luns, 24 de xuño de 2013


Midsummer Night in Galiza 2013
Very magic and very windyand a spectacular fullmoon!

Noite de San Xoán 2013
Moi máxica e moi ventosa. E unha espectacular lúa chea!

Neighbours working very hard to make everything perfect!

Os veciños participan moi activamente para que todo saia ben!

Sardines, music....
Sardiñas, música...

And fire!
E lume!


You have to jump 3 times over the fire to ward off bad spirits...
Hai que saltar 3 veces o lume para queimar os malos espíritus... 

 And wash your face with the water of the magic herbs
E lavar a cara coa agua das herbas máxicas

 And now you are ready and clean faced for another year! Have fun!

E por un ano mais, coas caras lavadas, "meigallo" quitado de hoxe nun ano! A divertirse!

xoves, 13 de xuño de 2013

VISITANDO ESCÓCIA: Tes fame? Feeling hungry? DUNDEE Recommendation : The Blue Marlin

For those of you who are thinking of visiting Scotland, and even for those living there, I would like to recommend the best restaurant in Dundee and certainly one of the best in Scotland... A fantastic and beautiful place where the speciallity is Sea-Food, but if you like very tasty meat or if you are vegetarian, the wonderful owners (Steve and Alison Hyatt) will make you very at home, comfortable and happy!  (they are indeed wonderful people... I can tell you!) ah! and  you can also wash it down with the finest Albariño! (Galician white wine)

The Blue Marlin

Para aqueles que estades pensando en visitar Escócia e mesmo para os que xa están vivindo alí, gostaríame recomendar o mellor Restaurante en Dundee e probablemente o mellor de Escócia. A súa especialidade é productos do mar (peixe e marisco), pero se gostades da boa carne, ou se sodes vexetarianos, os seus maravillosos donos, Steve and Alison Hyatt, conseguirán que vos sintades como en casa, cómodos e felices (Eles son, sen dúbida xente estupenda, dou fé!). Ah! e tamén podedes disfrutar do mellor Albariño! 

And take advantage of the change to visit the Angus and Dundee area, it's full of surprises and posibilities and such wonderful and kind people!

Aproveitade para visitar a zona Angus e Dundee, está chea de sorpresas e de posibilidades, e a xente é taaaaaaannnnn agradable!!!! 

venres, 7 de xuño de 2013


I'm ashamed... not for me... I'm happy to feel and think like I do... I'm ashamed and angry because the Spanish Media continues to support the Better Together Campaign... oh yes... the PP and Tories are all friends... the PP and Tories have a common objetive:  globalization, centralise the powers, cuts on  human and fundamental rights... and, of course, they have the power of media.

But Scotland is a real pain and a bad example for all European countries. I told you before about that, lots of "specialists" on politics visiting Spain and all the commentaries from PP leaders... 

In Spain we are still fighting for "the right to decide".... supposedly we got some devolution powers... however every day we end up with less and less devolution, a horrible nightmare from the past is threatening us every day in every cut ... we've got corruption cases everywhere ... the Government is very afraid of any social movement and especially from Catalonia and the Basque Country.... Centralism.. "España, una grande y libre" the francoism slogan in now very present again. 

Not a single word about Yes Scotland Campaign, not a single word about the social policies of SNP. Not a single word about Scotland as part of the EU... Au contraire... we are suffering a terrible and constant dripping of NO supporters and they get full attention because they have to explain to the Spanish people how bad "separation" is, how low the Yes support is , how weak the SNP policies are and the SNP arguments backing the YES campaign... 

I humblely think that it would be very useful to publish some interviews from Yes Supporters, on our blogs, in our local magazines, I know it will help just a wee bit, but the important battle is in the media, and working on the undecided in Scotland... living abroad, the important thing is make them respect the Scottish process and the Scottish people, and to shout out that there is another alternative for a healthy Europe.

Estou avergoñada... non por min, eu estou feliz de sentir e de pensar coma o fago... estou avergoñada e enfadada porque a prensa española segue a apoiar a campaña Better Together... como non... O PP e os Tory son amiguiños... O PP e os Tory teñen un obxetivo común: globalización, centralizar os poderes, cortar dereitos fundamentais e humáns. E por suposto teñen o poder sobre os medios de "comunicación"

Mais Scotland é un grao no cú, un mal exemplo para todos os pobos de Europa. Xa o dixen en anteriores ocasións... a continua visita de "especialistas políticos", os comentarios envelenados de certos líderes do PP.

En España ainda estamos a loitar polo "dereito a decidir"... supostamente temos competencias autonómicas... mais cada dia, ademais que termos menos autonomía, un terrible pesadelo do pasado vennos a ameazar, en cada recorte... temos corrupción en todos os currunchos... o Goberno ten medo de cada movemento social e especialmente os que xurden en Catalunya e en Euskal Herria. Centralismo. "España, una, grande y libre" o slogan do Franquismo está de novo presente.

Nen unha palabra sobre a campaña do Yes Scotland, nen unha soa palabra sobre as políticas sociais do SNP. Nen sobre Escócia coma parte da Unión europea... pola contra, estamos a sofrer a terrible e constante pingueira de siaeiros do NON, que teñen toda a atención porque deben explicar aos españoles o malo que é a "separación" ou o baixo apoio ao YES, ou a debilidade das políticas e argumentos do SNP apoiando a campaña do SI.

Humildemente penso que sería de utilidade publicar algunha entrevista dos siaeiros do YES nos nosos blogs, nos nosos xornais locais, sei que sería moi pouca axuda, pero a batalla importante é nos médios de comunicación e traballando cos indecisos en Escócia.... vivindo fóra de território escocés o importante é tentar que se respete o proceso escocés e ao pobo escocés, e berrar que existe outra alternativa para conquerir unha Europa sana.

xoves, 6 de xuño de 2013


Esta páxina web pertence a Luis Díaz Cabanela.  Baseada na interesantísima cultura e lenda celta. Vos recomendo que lle botedes unha visual.

This web belongs to Luis Díaz Cabanela. It's a very interesting web about the celtic culture and legends. I recommend you to have a look


Tamén vos recomendo outro estupendo traballo do mesmo autor publicado na revista CERNA (ADEGA). Non o perdades de vista! É moi interesante!

I also recommed  this great article by Luis Díaz Cabanela, published in Cerna (ADEGA's magazine). You can't miss it! It's very interesting!

Parabéns polo traballo Luis!
Congratulations on your work, Luis!

mércores, 5 de xuño de 2013


I recommend these videos: Road to Referendum

I'm looking forward to participating in the Rally the 21st of September 2013, aren't you?

If you are undecided, here you have more information about the Rally and the Referendum:

Independence Rally 2013 - Edinburgh

Yes Scotland Campaign   @YesScotland @WingsScotland @Bellacaledonia

NewsnetScotland @NewsnetScotland @WeareNational @Moridura

domingo, 2 de xuño de 2013


Xa nen sei cómo saltou a noticia, mais de súpeto me entero de que van furar Galiza; seica que é para conseguir unhas cuantas toneladas de ouro; e para iso van envelenar con arsénico e cianuro todo o entorno galego... para conseguir un ouro que non só non está claro que exista, senón que este mesmo "ouro pantasma" vai servir para pagar os rescates á banca e para pagar as compromisos que acadaron uns poucos, ás nosas espaldas, coas poderosas empresas de megamineria internacional.

 I don't know how the news came out but suddenly I found out that they are going to drill out Galiza; they say that is to get a few tonnes of gold, and to get that they are going to poison with arsenic and cyanide all the Galician enviroment... just to get some gold which it's not clear exists ... and this "phantom-gold" is for paying political and economic obligations that the Powers have with very powerful Megamine International Companies, of course, decision made without telling us a word about it.

Non lembro unha posible catástrofe maior dende que aconteceu o do Prestige... mira que xa padecemos o terrorismo medioambiental do lume cada ano, e a ameaza constante das intencións de Monsanto, e a impresentable Lei de Costas, pero isto... isto é querer acabar con tod@s nós. Ou é a mina ou somos nós.

I don't remember a bigger ecological disaster since the catastrofic Prestige blackened all the Galician coast. Let me tell you that we are living  the ecological terrorism with fires every year, the Monsanto threat, or the horrible Coast Law... disaster once and again... but this.... they want to finish us off... There is only one choice, the MINE or US...

Pretenden vender Galiza contándonos o conto de que a megaminaría salvaxe vai traer catro anos de traballo para as nosas comarcas; os que se din gobernantes autonómicos galegos tan só son títeres de Madrid, de Bruxelas, de China, de Canada... e están a vender a Nosa Terra, o noso sustento, o noso fogar, a nosa saúde. Eles están a tomar decisións sempre de espaldas á cidadanía, nunca contando con nós. Este é o seu "fantástico" proxecto de futuro para os pobos pequenos, para as identidades propias, para as culturas distintas, para as autonomías : centralismo e globalización. Ou o que é o mesmo sometimento, deshumanización e destrución.

They are trying to sell Galiza, telling us about how good the wild mining is, telling us that it will bring a lot of jobs for at least 4 years for our shires; the autonomous Galician governors are just puppets of Madrid, of Brusels, China, Canada... they are selling our own Country, our food, our houses, our home. They are always making decisions without us, never with us. This is their "fantastic" future for the small countries, for our identity,  for the different cultures, for the autonomies: centralism and globalization, or if you prefer: submission, dehumanization and destrution.

Pan para hoxe, fame, miseria, insalubridade e destrozo para as xeracións vindeiras.

E claro que nós non estamos tolos! Nós non queremos envelenar os nosos ríos, nen matar aos nosos animais nen aos nosos paisanos,  queremos ver florecer os nosos campos e os nosos montes sans e fortes, defender os lugares protexidos, traballar nós as terras de labradío, desfrutar das nosas augas e coidar do mar e desta maravillosa natureza na que temos que vivir e queremos que desfruten os nosos cativ@s. 

Food for today, hunger, misery, unhealthiness and destrution for the followings generations. And of course we are not fools! We don't want to poison our rivers, nor kill our animals, nor our people; we want to see our fields flower, our mountains strong and healthy; we want to defend our protected places, and to work our allotments as we've
always done; we want to enjoy of our waters and look after the sea and nature where we live. We want our children to enjoy of all this too.

Os nosos ancestros pelexaron moito por chegar a onde estamos, merecen que os honremos e que nos honremos a nós mesmos dende xa.

Our ancestors fought very hard to get all this; they deserve to be honored and we have to honour ourselves from today.

Tod@s somos responsables. Non é tempo de mirar para outro lado, a cousa vai contigo, e comigo, e có outro... vai con todos.
 Eu sempre me digo: "non penses que non hai nada que facer, pensa que ti es un dos graos de arena que fai unha duna no deserto", se non teño información, a busco; se teño dúbidas pregunto, e se hai manifestacións e mobilizacións, participo. De onde pensades que saliu a consigna  "O pobo unido xamais será vencido"?... pensade un pouquiño e pensade qué futuro lle queredes deixar aos que veñen detrás de nós.

We all should take the responsability. It's not time to look the other way, this thing is about you, about me, about the rest... this thing is about all of us.

I always say:  "don't think that it is nothing to do with me... each of us is the grain of sand that forms the dune". If you don't have information... just look for it, if you have doubts... just ask! and if there is any rally: go and participate. Do you know the slogan: "The people united will never be defeated"? Think about it, and think about what kind of future you'd like to leave to those who'll come after us.

Non é tempo de lecer, é tempo de axir.
Pelexar por un futuro mellor, con mais dereitos, con humanidade non é un capricho, é unha necesidade. Tod@s somos potenciais víctimas da inxustiza e as inxustizas hai que erradicalas. Eu non me vendo, Galiza non se vende.

Grazas a tod@s os amig@s de Asturies, Ecuador, Canada, Chile, Arxentina., Escócia.... tod@s os que participastedes nesta grande manifestación. Unha aperta fraternal e internacionalista, porque todos somos un, e cada un coas suas peculiaridades, pero humanos todos.


It's not time for resting, it's time to fight. 
To fight for a better future, with full rights, with humanity, it's not a whim, it's a necessity. We are all potencial victims of injustice, and we have to erradicate injustice. I'm not for sale, Galiza is not for sale. 

Thank you all, friends from Asturies, Ecuador, Canada, Chile, Argentina, Scotland... all of you participating in this so necessary demonstration. A fraternal and internationalist embrace, because we are one, every one with their peculiarities, but all humans though.

sábado, 1 de xuño de 2013


A few years ago, I was watching a program about Brittish people living in Spain. I was shocked! People living in Spain for 20 years or more and not a single word of Spanish.. oh my god... how can that be possible? Galicians have very strong feeling about their language despite our politicians believing that  Spanish is in danger or that we had better learn English instead of our own mother tongue... you already know about that... "Españolizar""Spanishize" is the strategy.... Galiza, Catalonia, Basque Country...

I don't think that the Galicians will be in trouble if we have to learn any languages, in fact we had to do it many years ago... lots of different languages because we had to emigrate (like these days...) to France, Germany, UK... and good or bad, we will always manage to comunicate, above all because a universal language exists and also an instinctive necessity to feel at home.

 I think Scottish people are a wee bit the same way... so, if you are visiting Galiza, don't worry if you are speaking Spanish or Galician perfectly, just try... we wont be scared of anything, and we'll really appreciate your efforts. Galicians have a very special sense of humour, very similar to Scottish , and we can surely learn  from each other. 

Here you have some silly wee videos to show you that you don't have to be shy, or ashamed... even when the Galician President, singers, bankers or some Spanish politicians speak like this (and, by the way, they studied not at the Public School but at the (supposedly... lol) highest Private Schools in Spain... but they still try to convince us about the cuts of the Public Education.... hahaha.)

Núñez Feijóo, President of Xunta de Galicia having another very bad day...

No comments....


 and finally: the worse of our nightmares and the Hero of the spanish right wing....

If they weren't ashamed... why should we be? Don't you think?

P.D. If you are serious about learning Galego, you can check these links: