that it had been "extrapolated" into reports on Ms Reding's interview.
In his letter Mr Fonseca Morillo said:
What the EC officials did not know was that the journalist who interviewed Ms Reding had also recorded the interview – a recording Newsnet Scotland obtained.
We exposed the story in our powerful exclusive article published on October 18th last year. The article, which contained the recording in question, made headline news in Spain with particular attention from Catalonia where it made broadcast news.
No Scottish news outlet ran the story, which at the time seriously undermined the credibility and indeed the integrity of the offices of both José Manuel Barroso and The Spanish prime Minister.
It would also have seriously undermined the campaign mounted by Unionists in Scotland and the wider UK who relied on Barroso and Rajoy in order to keep the EU exit myth alive.
The latest EU scares being perpetrated by Unionists and their media sympathisers are not journalism, they never were. If it was journalism that was the driving force then our newspapers and broadcasters would have given equal prominence to the stories that Newsnet Scotland has listed, which in terms of newsworthiness - secret meetings and pressure from Madrid forcing EC officials to lie - were more deserving.
They would also report the very many statements from European officials which back the Scottish Government's stance on the EU status of an independent Scotland. This includes the letter sent by an EC official, again reported by Newsnet Scotland, that makes clear there would be no legal barrier to Scotland negotiating its continued membership of the EU after a Yes vote.
Media coverage of this kind will pepper the independence debate, there's no question about that - the media machine is unashamedly pro-Union. At Newsnet Scotland we have the embers of a counter to this media corruption and we urge readers to please click on the appeal image below and help us in our quest.
Newsnet Scotland hereby gives permission for this article to be republished by any media outlet or online blog, with or without a link to its source. Our aim is to circulate our content to as wide an audience as possible.
The letter in fact did not claim what the newspaper and the BBC said it would. The Scotsman newspaper was forced to issue a correction. Sadly no such correction was ever forthcoming from BBC Scotland whose then political reporter Raymond Buchanan had helpfully reported for duty that Monday morning repeating the same line from the Scotsman.
A letter was indeed eventually sent, but it served as a reminder of the poor journalism that masks everything us Scots have to contend with when it comes to media reporting of the independence referendum.
This media inspired EU campaign started in earnest over a year ago when a poorly conducted interview by BBC presenter Andrew Neil was cited as evidence that Alex Salmond had lied over having received legal advice on the EU. The main cheerleader was the BBC, but pretty much every news outlet ran with the same spin, and a stick was duly created that has been used to beat the Yes campaign with ever since.
The latest so-called intervention from Rajoy has been carefully timed in order to try to drag the independence debate back onto areas Unionists feel most comfortable. The Spanish politician's comments made their way into two televised debates last night and the usual line was subsequently trotted out by those who oppose independence.
However the media's enthusiasm for headlining statements from figures outside the UK that can be interpreted as damaging to independence is matched only by a reluctance to report comments deemed helpful.
Two episodes stand out as examples of the journalistic corruption that has infected traditional media reporting of the EU as it relates to an independent Scotland.
The first may in fact be about to hit the headlines again and involves the BBC's handling of an interview with the then Irish European Minister Lucinda Creighton.
In a January interview, the Irish politician told BBC Scotland reporter Raymond Buchanan that she believed a newly independent Scotland would have to apply for EU membership and that the process could well be lengthy.
The interview was broadcast on Reporting Scotland also contained comments from Scottish Secretary Michael Moore who was heard to say that a newly independent Scotland would find itself "outside the EU having to negotiate its way back in".
There then followed what many viewed as misreporting of Ms Creighton's remarks by the BBC reporter who said that both Ms Creighton and Mr Moore "shared" the same view and that these views "chimed".
The broadcast, which featured on BBC Radio and TV, led to attacks on the SNP and Scotland's Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon by Unionist politicians who claimed the Irish politician's comments undermined SNP claims on the EU membership of an independent Scotland.
However in a surprise move, responding to calls for clarification, the Irish European Minister issued a number of statements in which she made it clear her views on the EU membership of a newly independent Scotland were not as claimed, in agreement with Mr Moore, but were in fact in line with those of the Scottish government.
Dismissing claims that she shared the views of Michael Moore, she said: "I was asked about the future of negotiations with the EU in the event that Scotland votes for independence. I thought that my reply was largely in line with that of the Scottish Government. I certainly did not at any stage suggest that Scotland could, should or would be thrown out of the EU. Scottish people are citizens of Europe."
The Irish Minister said that she believed that the SNP's position, that EU negotiations would take place and be concluded whilst Scotland remained a continuing member, "summed up the situation quite well".
"My understanding is that the Scottish Government has already committed to a negotiation with the EU between 2014 and 2016, if you vote for independence in 2014. If my interview suggested something other than that, this was not my intention. I think my comments have been misconstrued - if so I sincerely regret this."
She added: "As SNP Westminster Leader, Angus Robertson said 'Negotiations on the terms of membership would take place in the period between the referendum and the planned date of independence', and that 'The EU would adopt a simplified procedure for the negotiations, not the traditional procedure followed for the accession of non-member countries'."
"I think that sums up the situation quite well." She added.
More controversially, Ms Creighton complained that her original comments had been "taken out of context" and "perhaps manipulated".
In an official statement to Newsnet Scotland, she said: "I think my comments have been misconstrued or perhaps manipulated by some quarters. I sincerely regret this."
She added: "I regret that my words seem to have been spun or taken out of context."
In agreeing with the Scottish government's official timetable for post-referendum EU negotiations, Ms Creighton became the first foreign European Minister to publicly back the SNP's EU stance. Despite this, and her claims that her views had been misrepresented, the BBC refused to report them.
The crucial clarification of her views was also ignored by every other Scottish news outlet. Next month the BBC Trust will make a ruling on claims the broadcaster employed a news blackout of Ms Creighton's remarks.
The second example involves pressure from the Spanish Government which led to EC officials issuing false statements over remarks made by a Vice President of the EC. Remarks which very clearly helped the pro-independence campaigns in both Catalonia and Scotland.
Just over one year ago, with the EU entering the independence fray and headlines screaming that a newly independent Scotland would be expelled, Newsnet Scotland ran one of our best journalistic scoops when we caught the European Commission lying after pressure was exerted by Madrid.

Reding, the Luxembourgeois vice-president of the European Commission - who was on a visit to the Andalusian parliament - was asked whether international law meant that Catalonia would have to leave the EU in the event of the region achieving independence.
According to the journalist, Federico Durán Basallote, Ms Reding responded to his question by dismissing the suggestion, saying international law said no such thing.
Transcripts of the interview appeared in an article published by the Spanish based newspaper Diario de Sevilla. According to the newspaper, asked whether international law would mean Catalonia having to leave the EU and re-apply for membership, Ms Reding replied:
"Oh come on, it [international law] doesn't say anything like that. [our emphasis] Please, resolve your internal political problems in Spain. I trust in the European mindset of the Catalonian people."
Ms Reding's interview was a severe blow to the credibility of the Spanish and UK governmental claims, both of whom were insisting that Catalonia and Scotland would be automatically expelled from the EU on attaining independence, and would have to re-apply for entry.
However, soon after the article appeared in the Spanish newspaper, pressure from Madrid and the Commission forced a swift retraction from Spanish newspaper editors. According to the Commission, Ms Reding had been misunderstood, and more importantly mis-quoted.
Following the publication of Ms Reding's interview, the European Commission, through the office of its representative in Spain, Federico Fonseca Morillo, embarked on a media campaign to re-write Ms Reding's interview to expunge her comments on how international law might apply to Scottish or Catalan independence.
According to the journalist who carried out the original interview, the Madrid Government was furious at Ms Reding's remarks, which undermined the contention of the Spanish government that an independent Catalonia would be expelled from the EU and have to re-apply for membership.
The Spanish government then exerted pressure on the office of José Manuel Barroso, the President of the European Commission, to force them to withdraw Ms Reding's comments about international law.
In a letter, published in the Spanish language edition of the Economist magazine on 8 October, Mr Fonseca Morillo explicitly denied that Ms Reding had uttered the sentence in question, and complained that it had been "extrapolated" into reports on Ms Reding's interview.
In his letter Mr Fonseca Morillo said:
"I have read with surprise the article which affirms that Vice President Reding said that the Vienna Convention does not specify that a new state resulting from another European state must leave the EU. I wish to clarify that Reding never said this, although some media outlets have extrapolated it from an interview in various Andalusian newspapers."
Newsnet Scotland contacted the offices of Ms Reding and Mr Barroso asking about Ms Reding's original comments and were told unequivocally that she did not make them.What the EC officials did not know was that the journalist who interviewed Ms Reding had also recorded the interview – a recording Newsnet Scotland obtained.
We exposed the story in our powerful exclusive article published on October 18th last year. The article, which contained the recording in question, made headline news in Spain with particular attention from Catalonia where it made broadcast news.
No Scottish news outlet ran the story, which at the time seriously undermined the credibility and indeed the integrity of the offices of both José Manuel Barroso and The Spanish prime Minister.
It would also have seriously undermined the campaign mounted by Unionists in Scotland and the wider UK who relied on Barroso and Rajoy in order to keep the EU exit myth alive.
The latest EU scares being perpetrated by Unionists and their media sympathisers are not journalism, they never were. If it was journalism that was the driving force then our newspapers and broadcasters would have given equal prominence to the stories that Newsnet Scotland has listed, which in terms of newsworthiness - secret meetings and pressure from Madrid forcing EC officials to lie - were more deserving.
They would also report the very many statements from European officials which back the Scottish Government's stance on the EU status of an independent Scotland. This includes the letter sent by an EC official, again reported by Newsnet Scotland, that makes clear there would be no legal barrier to Scotland negotiating its continued membership of the EU after a Yes vote.
Media coverage of this kind will pepper the independence debate, there's no question about that - the media machine is unashamedly pro-Union. At Newsnet Scotland we have the embers of a counter to this media corruption and we urge readers to please click on the appeal image below and help us in our quest.
Newsnet Scotland hereby gives permission for this article to be republished by any media outlet or online blog, with or without a link to its source. Our aim is to circulate our content to as wide an audience as possible.
New article of opinion published in Sermos Galiza http://www.sermosgaliza.com/
Novo artigo de opinion publicado en Sermos Galiza
Novo artigo de opinion publicado en Sermos Galiza
And news about Rajoy....
E noticias sobre Rajoy...
RECOMMENDED ARTICLE : "What Mariano Rajoy didn’t say" #indyref #indyplan #Rajoy #EU
I would like to recommend you all this great article by Wee Ginger Dug about Rajoy and Spain.
mércores, 27 de novembro de 2013
CANTO ANTES O DIGO…. #SpanishBetterTogether
Non tardou nin un minuto. O mesmo
minuto que, tan sobrado o señor Almunia,
lle daría a Escocia para saír da Unión Europea se o SI gañase o referendo.
O señor Almunia, quen en Escocia é
un absoluto descoñecido, é un membro histórico do PSOE,
ten un posto en Bruxelas, na Comisión de
Economía e en Galiza o lembramos non precisamente con cariño, por boicotear
insistentemente os intereses dos astaleiros galegos (entre outras moitas
neglixencias). Pois el, dende o seu posto en Bruxelas, ademais de marcar o
tempo de expulsión dun país con total dereito a pertencer a UE, lánzase tamén a pedir o voto NON no referendo escocés,
por se as moscas...
Canto antes o digo, antes van
asomando cabeza os da campaña española do Better Together. E non digo que non teñan dereito a opinar, que por
suposto que si, pero a algúns (tendo postos oficiais na Unión Europea) se lles presupón que deben actuar cun pouco mais de respeto polos procesos
internos dun país, xa que corren o risco de seren acusados de inxerencia interna, tal
e como eles fan no seu país de procedencia cando alguén foráneo opina sobre o tema de Catalunya ,por exemplo. Xogan
ao eu si podo, pero ti non... un xogo moi democráctico, verdade?
Teñen dereito a opinar si, pero
non a mentir, nin a insultar. Onte preguntábame
quén sería o primeiro en realizar un artigo de opinión para defender ao
Better Together en España… e o campión foi este:
A análise non ten desperdicio,
acusa a Salmond de mentir, acusa a Salmond de non querer cambiar nada, ao
parecer lle parece un agobio o ter que usar pasaporte na fronteira (eles, aos mesmos
aos que lles gusta ter ao persoal
controlado, por aquilo do terrorismo... agora lles molesta que un escocés poda ter pasaporte propio e que o teña que amosar na fronteira... eles... ) e tira do sentimentalismo da ruptura... do
divorcio...da traxedia greco-romana que supón a "separación"...
Por certo, gustaríame saber qué comen estas mentes privilexiadas para poder ler o White Paper en menos de 3 horas e chegar ás mesmas conclusións e discurso que dende sempre ten o “Project Fear”
A prensa española, (disque seria e obxectiva) tamén acusa a Alex Salmond de mentir. Seguindo as mesmas directrices que os seus colegas británicos ou escoceses unionistas, o ABC e La Razón soen ser os delegados voceiros da estratexia a seguir, ainda que El Mundo e El Pais (cos seus corresponsais en Londres) tamén fan os coros :
Por certo, gustaríame saber qué comen estas mentes privilexiadas para poder ler o White Paper en menos de 3 horas e chegar ás mesmas conclusións e discurso que dende sempre ten o “Project Fear”

En todo caso, estas, que nesta ocasión foron as primeiras voces, non serán as últimas; tal e como era
previsible, en canto a campaña positiva do Yes da un paso adiante, toda a
campaña negativa do NON ponse nerviosa, e carente de argumentos e de
alternativas, optan por utilizar os únicos métodos que coñecen. E canto antes o digo, antes aparecen...
Por certo, que a dia 26 de
novembro, os correos electrónicos de Yes Scotland estaban hackeados… dígoo por aquilo
de que vos fagades unha composición de lugar... ao parecer son perigosos...
porque informan... e iso non favorece ao NON.ESCOCIA TEN UN PLAN “A” DE FUTURO
Pois xa está aquí, o White Paper ou
o que eu chamo Plan A ( de Alba gu

Xa ninguén poderá alegar que non hai suficiente información
sobre a posible independencia de Escocia, e se o fan, será porque non leron nin
o primeiro parágrafo deste documento de 670 páxinas que explica amplamente qué consecuencia terá o
votar un SI o 18 de setembro de 2014.

Está dito, non hai mais decisión
que tomar : Plan A ou Plan B. Agora é cando se pon
interesante o debate, agora é cando se vai ter que cultivar (e moito) a
paciencia e a intelixencia, xa que se
incrementará a campaña de manipulación e desinformación. Agora, nesta fase, que é a definitiva, a BBC
e o resto da prensa unionista seguirán deixando claro a qué amos responde.
A negativa de Cameron de debatir
con Alex Salmond, non é mais sinal de que o pánico á independencia escocesa
está invadindo ao Goberno de Westminster; mais o debate global, tal e como me din en Escócia, non se vai gañar en escenarios de televisión,
senón transmitindo unha mensaxe de esperanza, este precioso Plan A, porta a porta, cidadán a cidadán.
E para iso Yes Scotland,
Wings over Scotland, NewsnetScotland, BellaCaledonia, WeeGinger Dug, National
Collective, Business for Scotland e outros moitos, continuarán
realizando tanto nas rúas escocesas, como nas redes sociais unha encomiable labor analizando
dia a dia cada pequeno detalle deste proceso. Boa sorte amig@s!martes, 26 de novembro de 2013
O documento "White paper" ou proxecto do Goberno escocés para unha Escócia independente ven de ser presentado. Aquí tendes os principais links a seguir:
As de @WingsScotland :
(Thank you, as usual, Rev. Stuart // Grazas coma sempre ao Rev. Stuart)
E as do Goberno Escocés:
E os d@s queridos compañeiros de NewsnetScotland:
sábado, 23 de novembro de 2013
venres, 22 de novembro de 2013
LIBRO RECOMENDADO // RECOMMENDED BOOK #history #women #religion #culture
luns, 18 de novembro de 2013
Unha das experiencias personales mais maravillosas que tiven en Escocia (e son moitíiisisisismas) foi durante un verán en Aberfoyle. Go Ape permitiume dar renda solta á adrenalina, ao exercicio e a diversión, e cando rematas o circuito, sinteste coma un xigante orgulloso do traballo feito.
One of the most extraordinary experiences that I have had in Scotland (fortunalely lots of them) was a few years ago in summer in Aberfoyle. Go Ape allowed me to release some adrenaline with exercice and fun. When you have finished the circuit, you will feel like some kind of giant after a job well done.
Se estades interesad@s:
If you are interested:
Preparada para comenzar:
Ready to start:
Un dos momentos mais complicados para min foi cando tiven que trepar a rede. De súpeto descubrin uns cuantos músculos mais no meu corpo
One on the most complicated moments for me was when I had to climb the net. Suddenly I found some new muscles all over my body
Diversas pontes de madeira e tirolinas unen entre si as árbores
There are different wooden bridges and zip-lines joining the trees
E ao final de todo... unha das tirolinas mais longas de Europa, cunha vista espectacular! Tendes que velo, eu non teño palabras!
And finally... one of the largest zip-lines in Europe, and a spectacular picture of Queen Victoria Forrest! You have to see it, I have no words!
Aquí tendes un pequeno vídeo explicativo:
Here is a wee video explaining everything:
Pois veña, se vades a Aberfoyle xa sabedes, a divertirse!
So, if you go to Aberfoyle, you already know! Have fun!
sábado, 16 de novembro de 2013
Scottish Power Pipe Band in Compostela #music #bagpipes #Scotland #Galiza
Well, here I am again...
Great to see and listen to Scottish pipes in Compostela... even when Iberdrola is in the middle of this event... :( (oh dear!)
Por aquí ando outra vez...
Estupendo ver e escoitar gaitas escocesas en Compostela... mesmo cando Iberdrola está no medio de todo este evento :( (meu deus!)

A Scottish Power Pipe Band tocou na Catedral durante a Misa do Peregrino onde a cousa mais interesante foi ver como voaba o espectacular Botafumeiro... (Eu diria que a única cousa interesante... mais non quero ser irrespetuosa)
After that, they performed on Compostela's streets some wonderful Scottish pieces followed by a very thankful and curious public...
Logo diso, interpretaron algunhas fermosas pezas escocesas durante o pasarrúas polo casco vello de Compostela seguidos por un agradecido e curioso público...
Always a pleasure to see Scottish people in Compostela...
Sempre é un placer ver escoceses en Compostela....
xoves, 14 de novembro de 2013
mércores, 13 de novembro de 2013
martes, 12 de novembro de 2013
(Moi orgullosa do meu avó Ricardo Fernández Carreira (Músico e compositor galego) e có total agradecemento ao actual Director Alexandre Fontán e a tod@s @s fabulosas voces da Capela Lauda Sion)
(Very proud of my Grandfather Ricardo Fernández Carreira (Galician musician and composer) and thankful to the current Conductor Alexandre Fontan and all fantastic voices of Capela Lauda Sion )
Dende que se fundou no ano 1910 baixo a dirección do Mestre Ricardo Fernández Carreira, esta formación pobrense leva realizado un minucioso e coidadoso traballo de recopilación de patrimonio musical, cunha clara especialización en música sacra que, segundo vai aumentando, pasa a formar parte do escolleito repertorio que interpreta nos escenarios.
Baixo a dirección do seu actual director, Alexandre Fontán, LAUDA SION, ofrecerá o vindeiro sábado 23 de novembro un concerto que forma parte da programación da XV edición das Xornadas de Homenaxe a Valle-Inclán. O programa presentarase dividido en dous tramos, un primeiro dedicado á música sacra tradicional da Pobra do Caramiñal en Semana Santa, e un segundo que inclúe unha selección de pezas extraídas dos cantorais do século XVIII do antigo Convento de Santo Antonio da Pobra do Caramiñal.
A cita é no Templo de Santa María A Antiga do Caramiñal da Pobra ás 21:00
(Very proud of my Grandfather Ricardo Fernández Carreira (Galician musician and composer) and thankful to the current Conductor Alexandre Fontan and all fantastic voices of Capela Lauda Sion )

Baixo a dirección do seu actual director, Alexandre Fontán, LAUDA SION, ofrecerá o vindeiro sábado 23 de novembro un concerto que forma parte da programación da XV edición das Xornadas de Homenaxe a Valle-Inclán. O programa presentarase dividido en dous tramos, un primeiro dedicado á música sacra tradicional da Pobra do Caramiñal en Semana Santa, e un segundo que inclúe unha selección de pezas extraídas dos cantorais do século XVIII do antigo Convento de Santo Antonio da Pobra do Caramiñal.
A cita é no Templo de Santa María A Antiga do Caramiñal da Pobra ás 21:00
Since it was founded in 1910 under the direction of Master Ricardo Fernandez Carreira, this Chorus from Pobra do Caramiñal (A Coruña - Galiza) has made a thorough and careful work of compilation of musical heritage, with a clear expertise in sacred music, as is increasing, becomes part of the chosen repertoire that plays on stage.
Under the leadership of its current director, Alexandre Fontan, Lauda Sion, is going to offer on next Saturday, November 23 a Concert that is part of the programming of the XV edition of the Days of Tribute to Valle-Inclan. The program presented divided into two sections, the first one dedicated to sacred music traditional at Easter in a Pobra , and a second that includes a selection of pieces taken from cantors of the eighteenth century of the old Convent of St. Antonio da Pobra do Caramiñal.
The appointment is in the Temple of Santa Maria A Antiga do Caramiñal at 21:00
Under the leadership of its current director, Alexandre Fontan, Lauda Sion, is going to offer on next Saturday, November 23 a Concert that is part of the programming of the XV edition of the Days of Tribute to Valle-Inclan. The program presented divided into two sections, the first one dedicated to sacred music traditional at Easter in a Pobra , and a second that includes a selection of pieces taken from cantors of the eighteenth century of the old Convent of St. Antonio da Pobra do Caramiñal.
The appointment is in the Temple of Santa Maria A Antiga do Caramiñal at 21:00
sábado, 9 de novembro de 2013
martes, 5 de novembro de 2013
luns, 4 de novembro de 2013
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