domingo, 15 de decembro de 2024

Cando un pobo digno defende o seu presente e o seu futuro, berra alto e claro : ALTRI NON!! #AltriNon15DCompostela #AltriNON #Defendeoteufuturo #Medioambente #CoidadodoPais

Cando un pobo digno sae a rúa a defender o seu presente e o seu futuro, hai que escoitalo. 
De nada vale que dende a CRTVG traten de vender o bonito dun proxecto que destruirá unha parte xigante do noso texido productivo e medioambiental; un proxecto que envelenará as nosas augas, e as nosas sufridas rías. 
Cando un pobo digno sae a rúa a decir ALTRI NON, ao Goberno Galego non lle queda máis remedio que rectificar e obedecer, porque o pobo é quen máis ordea. 


domingo, 8 de decembro de 2024

Tributo a José Blanco: sempre nos nosos corazóns #OCerco #Acerga #Mar #Portosin

A perda de José Blanco bateu moi duro en nós. Jose non era un home que pasara desapercibido pese a súa humildade e non buscar sobresair. 
O seu sorriso permanente era unha das súas máis notables características. Disfrutaba da vida e da súa xente. 
Jose era un espíritu libre do mar que non só navegaba, senón que voaba alto e forte. Non había máis que escoitalo. 
Para min foi unha honra e un privilexio coñecelo e ter a posibilidade de entrevistalo moitas veces;  falar con el da pesca e da vida cada vez que puidemos atoparnos en Portosin ou en Compostela era unha delicia. Abriunos as portas da súa casa, do Portosin Dos, no que puidemos coñecer de primeira man que se sinte en mar aberto. 

Jose era un lider nato, de palabra sinceira e acción rebelde e inconformista; foi quen de cambiar a percepción da sociedade sobre a pesca, os repartos administrativos inxustos, as repercusiones dos traballadores do mar nas localidades pesqueiras e en Galicia en xeral. José sempre tiña tempo para nós. Sempre estaba disposto a un bó debate e intercambio de opinións: escoitaba e respectaba a todo o mundo, cousa pouco habitual nesta sociedade. Ímolo botar de moito, moito de menos. Pero como todo bó lider, deixa un legado que defender e honrar. Trataremos de facelo o mellor posible, querido Jose. Descansa en paz










Última entrevista que lle fixen con José Blanco para O Mundo de Pilar_Aymara

sábado, 30 de novembro de 2024

Ata sempre, Alex Salmond- Farewell to Alex Salmond #AlexSalmondMemorial #StAndrewsDay #Scotland #Alba

Hoxe, Dia de San Andrés, Día Nacional de Escocia, vai ter lugar en Edimburgo o funeral oficial e público en tributo a Alex Salmond. Tiven a enorme honra de recibir unha invitación para estar hoxe presente en St. Giles, pero varias cuestiones impedíronme estar alí hoxe.
Alex Salmond foi e será para min un referente político imprescindible, un home noble temido por mediocres que quixeron acabar coa súa luz, e non o conseguiron. Alex Salmond acompaña hoxe aos e ás  grandes heroes escoceses, nese panteón de ilustres que guiarán a Nación ata a súa independencia. Farewell, dear Alex
#Saltire4Salmond #StAndrewsDay #AlexSalmondMemorial #FarewelltoAlexSalmond

sábado, 9 de novembro de 2024

domingo, 3 de novembro de 2024

The Ordinary Elite : they whom the truth would indite #AlexSalmond #TheOrdinaryElite #Salmondslegacy


The Ordinary Elite is a Scottish podcast brought to you from Glasgow by John McGovern and Mike Dailly. Both are Solicitor Advocates - John a criminal defence lawyer and Mike a civil litigation practitioner and social justice campaigner. In our 8th episode of Season 3, we pay tribute to the legacy and memory of Scotland's former First Minister, Alex Salmond, who died suddenly at the weekend while speaking at a diplomatic conference in North Macedonia. Alex was fond of quoting from the poems and writings of Robert Burns. The words from Rabbie's "Here's a health to them that's awa" seem fitting: "There’s nane ever fear’d that the truth should be heard,
But they whom the truth would indite".

luns, 21 de outubro de 2024

Camino de Santiago Trek - Celtic Foundation #CelticFamily #CelticFC #CaminodeSantiago #ObraSocial #CelticFoundation @FoundationCFC

As the Compostelan woman I am it is a great honour to receive people who do El Camino - O Camiño and to meet up with them. So happy to see Peter Grant and Neil Lennon and Team who walked 116 km to raise funds for @FoundationCFC.

Very well done everyone!!

Como muller Compostelana que son é unha grande honra recibir a xente que fai o Camiño e atoparnos con eles. Super feliz de ver a Peter Grant e a Neil Lennon e equipazo que camiñaron 116 km para recadar fondos para a Celtic Foundation.
Ben feito, amig@s!!

This Champion, Des Tinney, ran 500 miles from France!!!!!

domingo, 13 de outubro de 2024

Alex Salmond - End of an Era via "Through A Scottish Prism" #Scotland #AlexSalmond #Tribute #Farewell

Alex Salmond was the Magician who whispered his wisdom and made a Nation follow its true path: independence. Farewell to the best politician of our time


I first met Alex Salmond in Edinburgh, shortly before he became First Minister of Scotland in 2007. I have followed all his political life since then. I learnt English listening to FMQs. I love the Scottish Parliament. 

Then 2014. We did our bit with the 
International Solidarity Campaing - Scotland Abroad supporting the Yes movement and reporting on what was happening in Scotland. What an experience. We cried when Alex Salmond announced his resignation but we were sure he would come back. And he did as an MP and afterwards with the Alex Salmond Show that I enjoyed and never missed any of his episodes.

Then the betrayal, the accusations, and the persecution.
I always knew Alex Salmond was innocent. 

In 2021 he founded the Alba Party and I was lucky enough to participate in the online press conferences and to report on this new path for independence. I had the honour of my life when I was able to interview him.
To me Alex Salmond was the best politician of our time.
He wrote himself into the history of Scotland and he will be sorely missed. But Scotland will remember him like one of its heroes, because he was the Man, the Messenger, the Speaker and the Magician who whispered his wisdom and made a Nation follow its true path: independence.
Always in our heart, dear Alex

Tribute to Alex Salmond - Alex Salmond, First Minister of Scotland (2007-2014) - Panel Discussion 1 #Scotland #AlexSalmond

sábado, 12 de outubro de 2024

Tribute to Alex Salmond _ The Unanswered Questions... with Alex Salmond

Farewell to Alex Salmond: Your dream, our dream will never die - Adeus a Alex Salmond: O teu soño, o noso soño nunca morrerá #Scotland #AlexSalmond


domingo, 6 de outubro de 2024

Compostela encheuse de voces solidarias con Palestina e contra o xenocidio - Entrevista con Sara Ashour #GalizaPalestinaSolidariedade #Palestina #StopPalestineGenocide #StoptheWar


martes, 20 de agosto de 2024

Spies and Double Agents - Who are the Key Players via #Scotland #SNP #Politics #AngusRobertson #StopPalestineGenocide

MSP Angus Robertsons meeting with Israel’s Deputy Ambassador to the UK sparked internal criticism within the SNP, especially given the party’s stance on Israel’s actions in Gaza. Another MSP John Mason who also met with the same person had the party whip withdrawn after he downplayed the severity of the situation saying "If Israel wanted to commit genocide, they would have killed ten times as many" Should both have had whip withdrawn?