Hi! If you are thinking about visiting Galiza, maybe you'd need to know a few of things about us.
We have Celtic roots:
We speak Galician (something similar to Portuguese) and we don´t like bulls (so... not ole ole, please!).
Although we don´t have any Highland Cow, we are very proud of our wonderful "Rubia Galega":
How beautiful she is!
For more information:
Galician Blonde
You also can see this wee video:
About Galician, there are lots of Scottish people who speak our Language, and we are so grateful! ; my husband Douglas is one of them and wrote this book thinking about how to help you (people who speak English) during your trip:
You can get it in Santiago de Compostela:
Garum Bistro
Casa das Crechas
Libraria Couceiro
Or contacting by a email to : tradougcions@hotmail.com
And here is the Compostela's Tourist Office: http://www.santiagoturismo.com/

I know your wonderful hymn is "Flower of Scotland" and how important is "The Declaration of Abroath"
And to us, our hymn is also very important: Os Pinos (written by Eduardo Pondal and music by Pascual Veiga)
We love parties, eating, singing, dancing and, of course, playing the Pipes!
Galiza is land of witches... oh, yes, there are lots everywhere!
What do you think about that? Are you afraid? Nooooo, sure you are not! Do you or dont you believe in "Meigas"? ... as we say "habelas hainas" (Maybe they do, maybe they don't - but just in case!. They are wise women, symbol of the feminine power of our ancestors and they won't hurt you unless you do them wrong!
We like keeping our celtic and ancestral rituals like "Middle Summer Night" or "Samain"...
This video belongs to San Pedro neighbourhood and the busiest party in Compostela
Of course you'll remember this:
Now, try this:
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